Chapter 26:💐Support💐

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Yoh and Eri sat together feeling rejuvinated after the gender reveal party. They now know what their baby is. "Im going to have a son..." Yoh said to himself as he sat and ate the dinner Eri cooked for him and herself. She had made some pre packaged lasanga since it was easy to make as she just popped it in the oven and let it cook for over 3 hours as the instructuons asked. However she also made chocolate chip cookies since because she was really hungry. Well he knows why she amde cookies. Her cravings were off the charts again. "We are having a little boy..." He said blindly. Bot exaclty to Eri but to himself. Next time he goes to see his grandfather he will probably get elbowed in the stomach by him thay shows the happiness.

Especially since Guyu shows his happiness or to tease everyone in mysteruous ways like what was just said, burping, chuckling, and even pretending to forget someones name. Eri ate a forkfull of her lasagna. She had often been eating veggies and sweets through her pregnancy so eating meat is something she often treasures since there are some eats she just cant eat. Then the only fruit that she will actually eat was apples. only the red ones though oddly enough. The fruit she just cant bring herself to eat is peaches. It makes her sick to the point where she would just like to throw the simple fruit out the window. Not as an act of hate but as an act of not wanting to do anything with the poor sweet fruit. Yoh dosent mind though since he hates peaches.

"Are you ready for tommorow Eri..?" Eri had finsiebd her lasagna already. She had reached over to grab her some cookies and picked up 3 of them. Eri looked at Yoh confused for a moment before remembering and nodded. "I think so..." The thought of having to confront that mam while carrying her son did scare her a bit. She wondered what his reaction was going to be once he sees how she looks and the way she lives. Then she will see if he will still try and antagonize her for being who she is. She will see how he likes it since she can do it to him and bot feel afraid to do it. She had so many things she wanted to say to that man but knew she would need to keep it very shirt and sweet.

Eri at her cookies. Yoh then asked her. "Do you feel scared about seeing him after nearly an entire year..." Eri then answers him honestly. "To be honest no...but I am because im carrying our son with hurts to have to be able to go into the presence of that man while carrying my child...but I have so many things I want to say to him and I want to clear myself and move on so I need to do this..." Thats how she truly felt. She had stopped eating her food and he stood up. " you want a hug...?" Eri nodded. "Yes...I need a hug..." She stood up and then the pair embraced one another affectionatley. He kissed her head gently and stroked her hair with the other. This was all she needed in her life to feel compelte.


The next norning the two were asleep in their now shared bed as Yohs alarm went off. It was currently 4 since the trial was to begin at 8. So they had really 4 hours to get ready which was more than enough time to get ready and leave. They only took showers or baths at night before they went to sleep. Though they brushed their teeth in the morning. Yoh rolled over and turned the alarm off. He sat up slowly and stretched. They jad went to sleep earlier than usual for this particular day and reason. He looed over to his left to see Eri still asleep. He genlty whispered to her. "Eri its time to wake up..." The pregannt woman looked up and nodded. She was helped up by Yoh. She wasnt wearing pants since her 7 month pregnant stoamch couldnt allow her to bend down.

She sat up. She yawned. She wasnt tired. In fact she was wide awake. Yoh gently kissed her cheek and stood up. "We need to be there before 8 so we have more than enough time to get there..." Eri then speaks. "I have a question...where is the trial going to be....?" Yoh answered. "Its going to be in mustafu courtroom...since the city os close to tartarus...when the sentencing is completed then he will be sent to the prison..." Eri nodded. She felt her heart pace quicken. It was going to be the first time she saw the man that caused her trauma and so much had changed since that day. She wondered if he has changes his mind about her. Not that she cared. He could hate her and she wouldnt care.


Eri had dressed herslef in white long sleeved pencil dress that went abover her knees  with a light brown pair of ladies winter boots with a pink ribbon to tie them up. Especially sicne winter was approaching and would be there next month and it was cold. Eri stood and Yoh were in the far driving to the trial and she looked down at ther stoamch and placed her hands on it as she has done all previous times through out her entire pregnancy. She did it as an act to soothe the baby. She didnt want this child to feel tense about being near someone who caused harm and pain to its mother in the past. She felt a sharp kick in her stoamch. Yoh looked and noticed Eri jumped a bit.

"Are you dont feel weird do you...?" Noticing the look on her face. Eri answered. "Oh no...he just kicked...its nothing..."

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