February 19th 1972: The Siren Curse

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Throughout history, Sirens have been present. As one of the oldest forms of supernatural, they remain the primary source of magic. Unlike witches, who channel sources, sirens are considered a source. 

Long ago, this source was at peace. Deep in the oceans, the Sirens were alone minus the occasional sailor. But as human intelligence grew, so did their greed. The demand for magic intensified, the witch bloodlines growing. The Sirens were known worldwide, tales of their beauty spread through mythology. Their voices were known to be so powerful that ships sunk with their cries. A siren's teardrop could create a storm, their shouts causing earthquakes. Legends of their magic spread so far and wide, quests to find them always unsuccessful. 

Until one day, off the shores of Russia, an injured siren was discovered in the Black Sea. The sailors, so entranced by her beauty, couldn't bear to part with her, bringing her back to shore.  The local coven of Sochi witches channeled her power, using her unlimited supply. But Sirens didn't belong on land. Soon she began to perish, not used to such long periods out of water, longing to return to sea. 

But as sirens would soon discover, the land people are selfish. So enthralled by the possibilities and the chaos this magic could ensue, witches came from every corner of the Earth to perfom the Spell. The sirens all around were trapped, brought in to shore with fishing nets made of bronze. Massacring an entire choir of sirens the witches achieved their goal; sirens could live on both land and water. 

Celebrations filled the ancient world; they were unstoppable with the almighty magic. Never did they anticipate the true power of the sirens, nor could they imagine how extensive their fury. For an entire century the world drowned from extensive storms and tsunamis. Men lept off of cliffs, women died of heartbreak and Sirens ruled the world. The witches had disturbed the balance of nature, realising their mistake. If something was hidden, it should always remain hidden. 

Desperate, the witches begged for a way to reverse their spell, to force the Sirens back to the dark depths. Sirens are vengeful creatures, capable of pure evil, and they had no plan of returning to their lonely lives. The spell could not be reversed. 

To balance the power, the strongest witches worked together to create the Curse. Under the full moon, the Expression was created. 

Sirens were no longer immortal, able to die as easily as humans out of water. No longer where they able to morph between land and sea creatures. Most were forced back to the water, empty shells of the beauty they once were. Only the true descendants of the Three where left on land but even that wasn't enough. 

Only one descendant would become the source, awoken by the Siren's death. All other sirens would remain, capable of luring in and capturing their victims, but not to the same extent.

Destined to forever be alone, the Sirens Curse made sirens fall victim to their own tricks. Their minds were plagued, darkened and twisted and out of their control. Their desire to be loved only increased, but they were cursed to be unlovable, promised only a lifetime of pain and heartbreak. 

But that still wouldn't be enough. With only three descendants in power at a given time, they were stronger and more powerful than ever, channeling entire choirs of Sirens through their incantations and mind control. So the Curse put them under threat. Witches had previously only been able to borrow magic, working through the sirens. Now, they could take the power. It was declared; should a Siren have her throat removed continuously, each time healing again by water, her power would begin to look for a new host. With a slow death, this power could be manipulated into entering another source; a necklace or some object, instead of the next desendant. 

Hunters gathered, entire covens dedicating their time to hunting down the Three who fled. To this day, I hear stories. The closest they got was back in 1955, before I knew of this curse. I haven't returned to the Phillipines since. It took three months at the bottom of the Pacific before my throat had healed. The hunters told me of the other two. The Peisinoe bloodline had died out from the Immortality Spell cast in 100 BC, and the last known Aglaope descendant was seen in Russia 1702. 

As for the other Sirens, they remained banished to the seas. In recent years, many have died out of starvation, men no longer going out to sea for months at a time. I met an old fisherman yesterday who had lived on Syros his entire life. He told me of an ancient wives' tale about two psychics who became on-land sirens. I asked the spirits about it but received no answer, so I assume it was just a myth. 

Sirens are solitary creatures, and I have never met another one. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one left. 

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