~Chapter 32~

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Few days later...

3rd Person's POV

          Many events were occuring in this week. Travis was busy planning out his surprise proposal to Katelyn, their own futire daughter working with some of their friends on finding future Leila. And both Leilas still remain silent from their plan. No one knew what was gonna happen in the proposal.

Katelyn, Jeffory and Jasmine(imposter) finally came back from their little vacation.

Abby was too excited to see her dad and grandma return from their outing. Travis felt the same excitement towards Katelyn, yet it wasn't as outgoing as Abby's.

Travis still felt nervous about proposing  his own girlfriend. He felt like if it was the right thing for him to do, if both he and she are ready to take the next step in their relationship. He still had his doubts, but that didn't stop him from knowing how much he loves her with all his heart.

Finally, today was the day Travis was gonna propose to Katelyn. He had it planned out with a little help from Dante and Aaron. Now all he needs is to put his olan into action.

Travis' POV

          Ok..today is the day. Today is wher you ask Katelyn to marry you. Ugh, why is this so hard?! What if she says no? Then I'll understand. Come one Travis, get it together. You've been planning this for five weeks and yet I'm still scared. Lets just hope I don't mess things up.

Katelyn was upstairs in our room probably reading a book. I went upstairs and entered the room. She was sitting on the bed and so I sat across her.

"Hey Katelyn"

"Oh hi Travis" She smiled at me.

"I made a reservation tonight at Olive Garden."

"Really? Whats the occassion?"

"You'll see" I smirked.

"O-kay then?" She raised a brow in confusion but still was excited for tonight.

Butterflies filled my stomach since phase one was finished. Now all I need is to give Katelyn the best night ever.

"Hey Travis, you okay?"

"Of course. I was just spacing out" I nervously chuckled.

"Oh okay then." She just shrugged it off and continued reading her book. I then crawled to sit beside her and placed my head on her shoulder.

I then noticed in the corner of my eye that she was smiling at me and started playing with my hair while reading her book.


Another magical time skip...(because I'm the author so BACK OFF! Just kidding hahaha XD)

It was already sunset and I got myself ready for my date with Katelyn. I planned on wearing something formal but I didn't want her to get suspicious so I decided to wear something atleast a little formal yet casual at the same time.

I wore a simple green polo shirt while wearing a black jacket. I was also wearing some blue pants and black shoes. I also made sure that I had the ring with me. I took one last look at the ring and fibally closed the box and placed it in the pocket of my jacket.

I was waiting downstairs for Katelyn and after about few minutes, she finally came down.

She was beautiful. She was wearing a simple blue dress with flats. Even though the attire seemed simple, she still stands out in every way possible.

"You look gorgeous" I smiled.

Katelyn blushed and said, "Thanks Trav"

"Shall we?"

"We shall" She giggled.

I opened the door for her and she accepted. I closed it and locked the house before we both got into the car and drove off.

"Hey Travis?"


"Why are we going to Olive Garden? We usually come here only if there's anything special happening."

"Well everyday's a special day. Besides, its been a while since both of us have actually ate at Olive Garden together."

"I guess so. But can you atelast give me a clue?"

"Nope" I said as I popped the 'P'.

She groaned and I chuckled.

          After about a few minutes, we finally made it to Olive Garden. Basically, we both just had dinner there but still had fun. I'm not the type of person who gives out the details on what we're doing even though the only thinh we just did was talk, ate and just enjoyed each other's company. Although, Katelyn still seemed suspicious to why would I make us go to Olive Garden all of a sudden, but she soon shrugged it off anywyas.

After dinner, I payed and lead Katelyn to a beach. Yes we actually have a beach here, but it isn't as fun as Starlight nor Love-Love Paradise. Its basically just a simple beach with a where you can just mostly walk on and take pictures.

We were both just chatting more whie walking on the sandy beach. We were both telling jokes and laughing. After of what seemed like hours of talking, I finally took the chance to propose to Katelyn.

Don't worry Travis, you just gotta stay calm. Deep breaths..DEEP BREATHS(credits to AngelUnicorn21 XD)

"U-Umm Katelyn?"


"I've been meaning to do this for a very long time."

"Do what?"

We both stopped and I walked in front her while holding her hands. I stared into her blue eyes,

"Katelyn, you're tge most beautiful person I've ever met and your unlike any other girl. Your smart, fierce, brave, strong and you're caring, sweet amd kind-hearted. At first I thought I would never gwt the chance to be with you but I did and basically...all I'm trying to say is.."

I was about to get down on my knee, but then I felt something pierced through me. As if I was shot by someone.

"TRAVIS!!" Katelyn yelled.

I collapsed and I can feel the blood coming out my body. I felt dizzy and everything began to get blurry. If I can tell correctly, Katelyn was holding me as she cries.

"Travis please no not again!!" And after that, I couldn't be able to hear her voice. Everything began to get hazy amd before I knew it, I blacked out.

I'll Always Love You: A Travlyn (Travis x Katelyn) Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now