Chapter 25:💐It's A....💐

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The day of the hender reveal had come and everyone was overjoyed. The baby shower will take place next week on this same day. By then everyone will know what Yoh is having. Currently everyone was enjoying the party and it was 30 minutes befoee Yoh would shoot the ballon with the mystery color smoke of it with an arrow. Eri currenlty was surroudned by all girls and socializing with them. So many questuons hurled her way and even more things about the baby. Eri ahd given them the ultrasound photis to look at and that seemed to enhance their squealing and energy. "Wow I can see its feet!" Ochaco said pooking at the photos. Ashido was holding a photo and smilong as wide as a clown.

Tsuyu then asks. "Have you picked oit a name yet...?" Eri had her hands on her stomach as she answered. "No not yet...I told Yoh he could name it...but he hasnt picked a name out for it..." Yayorozu curiously asks. "Can we touch your stomach...?" Eri turned red and nodded a sshe moved her small feminine hands on the top of her stimach so all the girls could palce their hands onto her stomach. The hardness of her stoamch was there. Then suddenly there was a force that cane from inside of her stomach. The gurls all squeled excitedly for the seemingly thousandth time. "Its kicking!" Well more notably Ashido whi punched the air passionatley. She was sitting next to Eri on the couch on the first floor.

From a distance where all the guys were nearly everyone collectivley sweatdropped while watching rhe girls covnerse in the sitting area of the 5 floored agency and get lost in conversation about the baby and are having a debate about what the name should be and what it may look like. "I swear thet are like a pack of damn dann annoying!" Bakugou said downing his drink and slamming the glass at the table he was sitting at. Then he yells at the top of his lungs. "Don't you all shut up for once...!" Froppy then speaks interrupting Bakugous rant intro. "Bakugou obviously will never be a father...if he does though he will not a very good one..." Bakugou angrily took offense to thkse wirds and claps back at Tsuyu. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY FROG-FACE!?"

The guys sweat dropped again. "This is supposed to be a party Kaachan...calm down..." Bakugou shouted at Deku. "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU DAMN NERD!" Everyone continued to sweat but now the girls and Eri included. Kirishima shook Bakugous temper off and spoke. "But what gender are you hoping the baby is Yoh...?" Yoh had answered instantly sicne he already knew the answer to that question. "I dont care what gender it is because I love it all the same..." Kirishima blinked. "Wow...your a good manly..." He says eating the slice of cake Mikasa baked for the party. Todoroki then cuts in. "The baby shower is next week right...?" Yoh nodded.

He can tell Todoroki was a bit concerned about something. "Then when us the wedding again...?" Yoh then answered. "It wa going to be in december but its postponed due to the upcoming raid soon...we probably shouldnt ve talking about right now even though its just us heroes here pretty much...especially since Naomasa said to not do so..." He had told the people that worked under him in his agency to take the day off so they could have this party and het the gender of his kid. Naoamsa ttought this and the baby shower was also a good qay to relax everyone before they go on the dangerous mission of breaking down the villains who have strengthened their power.

"That sucks..." Kaminari said as he scratched head. Aizawa simply added. "Thats what it is...we cant slack off no matter what...when teh time coes we all will need to be ready for anything...from what we were all told the villains are plannimg something big..." Iida then adds. "Eraserhead is right...for now we can enjoy ourselves and be carefree...but when the tume comes of the raid we need to be vigilante and focused..." The raid is the month when the baby is due. December. That struck Yoh in the heart because a ything could happen during that team. He will also be in a complelty diffrent prefecture from Eri and thats where he was concerned the most. He wasnt taming her to Giyu since villains are on the outskirts of mustafu despite the safe protection from him.

He had asked All-Might to stay with her at U.A to watch over her with a few heroes and police so she can be extra protected since Mikasa will be joining the operation due to her healing abilities and something else. He wasnt sure why else unless its what he was thinking. If it was then why couldnt they just ask their great-grandfather to do it. Although he is rather old and the reason will leave him in bad shape and since Mikasa is younger she can take it more than their elderly family member. "What if its a girl...then will she grow up to be just a hot as Eri...she probably will have big..." Mineta had cut in but then was put down by Aizawa. "Dont get ahead of yourself either..."


Everyone was gathered around as the ballon was floating. Everyone stood behind Yoh anxiosuly as he held up the bow and arrow. Due to learning how to shoot with an arrow he was really good at it. Well despite being more of a martial art person. He and Miaksa know martial arts and trained with their famlies ancient martial art, Sutasuken. Everyone watched their herts raced as he aimed the arrow at the lone ballon before narrowing his eyes and slowly letting go of the arrow. The arrow was fast and ripped through the air at breathtaking speed. Then the ballon bursted when it came into contact. Then ballon came a cloud of unmistable blue mist which caused everyone to cheer. "ITS A BOY!" Yoh was surprised. It took a moment to register.

He had blocked out all the cheers. 'A son...'

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