~Chapter 6~

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Travis' POV

We all had lunch and talked about random things such as stories, made jokes and just enjoyed having each other. Jasmine seemed to be a pretty cool person. She's really sweet and she's very kind.

"Grandma, grandma!! Can you talk to me avout daddy's childhood??" Abby excitedly asked her grandmother.

Katelyn and I snickered while Jeffory just facepalmed.

"Oh sweetie, as much as I want to share Jeffory's adorable memories as a child, I want to atleats respect his wishes. I know how much he doesn't like me to share those to anyone." She chuckled.

"Thank you mom." Jeffory smirked at me and Katelyn.

Katelyn amd I groaned while Abby was disappointed.

"Maybe soon or later. But for now, I would just want to hear how much you all have grown. Its been a while since I've visited Jeffory and Abby, and I would like to know how's his ex been going, especially her boyfriend." She smiled.

"Its really gret to finally meet you and I'm glaf to know you like to see how we're doing." Katelyn replied.

"I don't suppose Travis has some jewelry up in his sleeve~" Jasmine smirked at me.

I tilted my head while chewing on the food. I swallowed it and asked,

"Umm, what do you mean??" I took a drank my water.

"Oh you know... have you thought about putting a ring on that beautiful girl's finger yet??~"

Jasmine's question caught me off guard which made me choke on my own water.

"Oh yeah~ When are you going to propse to Katelyn, Travis??" Jeffory snickered.

I was flustered and I blushed like a tomato.

I also noticed Katelyn blushing too.

I cleared my throat and answered, "I-I umm... W-Well, I have been thinking about that.."

I rubbed the back of my head and Jeffory and Jasmine tried to hold in their squeal. Katelyn looked at me and her blush increased more.

"Uncle Travis is going to propose to Auntie Katelyn??" Abby looked at her dad.


Jeffory chuckled and answered his daughter,

"Well not yet~ but possibly soon. Just not right now."

"I just wish Auntie Katelyn would marry to you." Abby said.

Jeffory, Katelyn and I had our eyes wide open.

"Oh Abby... You know that Auntie Katelyn loves Uncle Travis and you have to understand that. Even if Auntie Katelyn won't be your mom, she'll always be your auntie no matter what."

We all smiled and Abby just nodded and replied, "Okay grandma"


"Thank you for the visit, Travis and Katelyn. I appreciate it a lot." Jasmine thanked us.

"Its not a problem, Jasmine. We're happy to meet the mother of a good friend of ours." Katelyn replied.

"You sure you don't wanna stay here for dinner?" Jeffory asked.

"Its okay, we'll come back and visit you guys some other time." I smiled.

"Bye Auntie Katelyn!!" Abby waved at Katelyn.

"Bye Abby." Katelyn waved back.

"Abby, how about Uncle Travis?" Jasmime asked her grandaughter.

Abby hesitated a bit but still said, "B-Bye"

I gave her a smile and she shyly looked away.

"Hope to see you both soon." Jasmine said.

"We hope so too. Bye guys!" Katelyn said as she and I waved at them and they waved back.

We both got into the car and drove off. While driving, I suddenly felt a very painful headache while I heard some high-pitched ringing. I pulled over and Katelyn noticed me and asked,

"T-Travis! A-Are you okay??"

"I-I'm fine, I guess." I groaned.

I was totally not fine. I placed my head on the steering wheel as I was hyperventilating (it means breathing heavily)

"Lets switch places. We need to get you home fast."

I nodded and we both got out of the car and switched places. Katelyn took over the wheel while I sat in the passenger's seat.

We drove off and Katelyn drove as fast as she could. The pain wasn't going away but atleast the horibble ringing stopped.

Katelyn's POV

Once we made it back home, I parked the car and got out first. I opened the door for Travis and helped him get up. I placed his arm over my shoulder and helped him a bit.

"Katelyn, you know I can still walk, right?"

"I know, but I don't want you to be so stressed out already. You're already having a really bad headache."

I closed the door and locked the car. Travis and I arrived at the front door and I opened the door with the keys.

We entered the house and I closed the door with my feet. I placed Travis on the couch and I placed a pillow for him to lay his head on. He laid down as he still moans in pain.

I placed my hand on his forehead to check if he was having a fever, but he didn't.

"Okay, whats good is that you don't have a fever, but you are having a terrible headache."

Travis responded with hissing and moaning of pain.

I kissed his forehead and said,

"I'm going to call Aphmau and Lucinda to see if they know what to do here to help you."

Travis nodded still holding his head.

I got my phone and dialed Aph's number and Lucinda's number and told them about Travis' headache.

Hang on Travis, you'll be okay.


???'s POV (This is another person)

I watched them as they drove off from the house and headed back home. I followed the couple and as I got close tp their car, the white-haired man started to pull over.

It must be the side effects.

He started having a headache and the the couple switched places so the his girlfriend can drive the car.

Once they made it back home, I hid in a bush while I try to hide from them. They entered the house I watched them thhrough the window as the blue-haired girl helped him laid down on the couch as he hissed in more pain.

They were right, I can't be anywhere near him or else more of this pain will increase. Its too risky and it might be more severe the more I stay here.

I have to complete this mission before its too late... my family depends on it.

Hmm, I wonder who this mysterious person could be. Does she know Katelyn and Travis? If so, how are they related? Read the next chapters to find out more.

I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far and I hope you'll enjoy this story.

I'll Always Love You: A Travlyn (Travis x Katelyn) Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now