Chapter 31:💐Invade💐

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Yoh kisses Eris forhead. It was strange seeing him dressed in his hero costume and looking so tense. Yoh usially was so calm and collected. They stood in the in the hallway of U.A. "I have to go...Ill see you soon..." He pats her forehwad and quickly gets on one knee to kneel in front of her stomach. "Tanjiro...try and wait for me...if you cant...Thats okay...Ill promise ill be back as soon as I can..." He placed his forehead on her stomach. Whatever the little boy was doing in there he hoped that he could hear his father speaking to him. He stands up and higs Eri really quickly.

The door to the faculty room opens and reveals All-Might or Toshinori as Gran Torino and Grandpa Giyu called him. He handed the bag of supplies to Eri that Mikasa had made for them
Yoh speaks to hre former number 1 hero. "Thanks so much for this All-Might..." The retired hero scratched the back of his head with a smile. "It no problem...I can understand..." Yoh bowed his head to him. and kissed her forhead. "See you soon Eri..." Yoh pats her head one more time and wlaks passed her. He needed to join his team to grt to Aichi. Eri watched him run down the hall until he disappeared. Eri then enters the teachers lounge while being greeted by All-Might.


Yoh flew a few children to safety. His flames surrouned his feet surged from the soles in his shoes. hoping the people evacuate out of the city as the battle with the villains rage on. "Everyone get all the people out!" Uravity said floating diffrent people and having Sero pull them with his tape to get out of harms way. Yoh flew above Deku, and Ground Zero. One of Endevours Side-Kicks Burnin groaned in what was anger and annoyance from the static everyone's radios arebeing resulted. "My Radio is going Haywire!" She said angered. She hears soemthing come from Endevour but has a hard time litseing. "One For-what!?" This made Deku, Ground Zero and Yoh come to attention. 'Did Deku tell Endevour about One For All...' enough people know as it is.

He told him and Bakugou about and All-Might had explained it to them. The group of three boys then hear Endevour through their earpeice radios. "Shoto, Blackflame, Lemillion, Deku and Ground Zero we need all of you down here!" The said men all looked at one another and looked up to see Todoroki flying across the sky towards where the heroes that were battling against Shigaraki and the High-Ends.  "How many High-Ends are there?" Shoto asked as he looks down at the gorund and can only see abut 3 of them fighting agaisnt the heroes. Blackflame then asked over the radio. "HOW MANY HIGH-ENDS ARE DOWN THERE ENDEVOUR!?" Endeavor answered after seconds of recalling how many he had seen come out from the capsules.

"THERE WERE SO MANY BUT MAJORITY GOT DESTORYED SO CURRENLTY THERE ARE AROUND 9-10!" The boys then looked at one another. "Theres 10 of em!" They all nod. "Lets go!" Ground Zero said angrily and they flowed down to the ground. Deku used One For All to attack all of the Nomu. He oicked them all which zeemed to knock the wind out of all of them. Bakugou then blsts a few of them with his AP shots. Shoto easily creates a barrage wall of red flames. Lemillion could only use his quirk to dodge and prevent himelf from  getting hit all the while he attcked. Blackflame then uses his gren flames aginst the Nomu who barley jsut manged to dodge the heat.

Then thats when they all see Eraserhead being helped by Rock Lock and Manual. Blackflame quickly stops using his flames and looks over to Rock Lock. He then asks. "Whats going on...what are you guys doing...wheres is Endevour and Shigaraki?" Blackflame asked. Manual answered his question. "Shigaraki is over there facing off against Endevour and he seems have enhanced his quirk...!" Shigaraki could decide when to decay soemone or something now. However when he decays something everything connected to it will decay as well. Even if a decaying piece that falls off and lands on someone or soemthing, that person or thing will decay. Blackflame began to sweat. This was a problem.

Blackflame looked from as distance and he looks over where Endevour was. Looking he could see Endevour and Shigaraki were. They seemed to be engaged in a batte as Endeavor uaed his quirk to attack Shigaraki and he dodged out of the way skillfully. "Was his strength enganced in the process!? A being assisted Eraserhead answered. "Yes...right now im nullfying his decay so he cant use it...apparently that doctor was supposed to give him more quirks with this enhancement...but since we attacked he didnt manage to finish the process in time..." Blackflame felt relief come over him. He could only imagine what would happen if the man had more quirks.

Then they sees Endevours body being thrown towards themselves Blackflame eyes widen. 'They arent kidding...' Blackflame then shouted. "MOVE!" He flew out the way while Manual, Eraserhead, and Rock Lock jumped out of the way. Blackflame renauned in the air as he looked over from where Endevours form was. Endevour forced himself on his knees and glared at the villain. Blackflanes hoodie had came off due to the winds force against his clothes. He looked over to look at Shigaraki and looks from the corner of his eye to see Rock Lock and Manual leading Eraserhead away but nearby so he could continue to nullify his quirk while Manual jeeps his eyes hydrated. Balckflames teeth clench.

Shigaraki then smiled insanely at the flying hero. "Takeyama what a pleasent surprise...first the number one, Midoriya, Bakugou and now you..." So the villains have been keeping tabs on the heroes while stalking them. They could do whatever they wanted to him but if they think about going near Eri, Mikasa or anyone dear ro him for that matter then they are going to have a problem. Then Shigaraki decided to taunt Blackflame even further. "Wheres your sister she isnt here to heal you if you need it? Thats unfortunate..." Endevour yelled at the angered hero. "DONT LET IT GET TO YOU BLACKFLAME HES JUST TRYING TO RILE YOU UP AND MAKE YOU DO SOEMTHING WRECKLESS...!"

Blackflame then silently spoke. "Shut-up..." Shigaraki raised his arms in a welcoming gesture. "I sometimes wonder if she would have been easier to kidnap that day...the League had always needed a healer..." Yohs flames grew hotter. "Shut-up!" Shogarako crossed the lone with these next words. "Or maybe...If I had captured her that day...could hve torn your fianceé to pieces..." Blackflame built up flames and quickly was over Shigaraki. "WHAT I DIDNT EVEN SEE BLACKFLAME MOVE!" Blackflame yelled while blasting Shigaraki with his buening Black flames. "I SAID SHUT UP!" Shigarkai moved out the way but his arm was burned. Thiugh the pain meant nothing to him it really burt and his arm was truley damaged. This was bad for him.

Yoh prepared his flames again. He hoped that Mikasa was oky whereever she was.

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