Chapter 13:💐Sick💐

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Over the next three weeks Eri had been feeling sick. She hadnt told about it to Yoh nor Mikasa. She was nervous to tell Mikasa she was feeling sick all the time because she felt the bluentte would be angry at her for being sick despite her telling her to tell her if she was feeling sick. Eri ran to the bathroom and went to the toliet. She threw up into the toliet. She was told by Mikasa the best place to throw up was into the toliet. Well that is if you eat bad food or get food poisoning. It would often happen that because when food is cooked slighly off sometiles it gives food poisoning which is common. More notably the cooking that comes from Yoh. Eri covered her mouth.

Eri washes her hand and leaves the bathrooom. She was hungry again and she had eaten like 30 minutes ago. She then hears a knock at the door. When the knock came her breasts began to hurt. That was the wirst thing that happened to her during the last three weeks. Everything else she was able to deal with besides the throwing up and the pain she felt in her breasts. She wondered if it came from. Eri walks towards the door. She knew it wasnt Yoh because it was still 4 hours before he would come back from doing his hero work. She hadnt even started cooking. She told Yoh she would cook him food for when he comes back.

That is since he took up a night patrolling job with Deku and Lemillion. Eri opens the door and sees Mikasa. "Oh Mikasa hi..." Mikasa greets Eri. "Hey Eri whats going on...?" Eri replies. "I was just about to start cook-!" Eri then ran from in front of Mikasas eyes widnen and followed Eri as she ran through the aparment. The pets were kaying down on the couch and the cat let out a meow since it saw both women run. Eri ran into the bathroom and quickly opened the toliet. She then threw up and gagged. Her throat was a bit on fire having just thrown up twice. Mikasa looked at her in horror. She had an idea of what was wrong. "Eri...are you alright...?" Eri closed the toilet seat down and pushed the flush button. She was weakly sitting on her legs.

"Im fine Mikasa...just a litle bit under the weather..." Mikasa bended down on one knee. "How long have you been feeling like this...?" Eri answered as she scratched her arm. "From time to time in the morning for the past 3 and a half weeks..." Mikasa qaa shocked with her answer. "Why didnt you tell me...?" She wasnt mad she just didnt believe Eri didnt tell her after she told her to tell if she was feeling bad. "Have you told Yoh...?" Eri answered. "No..." Well atleast she didnt tell Yoh like she asked her too. Mikasa then stands up and helps Eri up by taking her hands in hers. "Well I have an idea whats wrong with you Eri..." Eri looks at her when she stands up completely. "You do...?"

Mikasa nods. "Yeah...but kets eats something first because your probably hungry..." Mikasa thent akes Eris hands and guides her out the bathroom to go throughthe aparment. She then looks at Masa and Aki. "We will be back Masa and Aki..." The dog barked and cat meowed in response to Mikasas words. The two women left Yohs aparment. They closed the door and walked through the L-hallway before coming face to face with the few lairs of shoes thay were on wooden the ground. Eri slipped her flat shies that were on the ground and Mikasa into her sandals. She then helps Eri out if the entrance way to the aparment to go to.


Upon eating a big bowl of salad and onigiri Mikasa had made Miaksa had given Eri a pack of digital pregnancy test sticks. Eri was confused. "What do I do with these....?" There were 5 in the pack. Mikasa had bought them when Eri told her about her and Yoh. Mikasa then tells Eri. "You havent peed this morning have you...?" Eri shook her head. "No I havent...I need to go now though..." Eri blushed. Mikasa then tells her. "Okay Ill explain really quickly...if you can..." Mikasa opens the package and takes all five tests out and activates them. "If you can...pee on this for every single one of them and when you do close the cap on each one of them...when your done give them to me...dont tell Yoh about this just yet..."

Eri understood what to do but she didnt understand why. She would ask after she did what was asked of her. She took all of the sticks form Mikasa and went into the bathroom to do as Mikasa asked of her. Mikasa stood outside of the bathroom. She waited patiently for Eri to finish after 30 seconds she spoke. "Are you okay Eri...?" Eri replies as she continued the task she was given by Mikasa. "Im fine...Im almost done..." Mikasa noded. "Take your time..." Mikasa waited another 30 seconds before Eri came out holding all 5 of the sticks i  her hand. She had put the cap back on every aingle one of them. "Now we wait..."

Eri gives her the sticks and they sit together on the couch and wait for something that Eri asked about. "What are we waiting for Mikasa...?" Mikasa then tells her. "We are waiting to see the results from this preganncy test see if your pregnant Eri..." Eri pondered for a moment.  She then recalls what pregnant meant. When an egg of a woman is fertalized by the mans semen from sexual activity. She read about it in a book. Eri sat watched all of the sticks with Mikasa  as they waited for 5 intense minutes. Then seocnds later all of then go their answer one by one. They all read the same.


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