Chapter 39:💐Winter Wedding💐

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Eri walked along in a straight line with all the girls standing behind her. Miaksa stood behind her and she was holding a very queit and slighly sleepy Tanjiro who had a pacifier in his mouth. They had fed him and then had his diaper changed before the ceremony so hes less liekly to make a commotion during it. Eri walked and she eventually Yoh and the men come into view. He was wearing a mens kimono which was covered by a haori. Since it was snowing the attenders that are directlt behind the bride and groom hold an umbrella to cover the bride and groom from the snow as a sign of respect and honor. Eri blushed as she noticed Yohs red face. He seemed to be embarassed. Eri lowered her head from his eyes to hide her face.

Yoh stared at Eri in amazement. She was beautiful. She was gorgeous. It amazed him to see her looks beautiful depsite her having some insecurities about her looks. Of course that wasnt her fault. With the environment she was in just a little over a year ago didnt exactly appreciate her beauty. He wanted nothing more than to run over to her and kiss her but his mind onstructed self-control and patience. This was a sacred ceremony that has been in their family for genrations. Behind him Deku and Mirio with smiles stood holding the umbrella to shield him from the snow. They co tinued to walk forward before they were face to face with one another. Eri tilted her head up to look at Yoh.

They had already been joined together physically. But this will make everything even more compelte. Eri would have never expected to het married at a temple shrine. But always expect the unexpected. When all of the attendants were at their sides they all turned and face towards the shrine. Everyone was facing the shirne and began walking over to it at a slow pace where Giyu stood holding something. It looked like an antique bottle and there were two opening that were on opposite ends of one another. There was a white liquid inside. Mikasa had already explained the whole process and that it was blessed tea which she found very intresting.

The shrine was large and it seemed to have abunch of photos of diffrent people on it. It must have been Yoh and Miaksas diffrent family members as all the women, men and children in the photos have either blue hair or red and black hair. She even sees two photos and in each of those photos  Yoh was in one of them by himself and the other had Mikasa by herself. They looked to be about 15 years in thos picturss or slighly younger. When tehy had to step up on the steps everyone else stayed on the stone ground. Since the roof of the shrine covered the spot where they were to stand no snow would get on them. Giyu smiled at his great grandson and his great-dauvhte in law.He was proud of his grandson.

He couldnt have found a better woman no matter the circumstances shew as under. When he was tild everything about what happened with Eri he felt sympathetic for her and that made him like her even more. He admired the fact that she didnt let mistreatment of one man put her down and kept her head up and put up with the abuse for the sake of others. If anything Eri was a true hero in his eyes. He had told Wri that they day he met her and it made her blush a little bit to be called a hero when she dosent fight. Though you dont need to fight to be a hero. Heroes come in all shapes and sized and forms. The cermony began. It was quite soothing.

Eri had learned what he was sayong since he wasnt speaking english as he was speaking. Mikasa had explained it to everyone since she was taught how these wedding ceremonies their family does. They were already legally married since Yoh and Eri signed paperwork and Eri got Yohs last name. Eri Takeyama. Eri, Yoh and Everyone out their hands together in prayer when the Giyu let out his final words of peace. They then recited the words that were given to them to say. Bakugou gad the most trouble keeping up with everyone since his pronunciation was hrrouble. He wanted to lash out and yell out his trademark "Damnit' but he kept his tounge in leash for Yoh and Mikasas sake.

It was only fair he kept quiet. No matter how unlike him it is. Yoh and Eri both bowed and then Giyu hands them the sacred two opening bottle. He held the bottom for more supprot as it was heavier than it looked. The pair then slowly brung the bottles to their moths and both ddunk soem of the belssed white tea. The tea was sweet tasting. There wasnt so much in there due to the fact thay it may make their stomachs hurt but it was enough to satisfy their taste buds. The two then finished drinking the white tea. Then they backed up from the bottle. Then they faced each other and shared a nice warm kiss. Everyone in attendance bowed their heads and clapped.

Eri and Yoh parted with smiles on their faces. Eri held back tears. She and Yoh then shared a loving hug. The hig was nice and long. Eri joy was visible by her face and body language. Deku and Mirio stare at both of Eri and Yohs smiling faces. They were so happy to be there with one another. It brought a tear to Dekus eye. Deku then wiped his tear away from jis eye. Mirio then whispered. "Its good to see Eri happy after evrything she went through..." He felt fullfilled that Eri was able to smile and can honestly say that they saved her. Even if she smiled awhile ago.

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