Chapted 17:💐Research💐

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The next week Eri sat down next to Miaksa as she was reading about babies to her. Especially since Eri didnt know as much as she should about them. With the next week she will be two months in. Mikasa was her doctor since Mikasa had experience and was certified for this sort of thing. She had studied it whwn she was in the U.A supprot class. Eri trusted Miaksa the most to do this so she was entirley comfortble. Eri then asked. "Do I need to breastfeed...?" Mikasa denied. "Oh no its optional if you want to breastfeed but alot of people say it hurts...even though breastfeeding creates a deeper bond with the mother..." Eri then tells her. "Im going to do it..." she was hirt worse than that before so it shouldnt really hurt her.

"Also when you are nursing a want to lay it on his back for the first few months...then around month 4 lay it on its stomach for tummy it can practice rolling over..." Eri then asks another question. "Wont it have hard time breathing if I lay it on its stomach because they are weak when they are born...?" Mikasa then tells her. "No they wont...thats exactly why you need to wait until the 4th month to lay them on their stomach even though they wont crawl yet..." Eri looked a tthe books page and asked not finding out her next question. "When do babies normally start walking...?" Mikasa answers after thinking about the questuon fir a considerable amount of time.

"If I remember correclty...maybe abiut 6 or 7 months old...they begin to walk when the are over an entire year old..." Eri places a hand on her stomach. She gently holds her hand in place. "Wow Mikasa you sure know alot about this..." Miaksa blushed and smiled thanking her for the statemennt she felt was a compliment. "Well thanks...I went to U.A and studied the support class...sicne I have a healing quirk, I devote my power to using it to help others...healing quirks are so hard to come by and arent as common as all the quirks you see the heroes have so I want to put mine to good use...especially if it means helping others...since im a support type of hero I will foten assist my brother and other beroes in oeprations..."

Eri was amazed with Mikasas assessment. She was very passionate about being a healer despite not having a flashier quirk but a rare kind of power. Eri then smiles briefly before asking another questuon relating to the baby. "What's childbirth like...I know not form your experience but from the ones of people thay you helped them have their chidlren.." Miaksa smiled. "They say antur birth is one of the worst pains youll ever feel since your cervix is being ripped...but they give you medicine to numb the pain so its not that fact alot more bearable...and if you want to go with soemhting a bit more surgival you can try C-section where they just cut you open and take it out..."

Eri felt like she can take on antural birth. Besides. For the past 5 years she had been overhauled by someones quirk time and time again. It couldnt get anymore painful than that. Besides they can give he pain medicine and can actually consider how she feels unlike her former captor who is im tarturus awaiting his most liekly pending trial. She felt there was no greater punishment for him and she holes he gets what he deserves. It hurt her heart just thinking about that man. She clsoed her eyes and shook it off. She didnt want to think about him right now. She was focused on physcially and mentally preapring herself for the upcoming months.

"Are you nervous about it Eri...even just a little...?" Eri nodded. "There is a small part of me that is...but im going to be fine..." Mikasa nodded. "Okay well me, Yoh and the others have your back..." well all the others except Sir Nighteye who had died after the raid was compelte and her rescue was accomplished. Although everyone agreed not to tell her this anytime soon. It would he too cruel. Especially since she is finally in good spirits and is the best she ever felt in her life. "Can we get some Ice Cream Mikasa...?" Mikasa nodded and stood up. She quickly go up and went to get her a bowl of strawberry Ice cream.  She put in 7 big scoops because she knows that Eri wants alot of it.

She walked back into the livig room with the bowl and handed it to Eri. "Thank you...why do I get this hingry from just being pregnant...?" Miaksa answered. "Its not a bad thing...since your eating for yourself and the baby then your gonna neeed double or sometimes triple the amount of protein and food you consume..." Eris eyebriws furrowed a bit frim confusion before realizing what Mikasa meant. "Oh I im feeding it by eating...and ebcause of that I lose protein since im no log er feeding only myself...?" Mikasa nodded. "Yes thats why its critical you eat vitamins and food often enough to support you and the baby..."

Eri looked at her stoamch and was more nocibale before as it had a hardened look about it. "When you ha ve your baby shower then our gonna need to get some serious stuff...9 months may seek like a long time but when the baby is born its a game changer...your gonna need to be ill start buying some diapers when I get the time to..." Eri looked up at her. "So soon...?" Mikasa nodded. "Yes...we also gotta plan your wedding too...Yoh had already said everyone was open to coming to the look so good in a white kimono..." Eri blushed mentally. "When the exact date of the wedding...?"

Mikasa answers. "We arranged for it to be a month before thw babies due date which  is somewhere in December...assuming it wont come early..." Eris eyes raised. Her birthday was in December. She and her child will have the same birthday month. She looked at Miaksa in confusion. "Babies can come early...?" Miaksa nodded. "It happens from tiem to time...but dont worry...we will go to the hospital I work at so the doctors I work with can help..." Eri nodded. "Oh...okay..."

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