Chapter 6:💐Advice💐

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Yoh had decided to start sleeping with Eri from time to time as to calm her nerves. Whenever he slept with her she never had nightmares or bad visions of any sort. It was as though he was the cure to her fear. She felt like she could endure anything when Yoh was near her. Her hear throbbed when she was near him. She didnt know why though. She sat on teh couch and rubbed Masas back and he purred. Aki was sleeping agaisnt Eris foot on the ground.  She needed to talk to Mikasa since she was still around here to talk to and she wasnt as familiar with the ither heroes who lived her. She felt that if she talked to Yoh about it she would embarass herself. Eri then stood up and walked through the living room area until she was at the door. She was going to visit Mikasa.


Mikasa looked in the mirror as she put her makeup on. Since it was early in the morning and she had nowehre to go today she just pit on light makeup. Mikasa was dressed in a yellow and white kimono. While she finsiehs up her eyelashes she hears knocks at her front door. "One moment please..." It must have been Eri. She had a feeling considering Deku and Yoh were cyrrently doing their hero work. The U.A Sports festival for the all of its students were coming up soon so they would need to work hard to maintain their high approval ratings so they can have some interns come in and eventually have work study students. Especially since bith Deku and Yoh are quickly rising heroes. He and Deku are like beat pals and Bakugou was their childhood friend.

Bakugou has envy with both of the men. Especially since their U.A days. Mikasa sighed as she thought abotu the temlered man then puts her makeup and her smqll mirror back in her zipper bag. She stood up and walked from her living room to the front door. She then unlicked her door and opened it up to see Eri fully dressed in a long sleeved white dress. The deess went just above her knees and she was barefoot due to having skide tour shoes off at the first door that was at the end of the L-shaped hallway in each aparment. "Oh hey look really nice...and I see you have been trying out makeup...your doing very well..." she was happy see Eri was slowly adating to becoming a woman.

Not that wearig mekup makes her a woman. Its just a matter of most women wear makeup and Eri just always wanted to try it. But due to the cirumstances she was in she never got to try it. "Thank you Mikasa...can I talk to you...?" Eri asked curiously. Mikasa moved out of the way to give her entrance. "Sure...of course you can..." Mikasa steps aside and grants Eri entrance. Eri steps inside of Mikasa aparment. She had bene in her aparment a few tiems and that was msotly to hang out with her, Yoh and Deku. "Would you like some tea...?" Mikasa asked as she walked into her kitchen area. Eri nodded. "Oh yes please..." Eri then walked over to the dining table and sits down.

Mikasa poured the steamed tea that she was already steaming up into a couple of cups. "What do you want to talk something wrong...? Eri looks up when she walks over to the thale and sets the two cups of tea on the table she then takes a seat next to her chair. Mikasa sat at the end of the table and Eri sat to her left. "What is it you not like it here...?"Eri answered. "No I like it here...its just that I have been feeling strange lately..." Mikasa nodded as she litsened. 'Oh...does it have anything to do with your your horn hurting or is it going a bit out of wack...?" Eri shook her head. "No...Its nothing bad...well I dont think its bad...but it has somthing to do with feelings..."

Mikasa blinked. "Your feelings...?" Eri nods. "My body becomes all warm inside and my face turns red alot...It feels so strange and diffrent...but it also feels nice...." Mikasa looked at her with wide eyes thay formed upon blinking them open. "Your body becomes warm inside...?" She nods. " only happens when im around Yoh..." Mikasa heart began beating. Eri seems like she really likes Yoh from everything she
was jut told. Mikasa already had a feeling right when she said the last sentence about Yoh. Eris naivety was to be expected considering the circumstances she was living under all of her life. "Its something you feel when your around you feel ut around anyone else...?" Eri shook her head.

"No..." Mikasa smiled as she drjnk some of her tea. "You like Yoh right...? Eri nodded. "Yes I do...hes so nice to and treats me well....when I was to scared to go back to sleep I asked him to sleep in the bed with me..."  Mikasa blushed when Eri said that. Yoh was a softie at heart despite his headstrong and critical public apprence as a hero but she never knew Yoh would be that much of a softie. It sent a tear to her eyes. She blinked the tears away and told her. "You probably like him in a romantic way Eri...have you ever thought about it like that...?" With the 2 months she has actually known Yoh,  she grew attached to hin quickly. Most likely cause cause the kindness she felt from that hug when she had been being chased by Chisaki.

Especially when he and Deku fought that final battle against the said villain. Eri looked at her. "Romanctically...?" Mikasa nodded. "Yes...your most likely in love Eri..." The thought never crossed her mind. "In...Love...?" Eri said. She had never been in love with anyone. She never felt any kind of love go her way until she was saved and started lviing with Yoh. The heroes showed her fun times while she had been in the hospital.  But the feelings she felt from that love was diffrent from the ones she felt with Yoh. The love from Hoh made her feel as she previously said warmer and has such a deeper impact on her. Mikasa then tells Eri.

"Its okay to feel these things Eri...if you want to be in a relationship with Yoh thats fine...he needs someone to come home to everynight and your always waiting for him to come back right...?" Eri nodded. "Yes..." Mikasa puts a hand on her shoulder. "We also hug often too...I feel safe when im in his arms..." The hughing routed from the day she now says that she greatfully bumped into him whike he had been walking with Deku and Lemillion. "Well go slowly for now and we will see what happens..." Eri flet better now that it was off her chest. Though she tried, she couldnt bring herself to smile just yet.

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