Chapter 30:💐Gifts & Name💐

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Eri sat down as She examined all of the clothes everyone had given her. It was all so great. Many of them had also included blue, yellow, grey, green, black, red, or white mittens to put on his hands. "I think the one with the thick socks and hat that Deku got him will keep him the should have him wear that when hes born..." Ochaco said excitedly. Amajiki had gotten him. some pacifiers which orginally he ws going to get ones that have botteflues but he learned from the baby shower that it was a boy. It was early December and its quite cold. She wore a black long sleeved pencil turtleneck dress, some leggings and a pair of sleek black and golden side buckled female winter boots.

"What do I use this for again...I can remember..." Eri saod as she held up a box with teh carrier inside. It was one of Tsuyus gifts. "Oh see when your doing chores around the house or if your going on a walk you can go on and use that to hold the baby inside of it...its will be especially useful if Yoh isnt there with you or Mikasa isnt there either." Eri eyes widen. She had been cooking and cleaning more often now so this was benefiacial to her. She would probably need to make sure the baby is sleeping before she could clean or cook. That would be the best strategy when approaching it. "So have you got the nursery decorations yet....?" Ashido asked.

Eri nodded. "We have a crib, a changing table, a stroller, a gliding rocking chair, and a dresser so now we just need to put all of these toys and items in there and it will be done..." Hagakures arms shook in delight. "I cant wait to meet him...hes going to be so small...when we all get back from this mission and if hes here can we all have a chance to hold him....?" Eri nodded. "Yes...all of you can hold him at one point..." Yayorozu  then cuts in to let the group of girls know. "Now wait a minute before any us hold the baby I think Yoh should be the one to hold him...its his son after all..." The girls all lower their heads. She was right. It was Yohs son. Its only natural that he should hold him first.

Eri then tells the girls. "We have also been thinking about...having another chold some time after this one..." The girls eyes widen. Ashido balled her fists up and jumped up. Depsite being an adult she is a full fleged child personality wise. "Ohh thats going to be awesome!" Hagakure said. Tsuyu then adds. "Maybe they will have like a lottle over a 1 year age diffrence right..." Eri noded. "Yeah...I wodner if its going to be a boy or a girl if we do have another child..." Ashido thdn puts her pointer finger up and winks at Eri. "Well if if he has a ltitle brither it will be soembody he can relate to a bit more...but if its a sister...he will want to protect her!" The girls nodded.


Eri sat in the gilder rocking chair inside of the now compelted nursery as she thought about the baby shower. It was such a fun time. Sheooked around to see the musical swing for the baby next to the rocking chair. There was a blue rug on the floor. Then the white dressers at the side had the clothes, diapers, and wipes. Ontop of it sat the babies miniature bathtub from Hagaukre, extra blanekts from Aizawa and the bathroom products from Yayorozu. She looked down at he 9 month pregnant stomach. It could be anytime of this month now. December was a cold month so she needs to be sure to keep herself warm and when he comes keep him warm. She just may have him wear that outfit that Deku got for them.

She closes the book in her hand. Iida had gotten the books and out of curiosity she would often read them since when she was a child she would read book when she was sad. That was a feeling she felt very often. She removes her feet off the leg rest and then stands up. She walks over to the bookcase and puts it back. Good thing didnt pit anything in this extra room because it would have been work to go on and take it all out and having to move everything else in. Eri then goes to fix the blanket that was hanging kver the sleek ivory bars of the crib. The cushion inside was tender and soft. "We arent going to put a blanket in there yet..." She remidne reminded herself. Yayorozu warned her about hazards with putting blankets on babies.

She then hears the door open. She looks up towards the door to see Yoh standing there. "Look at this Eri...Mikasa got this for us..." Eri walks over to Yoh to see what he was holding. It seemed like a backpack. She looked confused for a moment. "Its a backpack...for school?" Eri said and isntnatly regrdtted it. She knew full well that this wasnt for school in any way. Yoh shook his head. "Nope its a specially designed diaper bag...for the babh...I put anuch of supplies in the feont zipper there are botttles there and then I put diapers, blankets, a pack of wipes and that outfit Deku got for him and two otehrs..." Eri took the bag. Its qeight was Understandable now.

"Whats this all for...?" Yoh smiled and placed a hand on her head in his siganature loving pat. "If the baby just so happens to be born while me and Miaksa are gone take this with you when you go to U.A... Ill come back to both of you..." Eri smiled and tesrs welled uo in her eyes. She then hugged Yoh. They were highing mroe often now since they were so close to parenthood. "I have picked out a name for him now..." Eri looked up at him. "You have...?" He nodded. He then kneels down in front of her and to her stomach. He talks to him. "Im going to be gone for maybe a day...and if your born while im gone I want you to know ne, Eri, Mikasa and everyone else is waiting on you...Tanjiro..."

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