Chapter 21:💐Ultrasound💐

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The day Eri met their grandfather was an intresting day to say the very least. He acted like Gran Torino and pretended to forget Eris name and Miaksas name palyfully much to Miaksas hilarious and rather tremendous dismay. When Yoh was told about it he facepalmed and sweated and apologized to Eri in a blushing mess and was embarassed. Being the nice person she was she answered that it was okay since that was just who he was. He and Gran Torino were like Twins. Especially sicne hrey had spent all their time together and trained Toshinori. Mikasa didnt know who Toshinori until she discovered that he was All-Might from Deku which came as a surprise.

Putting that aside she and Eri both were in the examination room in a hospital. They were waiting for the doctor to come in and do the ultrasound. Mikasa wasnt an ultrasound tech do she didnt know how to do this. Eris stomach had been exposed. Eri seemed to be wondering about something. Mikasa then asked. "Is there simething wrong Eri...?" She then answered. "Oh its just wondering...will it hurt...?" She had probably asked this question but forgot the answer since she was so nervous. Miaksa reassured her. "No not at all...the doctor is just going put this sibstance on your stoamch and use this device to look into your stomsch..."

Mikasa continued. "Its actually going to be quite ticklish...." Eri wasnt ticklish at all so she didnt know what that was like. Moments later a dcotor came inside. The doctor was a woman with orange hair. "Oh its you Haruki..." Haruki smiled. "Oh hey Mikasa its been awhile hasnt this your friend...?" She asked. Miaksa answered. "Shes my soon to be sister-in-law..." Haruki pursued her lips envy of Eri. "Your super luckyyy..." She says trailing the word so she can get a name. "Eri..." Eri says giving her name. "Eri...Yoh is great youll love beat me to it..." she says sticking her tounge out at Eri palyfully. Haruki then picked up a small bottle of substance and a scanning object. "Okay its going to be cold for a second..."

Haruki then squirts a small moutain of the substance on Eris stomach. Eri felt the coldness on her skin and feels Haruki palce the scanning device on her stoamch. Well it was more of her lower abdomen. "When you get the gender put it in an envelope becuase we are going to have a gender reveal party. Haruki listened as she turned on the moniter and the machine and then seocnds later a dark pictures shiws up. "Sounds like fun..." Haruki says with a smile. Eri and Miaksa both both looked at hre moniter. "Im getting a picture just a second..." Haruki seems to be adjusting a certain thing and knobs on the enture pciture moniter before they see a picture. Eri and Miaksa eyes widne as they see the shape of baby on the moniter.

It looked like it was already formed but it still had the other of half of development to go through. She was able to tell the gender. She took some picture guessing they would want to have some photos of the child growing. "I know the gender now..." Haruki says as she slides the device acriss Eris stomach. For some reaosn Eris heart picked up speed. "You do...?" Haruki nodded. "Im certain...I can see it..." Mikasa smiled down at Eri. "Look at that Eri you are going to know your babies gender within a few weeks...!" Mikasa said. Haruki smiled. "Ill print out some picutres of this for you you want pictures of the it...?" Mikasa nodded. "Yes...Yoh would want to see them..." she said knowing how her brother is.


"So where are we having the gender reveal party...?" Eri asked as they were in the elevator to get to their aparments. Mikasa was hilding the golden envelope which contained the gender inside. She couldnt wait to read it when she got into her aparment. "Its going to be at Yohs agency...sicne everyone's off on that Saturday..." Eri nodded. She delt excitemnet rush through her. She palces her hands on her stomach as she often did. The elevatir opend and the two women walk through. Miaksa then raches in her bag and hands Eri the other gokden envelope that held the pictures of her ultrasound. "Here these are for you and Yoh..."

Just to be sure she quickly checked inside of her envelope to see if there was only one paper inside and there was. She sighed in relief feeling lgad that she didnt give them the wrong one. "Alright see you Eri..." Mikasa says as she waves and takes the envelope and heads up to her aparment. Eri excitedly walks over to the door of her and Yohs aparment. She had been given a key by Yoh to enter the aprment. She reached into the red apple purse that Yoh got for her while holding the envelope and got the keys out. She then unlocked the door and entered inside of the L hallway and clsoed the door behind her. She notcued red sheis which meant. 'Yohs here...' Eri thiugh with a smile.


Yoh sat in the living room with Masa and Aki. He was talking with the animals. "How do you guys feel about having a baby around...?" The animals didnt seem to mind the new edition to their lives. Especially from how unapprehensive they were whe  he brought it up. He then ehars the door being fiddled with. He turns his head to see his fianceé enter with her purse and and envelope with soemthing in it. "Eri! You didnt walk uo teh stairs by yourself did you...?" Eri shook her head. " and Mikasa took the elevator..." Yoh sighed in relief. He was about ti get up but Eri walked over and sat down next to him gently. "Here..." Yoh took the envelope. He examined it. "Hey whats this...?"

Eri answered. "Its the pictures form the ultrasound...Miaksa thought you might want to see and have them so she asked the doctor to print pictures of it..." Yoh looked form her to the envelope and then slowly opened the golden envelope and took out maybe seemingly 5 pictures. Yoh looked at each of them. He looks at the shale of the child that was currently growing within his fianceé. He gave a small smile at the pictures. They were just great. "Wait did Mikasa get the gender of it...?" Eri nodded as she laid back on the couch and placed her ahnds on her belly with a small smile. "They out it in another envelope and gave it to her...she must be looking at it now...." Yohs smiled stretched and he gave a swift kiss on Eris lips.


Mikasa sighed as she held the enevlope. She felt her hands shaking. Was she going to have a niece or nephew. She felt her body shaking from then intensity. Her impatinece finally gets the best of her as she opens the envelope. She slowly pulls up the thick paper that was inside. Then she sees bold letters on the paper and her eyes lit up and a big smile stretched across her face.

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