Chapter 5:💐Warmth💐

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Eri tossed and turned in the bed which was Yohs. She was sweating a bit. The memories of Overhaul flooded back into her. They filled her mind horridly. Her body  hurt from the mere thought of having he rbody taken apart and put back together all over again. The pain still lived inside of her. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed. She needed sime kindmess hold or a caring hold from someone she knows isnt going to hurt her in any way. Someone she knows she can trust. She covered her mouth in horror as her eyes opened. Her light blue hair sprawled beneath her. Her body shook with terror. She wiped her tears away. She laid there for a moment to sob.

She felt like this ghost was never going to go away. The memories of being called a source of misfortune and being an orchestrator of misery made her feel even worse. She neeeded warmth. She may have been covered up by blankets and was laying on pillows but she honeslty dosent feel the warmth shes seeking. It was rather cold in the room. She held her arms. She then crawled out if the rather comfortable bed and her fet hit the cold ground. She looks down at her knees before standing up and leaving the room. She decided to keep it dark as not to disturb Yoh, Aki or Masa. Atleast not disturb Yoh yet. Tears streamed diwn her face as she fought sobs.

She walked through the aparment for a bit before coming into the living room. As she fought sobs she sees Yoh sleepinf soundly on the couch. A handsome man sleeping on the couch with nessy hair and with a pilow was a sight to behold. Eri didnt see it that way. She just wanted comfort. "Yoh...please can you wake up...please...?" She patted Yoh before he awoke silently. He blinks a few times before turning his head to look at Eri. "Oh what is it Eri...wait whats wrong...?" He sat up. Despite being dark he could tell she was crying because she was fighting back sobs and some of the moonlight streaks inside the aparment were on her face so he could see glitsening. Eri wiped her tears with the long sleeve of her night gown. "I had a nightmare..."

Yoh sat up and consoled her. "Its okay Eri...Im here for, Deku, Mikasa and the oter heroes are here to help you..." He said this silently in a comforting tone. Eri the asks him. "Can I have a hug...?" She asks him. Yoh nods. He then embraces her. "Do you need to cry...?" Eri blinked as tears streamed down her face before answering. "Yes..." She began to let out her sobs slowly and emotionally. It tore Yoh to pieces that abise from a man could stretch a woman to hae an emotional breakdown. All just because his ambitions and because of the great power she holds. So far since shes been in his care she hasnt shown any signs of her quirk being activated and the small bump on her head still remained.

She cried for a bit before finally being able to say she felt all of her gried out and he asked her. "Are you okay now...?" She then tells him. "Yes...I am...but...I dont want to go to sleep by myself...can you...sleep with me...please..." What she was asking of him caused his face to turn pink. "Sleep with same bed...?" He asked. Eri replied soflty. "Yes..." Yoh then softens his expression despite his face keeping its warm appearence. Yoh nodded. "Okay I guess I can sleep...with you..." Yoh stood up and gently lfted Eri into his muscular arms. He then carried her around the living room and headed off to his bedroom. If she was going to feel better if he was with her then so be it.

He wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. He carried her to jus bedroom and walked isndie quietly. The coldness in the room was still attacking her skin. He puts her on the bed so she can get comfrotable. Yoh was hesitant to do this for a moment before he geta into the bed with her. He laid on one side and she laid on the other. Yoh found himself looking up at the cieling. Eri looked at Yoh. The fact that he came in here to sleep with her was so heartwarming. Nobody had never done this for her. Not that she would want any of Overhaul or his goons to do this for her.  She was still cold though. Then she thought of the hugs that they would often share through her time here.

"Yoh...?"  He turned to look at Eri to see her. He couldnt see her face since it was so dark. Her blush was as red as her eyes. "Yes Eri...?" The light blue haired woman stared at him despite the darkness. "Im very Iw as wodnering if you could hold me...while we are laying down like this..." Yoh at this point would do anything for her to feel comfortable. He holds his arm out to her and she scoots towards him. He then wraps his arms around her in a warm embrace and she feels comfort slide over her. Shes felt the best shes ever felt in her 20 years of living. Especially that od the time shes spent living in torment of Overhaul. It was absurd how someone who was once a stranger could be so kind towards her.

Especially more than that of someone who she has known since her childhood. "Do you feel okay...?"Yoh asks. Eri replies as happy tears strolled down her face. "Yes..." This aching pain in her heart hurt. Her heart was aching so painfully to whenever she iscose to Yoh. She wondered why that is. What was she feeling. She has never felt this way before. She needed to ask Mikasa what she was feeling. Apart of her felt that she would be embarassed if she were to tell Yoh about it. The two slept in one abother company in complete bliss.

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