~Chapter 8~

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"W-Will he be alright?" Garroth asked.

Katelyn and Aphmau looked at me which made the whole group looked at me as well.

"I-I... I d-don't know." I stuttered.

"What do you mean?" Aaron questioned me.

"There isn't really a cure for his  headaches." I explained.

I mean I wasn't lying. There really isn't anything we can do to stop his headaches.

"Shouldn't we take Travis-Kun to the hospital?" Kawaii-Chan suggested.

"No, there's nothing that the doctors can do to help Travis." I said.

"So you just expect us to wait until its gone?!" Ghost-er I mean Emmalyn asked.


I didn't know what to say. I didn't want them to know about the time-travelling spell yet because I still wasn't sure. But I need to tell it to someone atleast.

All of a sudden, Travis started breathing much calmer now. It must have disappeared already.

"Wow, I guess we really did needed to wait." Zane said.

I looked around to see if anyone was outside the house, and no one was outside.

He or she must've left already.

"It looks like Travis still needs to rest though." Aphmau suggested.

Katelyn nodded and asked, "Dante, can you help me carry him to his old room?"

"Of course" Dante answered as he helped Katelyn to carry Travis to his old room.

"We'll be here to help just in case." Aaron said and Katelyn smiled at the group before they left.

I ran to Aph before she could leave the house as I grabbed her by the arm.

"Hey Aph?"

"Yeah?" She questioned as she faced to me.

"I need to tell you something in private."

She looked at me a bit confused but nodded.

I let go of her arm and we both went to Travis' old room and talked to Katelyn.

"Hey Katelyn, you and Dante should stay here for a while and take care of Travis for a bit, okay?"

"Yeah, we can do that" Katelyn smiled at us and Dante nodded.

I saw Travis who's probably sleeping.

Aph and I left the Dante's house as I led her to my house.

I closed the door and we made our way to my bedroom where my spellbook was in.

I took the book and flipped thrpugh the pages as Aphmau closed the door.

"What's wrong Lucinda?" Aph asked.

"Its just.... I feel like I know whats happening to Travis."

"You do?" Aphmau asked excitedly.

"Don't get your hopes high, Aph. I'm still not sure but.. it could be possible that... it has something to do with time-travelling." I explained as I finally found the page.

Aphmau's response was quite different from what I expected.

She just bursted into laughter while I stood there confused.

"Good one Lucinda. Time-travelling? Hahaha for a second there I thought you were serious."

She continued to laugh more and I yelled,

"I am serious!"

She stopped laughing and looked at me worriedly.

"S-Sorry Lucinda" Aph apologized as she hung her head down.

"I-Its okay. But I'm serious, I have a feeling it has something to do with this spell."

I said as I showed her the page about the time-travelling spell.

She took a step closer and asked, "But what does this have to do with Travis' headaches."

I pointed at the description and she went to my side to have a better view of reading.

"Look, it says here that if someone time-travels and gets near to any of their family relatives, then those family relatives will experience severe headaches and high-pitched ringing."

Aphmau gasped and said, "Just like the one Travis has."

I nodded, "But there is one thing I'm confused here..."

"Whats that?"

"Its syas here that only relatibes who are atleast witches, warlocks or atleast have magic genes inside them can experience these."

"B-But Travis is a human. He isn't a warlock nor a witch."

"He must have some magic genes inside him."

"But how?"

"I don't know. Although if the headaches of Travis are coming from this spell,"

"Then someone must have time travelled to this time and had gotten close to him."

We stayed silent and Aph asked, "But Travis' parents are gone, he doesn't have any siblings and we don't even know if he even has cousins or anything like that. Who is this person thats related to Travis?"

"I don't know yet, but we have to keep this to ourselves."

"W-Why? Shouldn't we tell Katelyn or Travis about this?"

"No Aph, this is time-travelling we're talking about. We need to know who this person is before we actually tell it to anyone else."

"Okay, so what do we do?"

"For now, I want to figure out Travis' family tree. I want to know his genes cuz he never told us that he has some kind of warlock or witch inside him."

"But what if he doesn't know his genes?"

"Then we'll find a different approach." I smiled at Aph reassuringly.

She smiled back and talked a bit more before she left.


???'s POV

          I ran in a dark alley way and let my body sink as I started sobbing in my knees. I kept cursing myself because of how stupid I am.

I'M SO STUPID??!! Why in the world did I still stay?! I was suppose to find her yet I broke the promise I amde to myself and to my parents.

I have to find her. If I don't, then it'll all be my fault. But I can't do this alone... I need help.

Where would she even be anyways?! Why would she want to ruin such a relationship like theirs?! Stupid Leila. Yet I'm also stupid for making him experience such pain.

I didn't know what to do. I placed a hood over me so that no one knows who I am. Whether I know them or not, no one should know who I was or else.

I'll Always Love You: A Travlyn (Travis x Katelyn) Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now