~Chapter 14~

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Few days later...

Travis' POV

          I went out to buy some groceries while Katelyn was hanging out with Aph and KC. At first Katelyn didn't want ke to go out cuz she said that she can do it, but I insisted.

I was walking through the canned food isle while I was pushing the push cart. I stopped pushing the push cart and I tried to find what I need through the shelf.

I  then felt someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and saw a pair of brown eyes that I never wanted to see. Yep, it was Leila.

"Hi Travy!!"

I annoyingly groaned, "Didn't you hear what I said a week ago? I said leave me alone."

"I know, but you seem to be so lonely. Isn't your girlfriend suppose to be here with you?"

"She's hanging out with her friends."

"Oohh~ so I guess we're alone then, huh?~"

"Don't even think about getting ideas."

"And why would you think anything like that, cutie?~"

"Seriously Leila? You gotta stop right now."

I began to turn around and walked away from her.

She then catched up, "Oh come on Travy, can't I give you a bit of company?"

"No and get out of my face."

"Travis, I know we may have our difficulties in the past, but I'm sorry if I hurt you. We can talk things out...you and me~"

She said seductively and got closer to me as she lightly held my forearm.

I was filled with rage. I instantly pulled my arm away and yelled to her,

"Seriously Leila?! 'If you hurt me'?! You do realize that you actually hurt me. You literally have such a bad behavior and a bad attitude. You even slapped my own girlfriend!"

"Like I said, she is worthless."

"She's not worthless. She means the world to me and to everyone she loves. You're just being a brat."

"Travis, you know I'm better than her. Besides, what does she got that I don't?"

"A heart"

She scoffed, "Everyone has a heart, Travy. Stop being so silly."

"Her heart is kind, warm and loving. She cares the people she loves. Unlike yours, your heart is just as cold as ice. Nothing but complete selfishness and bad attitude is all I see in your heart."

"Oh Travy, you're just too clueless to see how much you love me~"

Irene, she's so annoying!!

"I don't love you and thats final!! My heart belongs to Katelyn, not yours!!"

I started to walk away from her but she's still catching up to me yet she was a meter apart from me.

"Say whatever you want, Travy. Sooner or later, you'll realize how gullible you are!"

This girl is so getting on my nerves right now.

I then noticed some water bottles at the bottom part at the shelf which led me an idea.

Without Leila noticing, I secretly used one of my hands as I fiddled my fingers to use my magic to be able to cut an opening on some of the bottles.

I'll Always Love You: A Travlyn (Travis x Katelyn) Story {COMPLETED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora