Chapter 22:💐Congratulations💐

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The next time Yoh went to work was two days later he took the pictures with him so when he sees Deku and Mirio for lunch he will show then to the two since they wanted to see the ultrasound pictures. Yoh was in his agency office writing some reports about the hero work from the people working in his high ranked agency. Oddly enough he did office work in his hero costume. His mind went to Eri. He always thought a out her when he went to work. She was just at hime by herslef with Masa and Aki and technically Miaksa since they lived in the same luxury aparment complex. She was the only non-hero resident  besides Eri and all the heroes that have family living with them there kr are going to.

Then thats when theres a knock at the door. Yoh hears one of his secretaries voices. "Sir...?" Yoh kindly spoke. "Come in..." The woman entered. Now when it came to his agency Yoh operated fairly. He wasnt so strict on attire and never mad his secretaries where uncomfortable attire or made them dress in short skirts. This secretary had a pair of slacks on a pair fo flats, had her hair in a ponytail and some glasses. Then a suit jacket that went with the attire. "What is soemthing wrong...?" Yoh asked. The woman smiled and told him. "Hawks is here to see you sir...!" Yoh blinked. He hadnt actually seen Hawks since the billboard charting event.

Yoh then tells him. "Oh...well you can go ahead and send him in..." the woman nodded and as she walked away a not so silent squeal was heard. Yoh smiled when he heard the squeal. Hawks was a ladies man. Yoh was too but Yoh was more shy in that regards. Seconds later he sees Hawks walk inside. The winged number 2 in all his glory. His glorious angelic red wings and in his hero costume and he seemed to be holding a book of some kind. Hawks never visisited him so suddenly. He wondered what he was doing here. "Whats up Yoh...its been a little bit..." He nodded and looked up at Hawks from his small amount of paperwork that was left. "Hey man...I wasnt expecting you to come here...what made you fly by...?" Hawks then asnwered.

"I heard your getting married and your gonna have a kid...arent thkse things something to celebrate...?" Yoh turned a bit red. Hawks then tells him. "Whose the lucky lady...a fan...?" Yoh scratched his head. "Well not exactly...she didnt know who I was..." Hawks wasnt expecting that. "Wow must be easy to keep things on the low better invite me to the wedding..." Hawks said clenching his teeth. Yoh added. "If your coming then your going to need to invite me to waer a kimono..." Hawks shrugs. "Thats fine...and your gender reveal is going to be here im coming to that to since Mikasa told me when it is..." Hawks clenched his teeth and was unnoticably sweating.

The small devices in his wings were able to record his voice and him talking with Yoh. Even show a video. He was risking Yoh and his newfound familys safety by doing this. He had to though. It was the ony way to halt the villains later. Yoh scratched his head. "I dont mind...Mikasa told me im goin to shoot a ballon with an arrow and smoke willcome out of it..." Hawks' eyebrows raised. "Thays awesome..." Hawks then changed the subject not wanting to.expose Yohs buisness to the villains any longer. "So wht have you been up too...?" Yoh answered. "Nothing just taking care of Eri and dealing with this investigstion...wait what's that..." Yoh looked at the book in his hand.

Hawks looked at the book in his hand and answered. "Its a book about quirk philosophy and diffrent types of warfare and such...I brought it for you to please read it when you have time...well the parts I have my suggestuon as the number 2..." Yoh picks up the book and looks at it. 'Meta Liberation War?' Hawks then begins walking out. "Ill also be there for your baby shower after I find out the gender of your kid...maybe even get ya a little something...later and congratualtions again man..." Hawks waves as he leaves the office outnof sight and closes the door behind him. Yoh looked down at the book and briefly looekd at a few of the pages. Some were highlighted.


"Wow so this is your kid...?" Mirio asks as he examines the photos of the ultrasound. Yoh scratched his head. "Yep it is..." as he ate the the veggies, curry rice, and the 5 sticks of mitarashi dango Eri cooked for him and ade for his lunch. He was very proud of her for learning and improving her cooking skills just so she can make him a lunch everyday. " hally for you...just wait till its born...everyones going to fight to be its god parent..." Yoh sweat dropped. "Yeah I kind of saw that when I told everyone Eri was pregnant..." Especially Ashido. Yoh then remembers Hawks' visit. Yoh then reaches into his lucnh box where he put the book with his stackble steel bento boxes.

"Hawks visited my agency today too and he have me this book..." Mirio stuck the ultrasound pictures back into the envelope and they look up to see Yoh holding a book that they apparently were also given. "Really...when he visited us he gave us that book too..." Yoh raised an eyebrow. "Really...did he highlight some stuff in the book...?" Mirio then nods. "Yeah...I read the highlighted parts but none of it made sense..." He said the the two. The three men were confused and had puzzled looks on their faces. "I wonder if he gave this book to anyone else..." Yoh said as he thought a out anyone else he probably would give it to.

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