Chapter 16:💐News💐

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Yoh was dressed for work. He didnt change into his hero costume until he got work since his costume is always at his agnecy. He was going to have an important conference with Deku and other heroes. Hopefully Bakuuou wont ve as explosive on a day like today. It had been a week since he found out that Eri was pregnant with his kid. He wanted to feel comfortable teing everyone and now he felt comfortable since Eri is now 1 month and a half in. Yoh then puts on his hanafuda earrings that were given to him to by his late father. He missed his parents. He sighed at the thought of them and exited the room. He then left the bedroom and walked through the aparment.

He stops when he sees Eri standing at the front door holding a bag of something. She was standing there and blushing feeling a bit embrassed. "I made you some lunch...I feel confident enough to make it for you im going to start making you lunch more often..." Happiness spreaded through Yohs body when she said that. "Thanks Eri..." He said. The back was warm so whatever it was she just cooked it. He kissed and patted her head lovingly. "Ill see you later..." She then waved to him and he exited the aperment. He walked through the hallway qnd skipeld his red sneaker shoes on that were at the entrance. Today as going to be a day.

He was stopped by Mikasa he was heading out the door. "Hey big brother heading off to work..." He looed at Miaksa with a knowing look. Mikasa kept her smile. She tgen began laughing at the face. "What...Eri said she wanted to surprise you..." Yoh told her. "You should have told me when you found out I could have been notified before...Im deciding to tell everyone today..." Mikasa palced a hand on his shoulder. "Well you already know everybody is going to be excited for this..." Yoh then tells her. "Im excited for this little sister..." Mikasa then tells him. "Well if you are going to have chidlren you better give me one nephew and one niece each...I want to experience both..." He laughed.

"I can't make any promises..." .iaksa looked at him as though he was insane. "Im not saying promise im telling you to give me a niece and a nephew...!" He looked at her and spoke. "How are you going to tell me what to give you when its not up to me...besides I dont see a bun in the oven for you better give me a niece and nephew too!" Mikasa clenched her teeth and tells him. "Fine I will...I just beed to find someone bery special within the next 3 years...whoch shouldnt be to hard because I have good looks right...?" Miaksa wasnt wrong. She had the body depsite it being hidden by the kimonos, hakamas and yukatas she would often wear. "Gotta go see ya little sis..." They waved later to each other.


Yoh changed into his hero costume. Before the conference he decided to tell Deku first since he was his best friend. "Hey Deku...can we talk for a moment...?"  The green haired man nodded. "Yeah sure what up..." He probably should have told Deku when theyw ere sutll at their homes. Yoh answered. "Well its about Eri..." Deku looker at him and blinked in hard glare. "Did soemthing happen!?" Yoh shook his head. "No...well yes but its a good thing...for me and her..." Deku looked at him. "Oh wow reslly well what is it..." He was glad he told Mikasa that he wanted to tell everyone about it. "Well you see last week Eri surprised me with somethibg special..."

Izuku asked as he adjusted his glove and looked at Yoh. Deku was slightly shorter than Yoh.  "Eris pregnant Deku..." Deku blinked his eyes wide and he froze. "Is she...?" He wasnt expecting that. The last thing he would have ever thought. Yoh nodded. "Yeah..." Deku paused deep in thought for a moment. He couldnt believe it. "Wow...congratulations to you and Eri..." They then stop and turn around to see others staring at them with either shocked faces or smiles. "Really...?" Yoh nodded. "Yeah seriously.. I woukdnt lie to any of you..." Yoh reached into his bag and holds up one of the test sticks. He brung it in case no one believed him. Then a celebration came about.

"ALRIGHT!" Kirishima said. Ochaco and Tsuyu clapped with smiles on their faces. "Congratulations!" Ashido clapped her hands. "This is so exciting...I wonder if tis a boy or a girl...if its a boy it will grow up to he so cute and and a girl she would be so pretty!" Mirio cut in. "Depsite it being a bit fast this will actually be very good for Eri...have you guys talked about getting married..." Ghe group apsued excitedly to hear his answer. Yoh blushed in reply and answered. "Yeah...we have talked about it...I had asked her about and she wanted to get married...I have now qualms about it..." Ashido then tells squeaks.

"We should have a wedding and invite everyone..." That wasnt a a bad idea at all. "Eri will look so pretty in white...!" Ochaco said. Tsuyu smiled and adds. "Although if shes pregannt shes going to need to fit the dress around her offese ribbit..." Tsuyu says looking at Yoh. He sweat drops at the frog girl. "None taken..." The Yayourozu then says. "We should throw you guys a baby shwoer too...and it should be a gender reveal party too...!" Ocachos blushing face smiled as she spoke. "Oh that would be so much fun!" Yoh nodded. "Yeah I guess we can do something like that..." They all begin to head to the confrence room.

"In the furture will you have any more children...?" Ashido asked curiously. Yoh nodded. "Yeah well im thinking about it...I had always thought that I want to have atleast one child of both genders..." Tsuyu then tells him. "Youll make a great dad Yoh!" Yoh clenched his teeth when Tsuyu said that. He puts on a small smile. "I hope so Tsu..." sicne they were friends Tsuyu liked him to call her Tsu. Ashido silently whispers. "Hes so hot when he smiles..." Yoh sweat dropped and decided to pretend he didnt hear that for her sake.

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