Chapter 29:💐Mikasas Skills💐

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Eri and Mikasa currently walked in town on the street so Eri can get some fresh air. Eri was wearing another long sleeved pencil dress with a pair of flats since it was easy to just put on and walk in without struggling to do so. They had seen Nejire today. Mikasa and Nejire were such good friends. She wont be able to make it to Eris baby shower so she visited Eri and have her 2 outfits and a pack of diapers. Oh and she put Eris hair into two ponytails which Mikasa and Eri didnt mind. "Do you feel tired of walking Eri I know most pregnant women will feel tired after walking even if for just a bit. Eri then answered. "No I fact im not tired at all..." Mikasa then added silently.

"Oh...yesterday Deku told me that when everyone went shopping for your baby shower the day before yesterday it was chaos..." Eri looked over at her curiously. "Really why...?" Mikasa answers whule surpressing a loud laugh. "Because everyone was so at a loss because they were just confused as to what to buy for the baby...They said Bakugou had the most diffuclty finding something to get..." Eri didnt remember exactly which one Bakugou was but she knew he had quite the explsovie persoanlity. She rested her hands on her stoamch as they walked. "I much stuff did everyone actually get..." Eri said sort of scared of the answer.

Mikasa answered. "You will find out on Saturday..." Eri nodded. "Oh okay..." Mikasa had gotten her and Yoh a crib and she had given it to them early so the nursery coud have it now but she also has something else thats much small but very highly needed when a baby is in the equation. Mikasa continued to walk beside Eri. She wasnt dressed in a kimono or yukata like usual but ddessed in a long sleeved blue jacket a pair of blue jeans and some ankle boots. She had put her long hair into a nice ponytail whcih was unlike her. Eri had asked her why she was dressed so diffrent but Mikasa didnt exaclty give her a liable answer.

Then that's when suddenly there was a loud laugh coming from up ahead. Abunch of the people walkig on the street begin running away from the scene. Mikasa and Eri stop. "Whats going on...?" Mikasa turns her head to see a gang of villain thugs. There were about 10 people and they seemwd to be robbing a store. There was this one big muscular dude who had big sharp pointy teeth and he scared Eri the most out of the entire group. Unfortantley before Eri and Mialsa could run the two women were acknowledged by the thugs. "What look what we have here...two pretty faces..." the men began approaching Eri and Mikasa. Eri stood behind Mikasa in horror.

Eri bakced away while a blank faced Mikasa faced the thugs. "One of em is knocked up..." he said pointing to her stomach. Eri covered her stoamch with her hands. "She is pretty...but I like the one with the blue hair...she hotter in my opinion..." the thugs continued to throw gross innuendos towards the two women. "Lets kill the brat inside of her and fu*k her..." The big dude smiled. "I want her first..." he said looking at Eri. Eri hugged Miaksas arm hopong for Yoh to come save her and Mikasa. "I want the blue haired chick..." Miaksa coudlnt take no more bfore she removed her jakcet and gave it to Eri. She was wearing a blue and balck bra udnerneath with a black tank top over it. Thdy lcidkd their lips. "Oh she has some nice titties too..."

"She's stripping for us..." Eri then watched in horror as one of the men reached out to touch Miaksa. She swiftly moved out of the way and some blue energy surroudmed her body. Then she jumped into the air and did an aerial roundhosue kick on the man. The dude was compelty knocked out. The villains gasped as they were not expecting that. "YOU BIT*H!" Another one yelled as they all charged at Mikasa. Miaksa easily diged left and right despite 9 people all attacking her at once she jumped up and kicked two men into their groups truck knocking them out. Eri coudlnt believe it. Miaksa didnt even blink or sweat as she took these guys down.

Mikasa moved her upper body back and backflip kicked him in the jaw causing him to fly up into the air and fall abck to groung unconscious. The men tried to punch her but she grabbed their wrists and psuh the fists away she presses her hand harshely onto their stomachs. She then elbows them on thes isdes of their heads. Eri watched as Mikasa made quick work of the thigs while her ponytail is flowing behind her. She simtote eously dogded an attack from five of them at once whe they all used what Eri assumed to be their quirks. The blue aura around Miaksa reflected in Eris eyes. Mikasa knew martial arts. She wodnered if Yoh knew how to do this. Its incredible.

Then Miaksa confrotned the final dude. The miscualr one. He swing his large fist on her. Her body bakced away on its own and built up a bleu energy. Then she shouted. "KI 2ND FORM: PUNSIHING PRESS!" Her hands pressed into his gut and you would think he probably fractured his stoamch. The man seemed to be twitching very badly and his eyes look like they were going to fall out of his skull. The villain tumbled backwards and fell. You would think he was dead if it werent for the groaning. Mikasa then goes back to Eri with concern. Eri huhhed her jacket. "Are you okay...?" Mikasa asked. Eri nodded. "Yes im okay...that was amazing..." She ddint know Mikasa could fight.

She dosent even look tired. "How did you do that...I thought you said you have a healing quirk..." Miaksa answers. "I do but that wasnt my quirk...that was a me and Yohs family martial art called Santasuken...if one were to look at it they would say its a quirk but its actually not...its actually just my ki doing these punsihing blows...I used the good side of the art....there is a dark side but its a forgetten component to the art...I used the good side on these guys...the fighting style was created to kill...but thats why we restrain the full potential of it when we use it..." Eri asked. "Is Yoh able to use it...?" Mikasa nodded. "Yeah of course...where do you think he got his muscles from...?"

She and Yoh were trained by the Great-grandfather since ethey were both 4 years old. Mikasa was better than Yoh at it though. Then they see a familiar people come over to them. There were dozens of police cars coming to the scene. They see Yoh, Mirio, Deku and Suneater. "Are you two okay...?" Eri nodded. "Yes Mikasa fought all of them off..." Yoh garbed in his hero costume then tells her. "What did I tell you about fighting..." She was only allowed to fight if Yoh knew about it and where she was. Which was going to the a situation coming up soon. Next month was when it happens.

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