Chapter 8:💐Feelings💐

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Since Eri moved in and she had been adapting very nicely. Yoh and Miaksa occasionally took her walking in the park or took hee to restraunts or other outings with their friends to get er out of the aparment. It was a day before valentines day. Yoh sat in Miaksa living room with Mikasa to talk about Eris progress but it seemed to turn to something diffrent along the way. Eri was in his aparment wiating for him to come back. Mikasa stared at Yoh whise face was red and his eyes were closed. She then looked at Yoh. "Wait...I know that blush..." She continued. "Do you like Eri Yoh...?" Yoh looked his sisters face and nodded. He was hesitant to say it but in the end he gave in "Yeah...I do...but domt tell anyone..."

She laughed at her older brother. "Aww thats adorable..." He replied. "I do like her...but I dont know how to go about approaching that route with her...neither of us hasnt exaclty had the kind of experience of courting..." Mikasa then tells him. "Just show your affection towards says she really likes to hug you often so hug her often...I wouldnt say go to kissing soon but maybe just kiss her on the forehead...when courting men often kiss their girlfriends on the forhead..." It was strange how a mans little sister was telling him how to ask a girl out and hiw to woo a girl. He then tells her. "Oh well okay..." When doing his hero work Yoh is a fierce young man and a lowerful one at that.

His hero name makes villains tremble in their boots. But in real ife he actually has a soft heart. He was really approachable and a great friend. Though nobkdy coudl replace his bwst friend Izuku. Mikasa adds. "Tommorow is valentines day...smthis is the perfect day to do something nice for should get her a couple of know like flowers, chocolates and a teddy bear..." He didnt really know if Eri was into thay sort of thing. Even with how much she has opened up compared to before he never really asked her if she even celebrated valentines day. He doubted Overhaul did anything for her or got her a gift since the rotten bastard was so evil.

Seconds later they hear the door knock. They turn their heads towards the door. Mikasa stsnds up off the couh and walks over to the door. She looks through the peephole to see Deku. "Its Deku..." Mikasa unlcoks the door and opens to allow the quickly rising hero to enter inside of the aparment. Miaksa was the inly non-hero living in this apamrent complex because she was a major medic for hero society and a renowned doctor at such a young age. Her quirk was more proficient that of Recovery Girl and was at its current heights thanks to the said hero.

"Oh your here Yoh...I was knocking on your door to come check on Eri but you werent in your aparment because I knocked and you nor Eri she here...?" Yoh answered. "She is...she is probably asleep..." She often was awake when he came back which was sometimes late around 10. "Whats going on...what are you two talking about...?" Mikasa then answered straught up. "Yoh really likes Eri..." Yoh blushes and soflty glares at Mikasa. Deku blinkshis eyes wide. "You mean like do...?" Yoh akwardly blsuhed and scrathced his head. It made Mikasa smile sinc eshe and Eri had a covnersation about her feeling recently too. Deku smiled. "Thats not a bad thing if you like her like that Yoh...I would say its a good thing..."

Yoh didnt think thats how he would react exactly. "Is it really...?" Deku confirmed it. "Sure...In fact this will be a good thing for her...its our job to make Eri feel special after everything she went through...and besides...we havent seen her smile..." Mikasa and Yoh remembered how right he was. Eri has been emotinally happy but she hasnt been showimg it on her face because she has forgotten how to smile. So far everything they have tried they haevnt been able to get her to smile. The traumatic experience left a large mark on her in more ways than one. She was constantly torn apart and put back together by someone was just worried about their own ambitions. It was nothing but horrid and vile.

"I want to make Eri feel special tommorow..." He was going to stick to that goal. Mikasa smiled. "Thats the spirit...even though she wont exactly understand at first she will feel something..." Often on Valentines day heroes would take the day off to be with their families. This crissed Izukus mind. "Why dont you take the day off tommorow since you have been working so hard lately...since our agnecies are close in both proximity and in employment I can cover for can stay here and spend the day here with Eri..." Yoh nodded. It was all a hood idea. He would need to go and get her present before she woke up.She always woke up around 11 so maybe 8 would be a good time to get up and surprise her.


Yoh had bid goodnight To Miaksa and Izuku whow as heading to his aprment. He left to go to hs own aparment which was a floor above his sisters and a floor below Izuku. Each floor has only one or two heroes for a number of reasons. He removed his shoes at the first entrance way of hre L-shaped Hallway that led to the door of his apartment. He entered his aparment and nearly called out for Eri. He then saw her on the couch sleeping. She was laying down on it asleep and his kitten and pup were on their dog and cat beds. He assuemd Eri must have brought them in the living room so they could sleep near her.

She was wearing a night gown. He walekd over ti Eri and lifted her up bridal style as she slept. He then walked through the giant and through the aparment and into his room. He headed towards the bed and placed Eri on it. He then covered her up with the blanket gently. He pondered about the comversation he had with Mikasa and Deku just a bit ago. He then placed a genlte kiss on Eris forehead. "Here you go..." he says. He then decided he should let her sleep. Be needed to get to sleep. Even though he wasnt going to work he wanted to be awake when he went to get her present.

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