Chapter 23:💐Decoded Message💐

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Yoh sat with Eri eating dinner that she cooked. It was karaage. Yoh liked eating this particular dish when Eri cooks it so she makes it often. Of ocurse shes going to have a little ice cream and diffrent kinds of food marathons and after but that was fine. Yoh was looking down at the book Hawks had given him. He kept looking at the pages with highlighted words Hawks told him to look at. Well just the highlighted parts. He seeme to enphasize that he look at the highlighted parts mroe than anything. Eri swallowed the chicken she just fnished chewing on. "Yoh is soemthing the matter...?" she asked her fianceé as she looked up from her food. Yoh looked at her and answered. "Oh no its nothing Eri jus tlooking at thisnbook Iw as asked to look at..."

Eri got curious. "Really what is it something bad?" Yoh dissmissed her curiosity by waving his hands and laughing akwardly. "Its nothing really just for my hero work..." Eri still didnt seem to be too convinced but nodded. He took another bite of the chiken that Eri cooked. He was still at a standstill. Naybe he should just continue reading it tommorow. He clsoed the book and pushed it a bit away from him. "Its nothinf to worry about...maybe I should jsut look at it tommorw...its not like its going anywhere..." Yoh said to hismelf silently. Eri then speaks to herself. "My chest is sore..." She said. She ea sin her 3rd trimester. He then tells her while patting her head. "Its okay..."

Eri then tells him. "Do you mind if I eat some of the ice cream after this to..." Just as Yoh thought a sighed with a small smile and simply says. "You can have it if you want it..." Eri blushed feeling very guilty. All she does is eat, sleep and get sick. This is really what pregnancy does to you. "Ik sorry...I know I always eat everything up from you Yoh...thats why I try to make you lunch every sing day..." He patted her head gently in response to her apology and explanation. Yoh reassured her as he ruffled her the hair on her head. "No its okay it could be worse...atleast you dont hve mood swings...even if its like this going forward I still want to have another child..." Yoh said as ruffled her hair a bit mroe before removing his hand. Eri blushed and gets up to kiss him.


With Eri asleep and he was finsihed getting out of the shower he dried his hair and musuclar hero form off. He puts on hisnsleeping pants and his matching button up sleep shirt. He couldnt stop thinking about how bad it could be. Odd things had veen going on lately. First it was the kyushu incident with that nomu looking creature, then it was thise strange men or people that have been stalking majority if of all of the heroes, now theres a strange book about quirk philosophy and how villains arent evil but the evil comes from rules of society form limiting use if quirks. Yoh shook his head. Oddly enough Hawks was the ine that gave him the damn book in the first place.

He probably should try to undestand the highlighted areas before he went to sleep. He didnt have work tommorw. It was so he could spend nore time with Eri and naybe start planning the nursery for the baby little bit. Yoh then finishes brushing his teeth and quickly headed into the living room. He walked over to large Tv thay was surroudned by the evem larger surrounding tv enterraiment center. He looked in one of the drawers to find his laptop that midt be chraged sincs the last time he used it was when he and Eri were doing research about parenthood. He picked up the computer and clsoed the drawer. He ahd the book and his laptop and headed to the couch.

Masa and Aki were both sleeping on the couch curled up in their sleping positions. Yoh turned on the laptop and signed into his account. He then opens a new search page. He looks at the book and quickly looks at the screen and types in "Meta Liberation War". You then read all the information on it. Apparently it was written by the notorious villain Destro. Yoh had heard of him before from Great-Grandpa Giyu. He had been a rather notable figure when it came to the fighting agaisnt government laws about quirk usage. He had formed some organization called the Meta Liberation Army. He narrowed his eyes as he read the article he was looking at.

Lately this book had been selling rather well and so abruptly lately for soem reason. Yoh didnt know how old this book was but it must have been soemthing if it was so old and everyone still continued to buy it. Especially in this modern times. Yoh then picked up the book and used the light from the laptop to look at the highlighted words on the books pages. He had read alot surprising about the organization and who their leader was. Yoh recalled Hawks' serious attitude when handling or even talking about the book itself. Even more so about its contents and the larts he highlighted. From what he could gather he Hawks seemed to want to tell him soemthing but couldnt.

Thinking about it why would he even bother giing all the way from kyushu to just give him a book or even highlight parts of the book for him. Yoh wasnt stupid. He had soemthing come over him and just thought of what he was told. "My suggestion as number 2..." He then looks at the 2 or 3 pages that seemed to highlight. He put two and two together."Wait....THE SECOND WORDS IN EACH HIGHLIGHTED SENTENCE MAKES A MESSAGE...!" He reads the message. "Liberation...Army...Taken...Over...By...Leugue...Members...Over...100,000...In...Three...Months...They...Will...Invade!" His heart stopped. He then closed his laptop shut.

He then solidly cursed under his breath. "SHIT!"

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