Chapter 4:💐Write💐

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Eri looked down at the food she had just cooked. This is the first time she actually cooked something on her own without Mikasa or anyone being there with her. She had made Shougayaki. Although the pork was burnt a little bit. She had burnt the other 3 times she tried making it so this meal almost didnt happen. It smells good atleast. She put some lettuce with it. She had made this for Yoh since he was coming back alot earlier than usual which was great. She figured he probably didnt eat since he was coming back early and he would eat later in the day. She hears the door being fiddled with so she quickly picks up the plate and chopsticks and walks over to the door.

The dog and cat had both followed her and sat next to her having been trained to not leave the aparment door. The door opens and it reveals a Yoh who just returned from work. He was dressed in a long sleeved maroon shirt with some jeans. He didnt have his shoes on since he left them in the shoe closet that was the entrance of the L shaped hallway that led to his apartment. Yoh stood barefoot and sees Eri. "Oh hey Eri...your awake..." he sees the plate of shougayaki and lettuce. She had a blush on her face and looked at him. "Did you cook that for me...?" Eri nodded. "Yes...I thought I would do it on my own...even thiugh its sort of burnt...will you still try it..." He nodded. "Of course...."

Yoh then is handed the plate and chopsticks from Eri. He then heads to the dining table and sits down. Eri follows him and sits down next to him in a chair. Aki and Masa follow them and lay on the ground next Eri and Yohs chair. "Lets see how it tastes..." He then takes the strip of pork and eats it. He chews on it. He didnt even care if it was burnt a but it still tasted good. Eri then sat and dqueezed her hands into fists. "Do you like it...If you dont its okay...Ill eat it myself..." Yoh nods. "Oh no...Its great...very delicious..." Eri was shocked as she watched him eat the rest of the plate at a good pace.

"It is...? But its burnt here and there..." Eri said silently. He smiled at her and reassured her. "No its fine...I dont care if ut was compelty burned...the fact that you made it for me makes it great...I perfer this over just eatung sandwiches all the time  to be honest..." It made her happy to know that he didnt care if her cooking was burned and he was still appreciative of her. He gave her a smile and she trued to return. She attempted to tilt her mouth upwards but it still refused to turn upwards. He looked at her with sympathy. "Still no smile...?" She just coudlnt do it. That man still haunted her. Yoh stood up. Eri then shocked him by embracing him. He breathed and hugged back.


It was late now. Yoh sat at the table and was writing. Eri currently had just finished taking a bath. Eri looked at him from where she stood. She was dressed in a long sleeved shirt and  some pajama pants. Then she was barefoot. Her toes were painted thanks to Mikasa who painted them red along with her nails. Eri had removed the light makeup she was wearing today. Mikasa insisted that Eri grow into wearing makeup like any onther woman so she can have an experience of being normal especially considering her circumstances that she had came about from. Eri was drying her hair with a towel since she didnt want to use her blowdryer.

She walekd over to Yoh who was dressed in a sleepwear and his black and red hair was messy. Eri asked. "What are you doing Yoh...?" He then  looked up at her. "Oh well I was writing a report about how well you have been doing..." Eri blushed. She had been having nightmares but she didnt tell Yoh about it as not to cause him problems. She then tells him. "Oh...and you need to have it written down...?" Yoh nodded. "Yeah..." Eri holds her arm and silently says. "Nobody ever really showed me how to write..." Yoh blinked his eygs wide when she said that. Eri had a look of guilt on her face. He couldnt believe what he was hearing.

"That man never taught you how to write...?" She shook her head. "No..." Yohs disapointment in Overhaul grew even more. He never taught Eri a basic skill like writing. Could this man stoop any lower. He dosent know if he could get any worse than lack of educating her and killing her over and over again. He was insane.  "Can I sit down with you while you do your report...?" Eri asked as she held the towel in her arms. He nodded. " can sit down...I guess it would be better and hear about how you feel from your mouth...especially since thus us what the report is about..." She then gently pulled a chair out and sat down. Aki and Masa were both sleeping in their beds which were in the living room area.

"Eri do you feel okay living here...?" Eri nods. "Yes...I feel normal and you, Nikasa and Deku have been nothing but nice to me..." Despite her uprbringing she can tell when people are being genuine towards her and this is one of those situations. Eri then asked Yoh. "Also if you can...can you teach me how to write...?" Yoh finished writing the sentence and told jer. "Well yeah...thats what im here for right...?" Eri was near a smile again but she couldnt smile. She then expressed her happiness  by jumping up and hugging Yoh who surprised by the abrubt hug. He then hugged her back with the same tenderness she hughed him with. The same warmth she fet from him whem he held her
on the day they met was there. She didnt want to let go.

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