~Chapter 15~

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Jeffory's POV

          I was on the phone talking to Katelyn and I couldn't believe what I heard.. Aphmau was pregnant!! I can't believe Aaron amd Aphmau are having a child now.

"Really? Thats great!!"

"I know right?! I really hope the kid is gonna be a girl"

"Woah woah woah, a girl? Heh, I bet its a boy."

"Well whatever gender its gonna be, I just want to see the little kid's ears and tail."

"Oh yeah! Both Aph and Aaron are werewolves. Why don't they show their ears and tails though?"

"I guess they just feel more comfortable as a humans, they just want to hide them but they're still werewolves."

"Welp, makes sense. Anyway, I better go now. I have to make lunch for mom and Abby, see you soon Katelyn. Tell Aphmau and Aaron congrats for me."

"Ok, see you soon Jeffory. Say hi to Jasmine and Abby for me."

"Will do."

I ended my call and placed my phone onto my pocket.

I got some vegetables out of the fridge and rinsed them. While rinsing them, I heard my mom calling me.

"Jeffory? You home?"

"In the kitchen!"

I heard her footsteps and she greeted me with a kiss on my forehead,

"Hi there, sweetie. Sorry I took so long to get here, I kinda got distracted by a shoe sale."

I laughed, "Its all right, mom. Oh, I also got some really great news for you and Abby to hear."

"Really? Well I can't wait. I'll go and check on Abby a bit. You sure you don't want me to help you for lunch?"

"Its okay mom, you already cooked a lot of great food for me and Abby. I think I would like to cook some food for you guys!"

"If you say so"

My mom then headed upstairs to check on Abby while I continued to make lunch for us.


          While we were eating our lunch, Abby wamted to know the great news that I told to my mom.

"Daddy daddy daddy, grandma said you got some great news!! Is that true?" Abby asked tilting her head.

I giggled, "Yup, I got a call from Auntie Katelyn."

"What are the news then?" Mom questioned.

"Aphmau and Aaron are having a baby!!!!" I yelled in excitement.

Abby gasped, "Auntie Aphmau and Uncle Aaron are having a baby??!!!"

I nodded.

Abby squealed, "I'M GOING TO HAVE A PLAYMATE!!!!"

"Thats amazing!! I'm sure this child of theirs is gonna be a cute and adorable werewolf baby!!" Mom squealed with Abby.

I laughed, "I bet they're child is going to be a boy."

Thats when mom and Abby started to shoot death glares at me.

"B-But a girl will be really great too." I nervously chuckled as I rubbed the back of my neck.

I really want a boy but I guess a girl is good too.

Aphmau's POV

          I was watching TV with Aaron. I was still having fever but I felt like I was getting better everyday. We were watching a show which we had no interest on but it was better than nothing.

Our peace was soon disturbed by Garroth breaking down our door.

"APHMAU!! AARON!!" Garroth yelled as Zane came in behind him.

"G-Garroth??!! What in the world??!! Would you mind stop breaking down doors for once?!" Aaron yelled.

"Sorry guys, but I got some good news!!"

"You're gonna fix our door?" I raised my brow.

"Nope, but even better!"

"I also have an issue with Garroth's door problem but we really have great news for you guys." Zane added.

"And what is this news thats even than fixing our door?" I sarcastically asked.

"Whats better is that our baby brother, Vylad, is coming in town!!!" Garroth announced excitedly.

"Wait, REALLY??!! Vylad's coming to town??!! And Zane, you're excited about this??" I asked.

"Well, I guess so. I mean, I have changed and I guess this would be a great time for both us bond more." Zane replied.

"But why is he coming to town though?" Aaron asked.

"I had a call with Vylad saying about Aphmau's pregnancy and he wanted to come stay here for the next 8 months!!" Garroth explained.

"In fact, he actually thought about settling in and moving in here in Lover's Lane." Zane added.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.. Vylad moving in here?? I cant believe it!!

"Thats great!! I can't wait to see him-" I then started to cough as Aaron started to give me a glass of water.

"Well, I guess he'll just have to visit you instead since you're still sick." Aaton said.

"O-Okay. When is Vylad coming here?"

"He said he should be here in about two days."

"Where is he right now?"

"He's still in France but he'll be here soon."

I sneezed but still squealed, "I'm so excited to meet mine and Travis' not-alone buddy!!!"

Aaron, Garroth and Zane laughed while I just excitedly squealed some more. I may be sick but I'm glad almost everyone are going to be there for me for mine and Aaron's little baby.

Hi guys!! I can't believe Vylad's coming to visit Aphmau and the others. Its been about a few years since Vylad has made an appearance and now its finally time fpr him to move in and settle down from his travel.

So I just want to let you guys know that I really have low knowledge about pregnancy so possibly Aphmau's pregancy isn't as accurate as it is so I hope you understand.

I'm sorry if this was also a short chapter but I hoped you still enjoyed it amd that you guys are going to enjoy this story.

Okiee bye!!

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