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Few years later...

Katelyn's POV

Dear Diary,
I know its been a while since I've wrote another stroy about myself to you, so here I am writing to you on what happened before. Few years ago has been quite an adventure. It wasn't as hectic as from Starlight but it was quite interesting. You see, right after our wedding day, Aphmau and Lucinda told Travis and I that the Leila who was pretending to be Jasmine was actually Leila from the future. Pretty crazy right? I didn't believe at first but that's when I realized the facial features of her. 

Anyways, Travis and I happily got married and I am proud to say that I am now a Valkrum, wife of Travis Valkrum. 8 months later, my daughter was born and we named her Makayla. She has beautiful blue hair and green eyes, and of course she has random magical abilities because of her dad. She was a very crazy kid but we got used to it. She is also four years old now.

We even made Vyald her babysitter cause he's got nothing better else to do except to just chill in house and do nothing. I was suppose to make Aphmau her babysitter but she got pregnant again so she's having another werewolf baby which is a girl. The first werewolf baby she had was also a girl and her name is Alina. Now they're having another baby and they're naming her Ava.

You're probably wondering what happened to Jeffory, Abby and the real Jasmine. Well now that they have the real Jasmine, the three of them are spending a lot of time together and Abby is now in 1st grade(or grade 1 or whatever you wanna call it)

Basically, my life right now with Travis is great. I have a loving family, great friends, and of course a loving husband. Nothing else in the world could replace the people I love.

Yours truly,

I closed my diary and the first thing I noticed was seeing my little girl chasing Vylad and Aphmau around. Makayla was running really fast while the two of them were making atleast any effort in their running.

I was just outside sitting on a swing in our backyard(Yes we have a swing in our backyard.)

I stood up and someone hugging me around my waist.

"Hi there blueberry." He said as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Hi dork." I kissed his cheek as well.

"You know, I really feel like my dream has come to a reality." He said.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Isn't it obvious? I finally got to be your boyfriend, finally proposed to you, got married with you and we both have a kid of our own."

I chuckled, "Well I guess you've never stopped believing."

"Of course. My dad always taught me how to stay patient to anything, even to love.'

"And thats one of the things I loved about you. You never gave up on me." I pecked his lips and he smiled.

"I'm gonna go inside and check to see how long Makayla has been chasing around Aph and Vyald."


He gave me one last kiss on the cheek and went inside. 

I smiled and got my diary and went inside as well.

I placed my diary on the table and as soon as I placed it there, I heard Travis calling me from upstairs.

"Uhh Katelyn? Can you get over here for a sec?"


I ran upstairs and saw that everyone was in Makayla's bedroom.

I noticed that mostly everyone was in shock but not because of me, but I guess to something else.

"Uhh what happened?" I asked.

"Makayla kissed Vylad on the lips." Travis said.


"Yup." Aphmau replied.

"Maybe it was just an accident." I said.

"No, I really kissed him on purpose." Makayla smiled while Vylad was just blushing.

Both mine and Travis' jaws dropped to her answer.

"But why did you do that Makayla?" I asked her as I picked her up.

"Cause when I was chasing Auntie Aphmau and Uncle Vylad, he accidentally bumped into a wall in my room and he said that his lips were hurt so I just did what you would always do when my knee or arm get hurt, I kissed his lips."

Travis, Aphmau and I were just speechless.

"I am just shocked to how wrong yet right that was." Aphmau said.

"Me too." I added.

Travis then said.

"If Makayla kissed Vylad on the lips, won't that make this her first kiss?"

Aphmau then squealed, "AWWW, Makayla actually got her first kiss!!"

My eyes widened in realization.

"Welp, lets just not speak about this ever again." I told to everyone.

Vylad nodded and he was still blushing.

"Why are you still blushing Vylad?" Aph asked.

"Cause that was my first kiss too."

I mentally smacked myself and just sighed.

"Welp, atleast you got your first kiss with toddler, Vylad." Travis said.

"Yeahhh...." He awkwardly replied.

"Anyways, Vyald and I are just gonna make lunch." Aph said as she and Vylad went downstairs to make lunch.

"Are you mad at me, mommy and daddy?"

"Of course not sweetheart. We love you no matter what." I said to her.

"I love you too!"

We kissed her on her cheeks and she giggled.

I placed her down as she ran downstairs to her Aph and Vylad.

I the felt Travis kissed my cheek and he whispered into my ear.

"I love you so much blueberry."

"I love you too Travis...I'll Always Love You."

~The end~

Thank you so much to everyone who have made it this far to the story. I hope you guys enjoyed this Travlyn book as much as I enjoyed writing this story.

Just in case if you want another Travlyn story written by me, I have already started working on a new Travlyn book called "Single Mother". So if you like, you can read the first few published chapters.

Again, thank you for reading this story and stay safe during this quarantine :)

I'll Always Love You: A Travlyn (Travis x Katelyn) Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now