Chapter 33:💐Labor💐

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Eri sat next to All-Might and watched the news on the computer in the faculty room. She looked at the screen. Since the cameraman was in a helicopter she couldnt see everything very well. She wondered what Mikasa was doing too. If she was down there fighting wi th the amazing skills she dispalyed when she went ahead and protected her from the villainous thugs. All-Might noticed Eri was shaking. He wodnered if this was a sign. "Are you okay Eri...?" Eri nodded. " just worried about Yoh and Mikasa..." All-Might placed a hand on her shoulder. "Dont worry...Young Takeyama and Young Mikasa are both have seen it for yourself right...?" Eri paused before nodding. She ahd seen it. When Mikasa procted her. Then Yoh on the news fighting villains.

Especially during the incident awhile back with the fallimg bridge. Eri thought all of that was comeplty impressive. She had grown to think of them both as the most important people in the world. She was glad she had been patient because if she didnt then this wouldn't have happened this way. Eri then feels a surge of something go over inside if her. As though someone just kicked her with a boot. She went forward a bit and All-Might over to her. "Are you okay Eri..?" She looked at him with tearful eyes and then a sound was heard. Water fell out of the chair and dripped onto the floor. All-Might looked in disbekief for a second before realizing. He looked at her. It was time.

"Eri are you...?" Eri tried to stand up but abunch more water came rushing out of her. There was a little bit of blood which caused All-Might to help her back in the chair. "Nonono...sit down...I need to get Recovery Girl and call Principal..." He then oushed a button that was on the wall that read "Nurse Alert". Recovery Girl must have been the nurse of the school. Well Eri should have guessed that much considering her hero name. Eri then felt a significant contraction which made her eyes blink in hkw shocked she felt at how painful this mist have been at its worst. That changed soon when she felt a horrible one. All-Might had picked up the faculty phone and called Nezus office. When he had answerwd he asked. "Yes All-Might....?"

"SIR PLEASE CALL THE HSOPITAL PLEASE!" All-Might said over the phone to Principal Nezu. Seconds later Recovery Girl enters the faculty room. Eris contractions were teetering from bearble to unbearble and back again. Recovery Girl then tells her. "The paramedics are coming to get just breath..." Eri folowed her directions and began to breath in and out slwoly snd camly to calm her body down. Her blood was on fire as her child began to dilate her cervix slowly. "This is what Yoh gave to you in case this were to happen right...?" Eri nodded while clenching her eyes shut. This was painful. Though she could take it. She had went through even worse physical abuse and mental abuse. So all of that braced her somewhat.

It wasnt as painful as being torn apart and put back together. Eri held Recovery Girls hands adn All-Might held her other. Time passed and about 15 minutes later the pramedics came into the room with a stretcher. "Come mam..." The paramedics helped a in pain Eri stand up. She really wanted ti stay and hopefully see that Yoh was okay on the screen but that wasnt possible now. Another painful shock went through her body. She cried out. They gently helped her onto the stretcher. She was actually scared now. It was painful to move alot since she was having all of these contractions. Eri desperatley wished Yoh was here. All-Might then asked. "Are allowed to go with her?" He asked as he stared at the doctor. "Yes only two people can come however..."

Recovery Girl and All-Might agreed to go. "We will come with her..." Recovery Girl held the diaper bag Yoh had put together. She couldnt believe Yoh managed to predict when this baby were to come even if he didnt know exactly when. She was rushed through the hallways of the prestigious school. She was still in aching pain and it semed to worsen the longer they took to get outside. She cotinued to use her vreathing exercises that Recovery Girl had told her to use. They finally reached outside the school. She was taken down to the ambulance. The bright flashing lights made her eyes hurt a bit and blidned her somewhat. All-Might boticed this and covered her eyes as they boarded the ambulance.


When they got to the hospital it was abunch of of chaos. They unloaded Eri from the ambulance. She could feel her cervix stretching out and her body cried angrily. She then found hersed very happy as she was going to meet her son very soon. She was guided through the hospital as All-Might, and Recivery Girl followed with the paramedics. Eri clenched her teeth when a very bad contractuon ripped through her veins. She closed her eyes as tightly as she possibly could. They then entered a emergency room. "Okay mam...we are going to need to transer you to this your going to need to stand up again...are you ready...?" All-Might and Recovery Girl looked at Eri with hard eyes.

Eri nodded as she sat up. Good thing she decided to wear a dress today so thing were a bit easier. Although it was wet and ruined now. The group helped her up and off the stretcher and carried her to the bed. Eris upper body was placed on the bed and paramedics pushed her legs up onto it next. "You are a strong young woman man..." Hearing another person saybwhat she has been told before made her feel happy innthat moment. Then she whined a bit from the pain. The doctor came inside of the room. All-Might had to leave the room and Recovery Girl stayed. The medics put her legs on stands so she could open them. "Okay mam..."

Eri looked at the doctor. "Im going to need you to start pushing..."

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