Chapter 18:💐Lookout💐

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Yoh stood dressed in a black long sleved jacket and some pants and a pair of his matching red shoes he matched with Deku. His hanafud earrings dangled as he backed up a bit as he held Eris hands. He was helping Eri into her flat shoes. She was wearing a long sleeved turntleneck dress. Her stomach was even more visible as it had a more round apprence. It was hardened a bit too. She was now 3 months along and next month will be in her second trimester. "Wait are they on the wrong feet...?" Yoh laughed. "No they arent on they wrong feet..." Mikasa was worrying about the wedding plans so Yoh could focus on his hero worm and Eri can focus on taking care of herself.

The only time they will really get involved was with the kimonos and Eris hair. Since the wedding will be in around November they will get the dress aorund late October. Eri slipped her shoes on the right feet.  She jad brushed her hair until it was well kept and neat and she put on light makeup. He then elaves with her out of the aparment so they can go out together. Yoh puts his hood over his head to cover up his hair and entire head as not to arouse suspicion if his hero identity. He promised to take out Eri so he could spend time with her. Everyone of the heroes he was close to was off this day and living their own lives. Tommorow Mirio si goign to come to the aparment and see Eri. Well thats what he had tild Yoh over the phone.


They went to the Café Yoh would often go to when he was living by himself. He would go there after work and sometimes bring Mikasa with him. He had gotten himself some tea since he didnt drink alcohol or coffee.
Since Eri couldnt drink coffee or any kimd of alcohol or caffinated drink he decided to get her some apple juice. "Apple juice...?" Eri asked. Yoh sweated a bit. "Uh like apples so I figured you would like apple cant drink alchol and coffee but I can get you some tea if you dont like apple juice is the safest drink for you...or any other fruit juices..." He said drinking some of his tea. They were sitting outside whee other people were sitting chatting and living their lives.

Many cars and people walked by on the street. Eri had been taken out to get air like this and she liked it. Being able to go diffrent places and see diffrent things. The fact that Yoh is risking his safety so she can enjoy herslef and get out made her feel loved so much more. "No I just never tried it before..." Eri takes the straw she was given and drinks some of the juice. She finishes sipping after a few seconds. "I like it..." She said sipping more of it. Yoh smiled as she continued to drink her juice. "Eri I just wanted to say your the greatest..." Eri looked up at him when he said that. She hadnt ever seen herself to be really that great. "I am...?" Yoh nodded.

"Yes you are a really good person...forget everything and whatever that stuff that Chisaki bastard told you...your a beautiful human being...your quirk was given to you for a reaosn and used it to help me and Deku...I cant wait to amrry you..." He said leaning forward and patting her head. Normally husbands dont pat their wives heads and boyfirends dont do it to their girlfriends so commonly either but Eri felt special when Yoh did it to her. He then looks in the corner of his eye to see someone shady that was standing ways away. He made sure to not let Eri notice where he was looking and stared dead at her.

Eri then spoke up after taking another sip of her juice. "Yoh...I was thinking..." He looked at her while keeping his eye on the questionable perosn who seemed to be looking his way and taking pictures of him and his outing with Eri. It had to be them because they were more isolated than the other peopel that were sitting outside and the person was on the other side of the street  parallel to where they sit. "What is it...?" He geniunley asked. He watched as she gently placed a hand on her stomach that was entering her 2nd trimester. It looked as though she ate 10 hamburgers. She seemed to be hesitant about soemthing before attempting dismiss the discussion idea.

"Oh...its nothing...its something we can decide when the baby is born..." You then tells her. "No you can say what you want to say..." Eri blushed before answering. "I was just thinking...what should we name the baby...can we decide on a name we wont have to pick one at the last minute...if you can see what I mean..." Yoh then silently speaks realizing the idea was a good one. "Your actually right...that would a good idea..." Eri then looks up and smiles. "I want you to name the baby Yoh..." This distracted him from keeping his attention off the shady stalker for a moment. "You dont want help me to name it....?"

Eri shook her head. "I want you to name it..." Yoh blushed before regaining his mindset and thought hard and deep. He noticed the stalker take another picture before vanishing into the darkness of an alley. He then tells Eri. "I dont think I have a good name in mind just yet...but I will eventually...even if you said you want me to name it...if you have any ideas let me know..." Eri nodded as she took a sip of her apple juice. Yoh then turned his head to where that strange person was. 'Who was that...and why was he taking pictures of us....?' He needed to talk to Deku and Mirio about this.

Eri then nktices him looking jn the direction of across the street and looks where hew as looking innocently. "Is there soemthing wrong...?" Yoh looks at Eri and shakes his head. "Oh...its nothing to worry about Eri..."

💐Rebirth💐Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz