Chapter 20:💐Great-Grandfather💐

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When Eri became 5 months she wen with Mikasa to go meet their great-grandfather. Mikasa peeked at Eris now very noticable stoamch change as it was practically bulging. "Wow...its now noticble entirley week we will go get the ultrasound to determine the gender..."
Eri looked down at her stomach. She was sitting in the passengers sest of Mikasas car. She was wearing a nice black kimono with white flower designs on it to give it sime nore decoration if not color. The kimono that uses ties instead of an obi sicne its difficult to put on a kimono obi with a large stomach. Also their great grandfather isn't compelty japanese so he likes psople that visit the temple to wear kimonos. Since they were having a wedding everyone will be requested to wear kimonos as a sign of respect.

"Now Grandpa Giyu is kimd in a good way but he liles to play jokes that okay with you...?" Eri nodded. " is..." She was oky with that. She could change soemones personality. Eri then thought of Yoh. Thinking if his face made her blush. She recalls the earrings  that he would often wear those earrings he has in his ears at all times. She had never asked him what they were. "Mikasa can I ask you something...?" Mikasa turned to look at Eri. "Yeah what is it...?" Eri replied. "I was wondering about thise earrings Yoh wears...what are they...they seem very very important to him..." Mikasa blinks as she continues to drive and smiles. "The hanafuda earrings? Yes they are very inportant to him...and to me too...they are the Takeyama family male heirloom..."

Eri looked at her as she continued. "Thats the male heirloom...the female heirloom is a diamond necklace In have in my apartment...both have been passed down for generations....the earrings belong to our father and he gave them to Yoh before he died. Eris eyebrows furrowed. She didnt have a relationship with her father. She couslnt miss him because she cant remember anything about him. Especially not what he looked liked. She had accidentally killed him when she was a child with her quirk which was now controlled and stable and left in small lump where the horn. Hopefully it won't grow again anytime soon. Soon Eraserhead was thinking about trying to train Eris to safdly use her quirk.


Eri and Mikasa both walked throught the temple arch and towards the nice large temple that has a koi pond in the center. Eri looked around. She had tied her hair up into a nice big heavy bun due to it being very long. She adkired the scenery of the large space and even all of the nature in the area. She had never been to a place like this. She was happy she did now. It was so pretty here. Then thats when they hear a voice and footsteps appriaching them. "MIKASA MY LITTLE MOONFLOWER!" Eri turned her head to see a short man whi seemed to be 5 feet tall exactly walk towards her and Mikasa. He had on a hakama and a pair of sandals like the ones she and Mikasa were both wearing except he has socks on his feet.

"Great-Grandfather hi..." She quickly bended down skem to hug him. "Great-Grandfather this is Eri...Yoh us going to marry...and also the one who is carrying your great grandchild..." Giyu looked up at Eri examining her. It took a bit before he said anything. "Your a pretty thing too...form what Mikasa has told me you seem like a very special woman!" He took Eris hands in his and bended down in respect. "Welcome to my temple...may I ask your name...?" Eri answered. "Eri..." He smiles. "Thats a lovely name..." He then looks at her stomach which was able to be seen hiw large it has gotten. "This is my grnadchidl in there..." He said. Mikasa sweat dropped at his behavior and looked to Eri with a thumbs up.


After that akward meetung theyball sat inside the temple and sat onto their knees. They were served some red bean tea at Muaksa request since Eri has been having alot of swelling and it helps with the swelling. "Thank you for letting Yoh and Eri have their wedding here Great-grandfather..." Giyu smiled. "Why of course...I want to see my great-grandson get married...I also want to meet and warmly welcome my future grand-daughter in law to our family..." Eri blushed. She felt like she was apart of it already with how kind. "Yeah but it would be nice if you hopefully dont scare her off with your joking...!" Eri looked over at Giyu.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I hope I dont scare you...sometimes I can be mischievous...but only towards those O like...its kind of a habit...I also like to play around with people...something I have common with by best friend Sorahiko..." Mikasa then looked over at Giyu. "You and Gran guys go way back dont you...?" Giyu nodded. "Yes we do..we arechuodhood friends..." Giyu.closed his eyes for a bit seemingly in bittersweet thought. Mikasa sweat dropped. Eri then adked curiously. "Is he sleeping..." There was a shadow over Mikasas eyes. "He is seriosuly having a flashback while meeting his soon to be great-granddaughter in law.

She swore this man couldnt grt any more absent midned than he already is. Giyu apologized. "Ah forgive me...I was only recalling the times when me and him did hero work was me, him and Nana Shimura..." Mikasa never heard the third name. Well maybe she has but just disent recall it. He was usally telling him about Gran Torino. Giyu then changed the subject seemingly shifting from a brief solemn mood to a more postive one. "Well now tell me a bit about yourself Eri..."

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