Chapter 15:💐Future Dad💐

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Since it was more of a perosnal thing Mikasa decided to let Eri annoucne it to Yoh on her own. Eri had placed all of the pregancy test stucks inside of of a smal present box that had ded wrapping paper. She had tied a ballon onto it and it had soe words written on it. Eri hears footsteps approaching the bedroom. She thanked Mikasa for helping her organize all of this. She couldnt think of a better way ti tell him. The room door opened and it showed Yoh who sighed from after the work he did today. He was dressed in a short sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. He was glad he was going to be off for the next two days. He then sees Eri sitting on the bed holding present box. "Hey Eri..." Before he continued he looked upa t the balloon slowly.

He read the words on it carefuly. 'I cant wait to meet you in 9 months...' He didnt understand just yet. He walked towards her and sat down in wonder. "Open it if yous till dont understand..."  He took the box and unraveled it wondering what was inside of it. She watched him open it and he looked inside an pulled out all five of the sticks. He then read them all.  His face was so priceless. Yoh couldnt believe it. He looked over at Eri. "Really...?" She nodded. "Are you angry...?" He looked down at the stucks with a smile. "No...of course very happy about going to be a father..."

Just thinking about it made him excited. Having a son or a eaughter put the thrills into him. He didnt care what gender it was. He placed the tests into the box and pushed it away. He hugged Eri to his form. He kisses her forhead and pets her head. "I cant believe this...thank you Eri...I honeslty never thought that I would ever have kids...especially with how personal I am but...oddly enough your the only person I feel like im comfortable having children with..."  Eri takes in his fire scent. She then hugs him. "I feel...the same way..." Yoh backed away giving her another kiss on the forhead.  He then asked her. "Did Mikasa know about this...was she the one who bought you these tests...?" Eri nodded.

"Yes...she told me to tell her if I ever started feeling sick to tell her about it..." Yoh raised his eyebrows. "Really ho long have you been feeling like this...?" Eri answered. "Mikasa had calculated that im a little over one month but I have been feeling like this for 3 weeks now..." Yoh felt a sense of pride wash over him. "Well I'm glad you didnt tell me until now..." He then palces his hands on her stoamch with care. He could feel a bit of a signficant change in her stomach but nothing major as of yet. "I forgot how long Miaksa told long will I be pregnant..." Yoh sweat dropped from the akwardness. "Well for 9 months..." Eri smiled. This gift will be isndie of her for 9 months.

She was a bit scared though because shes wondering how diffrent this was going to be. What changes she will go through crossed her mind. She was so new to this. "You will also need to take parenting classes too...I have some experience with kids myself considering friends have children themselves..." Notably Rock Lock who had a son just last year. Eri looked at Yoh with a blush and smile. "Yoh...can  I ask you something...?"  Yoh looked at  Eri. He accepted the request. "You can just ask it Eri..." he patted her head again still feeling the adrenerline of becoming a father. Eri then asked him. "How many children do you want...?"

Despite the relation Yoh wasnt expecting that question. He blsujed and podnered for a moment. "I dont know...maybe 1...or 2...maybe even 3...I feel like 2 would be my comfort zone though..." Eri takes his hands into hers and looks him in the eyes. "It dosent matter hiw many children to me because Ill give you as many as you want..." She said with a geniuine smile. Yoh blushed and stuttered slightly. "Oh well when you say it like that it makes me feel a bit embarassed..." Eri squeezes his hands. "Well...if your willing to give me children like that then do you want to get married...?" Eris eyes went slightly wider for a second. That thought never really came across her mind.

"Get married...?" She didnt dislike the idea at all. In fact that was something she had once thought about. In her childhood despite being abused she always wodnered about marrige. Her mother and father were married before her father had died a tthe hamds of her quirk and her mother abandoned her due to feeling as though she was cursed. She thiught in the beginning she would find someone to share her life with. But when Chisaki came into the picture that complelty changed. She had met Chisaki when they were both 15 years old.  He didnt really like her or paid her any sort of attention until he found out about the enormous power her quirk held.

As though the trauma she suffered as a younger child wasnt enough. But th is compelty changes the course. The impossible became entirely possible.  "Yeah...we can keep living together and settle down...I feep like your the only person who I can actually share my kife witrh no matter the circumstances you were in before you met me..." When he said that a tear trickled down her face. He wiped her tear gently. "Dont cry Eri..." She hugge dhim close and asked. "So can we get married...I want to...?" Yoh then added. "Well the end of the year we can have a ceremony when we get married...cosnider rhus my wedding proposal..."

He then palced a kiss on her pink lips. He had nore than ebough to pay for a nice wedding cermony. Boy he couldnt wait to be a dad and to get married. It was going to be an experience for him.

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