~Chapter 23~

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Lucinda's POV

          I was in my house having a call with Aphmau. The girl I ran into yesterday seems so strange. She's still unconscious but she'll probably wake up soon.

"You sure its okay for you Aph? I mean, you did just got sick a 2 weeks ago."

"Its fine, Lucinda. You're house is near anyways, so there's really no problem with that. Besides, I really would like to know this weird thing you're saying."

"Okay. Well see ya later."

"See ya"

I hung up and took a glance at the strange girl. She was laying on my couch since I kinda hit her too hard on the head with that potion.

I searched through my gallery some photos that have both Travis and Katelyn together. Something about this girl just bothers me. She just looked like them... like a lot.

I held my phone up with the picture and tried to examine the resemblance. She had the same blue hair as Katelyn and had the same emerald eyes as Travis.

Kinda freaky if you ask me.

The doorbell rang and I placed my phone back into my pocket. I opened the door and saw Aphmau.

"Hey Lucinda! So you wanted to-HEY!"

I cut her off by pulling her into my house. I locked the door and Aph was confused.

"Lucinda, whats going on?"

"Just follow me" I said leading her to the living room where the strange girl was laying.

She followed and once she saw her she was in shock.

"L-Lucinda? W-Who is this?"

"Someone. I just encountered her a while ago when she was walking on the streets with some groceries. When I saw her face, she honestky looked like Katelyn and Travis but kixed together."

"Like their child? Pfft, I mean she kinda does look like them but Travis and Katelyn aren't even parents yet."

All of a sudden, she started to wake up.

She slowly got up as she yawned and said to herself, "W-What happened? A-And where am I?"

She looked around her surroundings just until her eyes met ours.

She jumped of the couch and panicked. She then blasted a freeze spell to our feet so that we wouldn't move.

"Did you literally just kidnapped me??!!!" She yelled.

"I-I'm sorry its just we just want to ask you some questions."

"Why would I?! You literally hit me with a potion which probably took some information about myself falling off from my head!"

"I-I'm sorry about that as well. Its just... you kinda look like our friends. Their names are Katelyn and Travis."

She then stood there shock. Aphmau and I were confused to her reaction.

"I-I don't knkw what you're talking about.."

"Lucinda's right. You honestly do look like them for some reason." Aphmau pointed out.

"Its probably just a coincidence." She looeked away crossed arms.

"Well, its gonna be more of a coincidnece considering the fact you know how to do magic. Our friend Travis is a half-warlock and he somewhat knows a few spells up his sleeves." I smirked.

"So? That doesn't prove anything. If you think I'm their child, then you're wrong."

"Can you atleast get us out first?" Aphmau asked.

I'll Always Love You: A Travlyn (Travis x Katelyn) Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now