Chapter 27:💐Strong💐

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Eri stood next to Yoh who was dressed in a zipped up jacket and a pair of jeans with his red sneakers. He notices Deku and Mirio sitting at some of the seats in the courtroom filled with abunch of other heroes. Yoh held Eris hand and they slowly and quietly walk over to the pair that were sitting down and turned their heads to see the two. They then sit down nex to them and Yoh begn to ask. "Whats going on...?" Eri looked at Deku and Mirio. "Do have to speak..." Mirio then tells them. "Youll know when to go up there and speak...they will call for you to go up to the podium..." Eri nodded. She looked over through the courtroom thay was heavily secured with police officers and a handful of heroes to jave her eyes land on Chisaki.

The mans hair was messy and he didnt have his mask on. He had rashes on his face most lielly to to his germpho ia and something she noticed about him was that he was armless. He didnt have either of his arms. He didnt look much diffrent except the arms, his hair, the mask, and even more so his posture and attitude. "When you are ready to speak to him you first ask the judge if you can speak to him since he may want ask you for your name..." Eri nodded. She disnt know anything about law but Yoh had tild her some information about it on the way there. It seemed to be a complicated matter. Especially when heroes were in the mix.

There were alot of things that often needed to be take into account with it when regarding villains though. But in this case it was nothing to hold with account. This whole scandal was revolved around intent and free will. She was forced agaisnt her will to be apart of it and was abused all for the sake of allowing his twisted vision to come to life. Thanks to Yoh and the heroes that changed and thigns were the way they are now. Then thats when she was called. "You can bring her up..." Rock Lock said as Yoh nodded and helped Eri up from her seat. She moved her hair out of her fsce and walked from the courtroom bench. She wlaked down the wakway up to the podium and as she did this Chisaki sees her.

She looka straught at the judge. Chisakis eyes were emotionless as he stared at Eri. There was a deep pain in his hear but seeing her wasnt the reaosn why. Looking at her made him think of the boss. He felt even more horrible seeing the core of his plan that escaped from him stand in the same room as him. It reminded him that he failed. He then notcied her large stomach. He was confused for a moment before the last thing he would have thought came to mind. She was pregnant. Disgust crawled up from his stomach and was threatning working its way up through his throat. Eri stood at the podium and looked up and at the center as the judge began speaking to her and all eyes were on her. "Name please he said..."

"Eri...E-R-I..." she said. She learned to read and write from Yoh so spelling was a skill that she picked up along the way too. The judge nodded. "Thank you very much for coming here on this day...I know it must be very hard for you to stand there right now..." Eri nodded.  "May I speak to the...defendent..." she said nealry forgetting the word Yoh asked her to use. "You may..." Eri thent urned her face towarss Chisaki unable to read what he was thinking. All that was in his eyes was blankness. She then began to say her peace. "Chisaki...or Overhaul rather...initially I wasnt going to come here...not because I ddint have anything to say to you..but because I did not want this child im carrying with me to be in the same room as you..."

She continued. "Even unborn life shouldnt be subjected to that...thays how much I hate you for what you did to me..." She said with fiercity. "I met you when we were both 15 and I knew the day we crossed paths would be the day my world came crashing down upon me even more...with the burden on my back for accidentally killing my father with my quirk and the scarring of having my mother abandon used that just to toy with my emotions and make me feel small...thats something that says alot about who you didnt just take advantage of a girl...but a girl who lost her father at her own hands by mistake...and a girl who knew her mother didnt love her so left her in the dark...just for your ambitions..."

Eris disgust was evident in her voice. The whole corutroom was shaken by her fierce and powerful words. She really was strong. The police and heroes commended her bravery of speaking so boldly to the former yakuza boss. Chisaki stared at her with no emotion on his face. He blinked from time to time but it was difficult to tell what he was thinking. He had a feligns he ahd been pregnant by someone from looking at her stoamch but he didnt know who. It amde him sick to even think about it. He seems to hve spaced out as she spoke and came to attentuon as she continued speaking."...I could go on and on for days maybe even weeks or months about how your abuse affected me..."

She then ends with the downside. "But that would be a waste of time since you just dont care...."Eri looked down at the wood of the podium and her hair covered half of her face. She then brushes her hair behind her ear very smoothly yet quickly and continues to eventually finish her entire 5-minute timed experience testimony strongly. "I hope you get what you deserve and where you are going because...I dont say this to anyone but I can make an exception for will never mean anything to anyone..." Eri turns to the judge. "Im done...thank you..."The judge bows to her. "No tha k you...your so incredibly strong to jave endured this and being able to face this man today must be a challenge..."

He continues. "I hope things continue to go good for you...Im very proud and hally for you and im so sorry all fo that happened to you...I know because your so will raise a strong child...I can understand how youf elt about coming here a out having to face him with your child but have no fear...your vkice is a pillar for your child and I know for sure that youll be a great mother..." Eri bowed her head respectfully. "Thank you..." Eri turned to look at Chisaki with a glare before stepping off of th e podium and the courtroom erupted into claps. Eri had grow so much in a year. Overhauls sadness and anger piled ontop of one another. Eri sat down next to Yoh who put a hand on her head and patted her head before gently laying her head on his shoulder.

He then takes her hand into his and smiles as he looks down at her and their child in her stomach. Eri was strong and so their child was defiantley going to be strong.

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