Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Beth Titchmarsh

Chapter 1

'Why do I have to go live with the Boltons?' I asked my mum. She was busy moving my stuff from my room the that hallway. My room looked so empty. My walls had to be repainted white, making my room look bleak. I leaned against my wall. My mum walked in and sighed.

'Don't start this Eden. I have to go to England, get a job, a bigger apartment for us. And then you can come over.' She smiled at the thought of her and dad being together again. I hated the thought of them being in the same room as each other.

'Why can't I come over now?' She looked at me and glared.

'You know why. The place your dad is staying at is barely big enough for him. And it is no place for you to be. Libby was my best friend all through school. And over the past six months we have become really close again. It was very nice of her to offer you to stay with her while I'm in England.' I could hear her get more annoyed. I sighed and went into the livingroom. It was empty too. I hated seeing the apartment this empty. The hallway was packed with cases and boxes. I walked over to the window. I could see the busy streets of New York. The intercom rang. My mum raced over to the intercom and began speaking. I could hear a woman and a man. I was guessing it was Mr and Mrs Bolton. I heard my mum shriek.

The door opened minuets later. There was a tall, thin lady with beautiful blonde hair, and a tall, medium built man. My mum ran over to the woman and gave her a huge hug.

'Libby!' My mum called.

'Dotty!' She called back. They hugged and then pulled out.

'Actually is Daphnie now.' She smiled.

'Well, Daphnie, this is my husband, Christopher.' He put his hand out and mum shook it.

'Libby, Christopher this is my daughter, Eden.' My mum presented me to them. I felt underdresses. Libby was in a silver knee length dress and Christopher was wearing a suit. Even my mum was in a dress. I was in my jogging bottoms and old vest top.

'Hello darling.' She had a huge, welcoming smile on her face. She pulled me into a hug. I wasn't expecting that at all. She had a motherly warm glow to her. She pulled away.

'I would offer you to sit down and a coffee, but the couch is somewhere across the north alantic and the kettle is in a box somewhere.' My mum babbled on.

'Its okay Do-...Daphnie. I don't want to rush you but we need to set off.' She spoke softly. A little worry in her eyes. I looked to my mum. She had a small smile on her face.

'I completely understand. I have to be at the airport in under two hours. I can't thank you enough, Libby. And you aswell, Christopher.' My mother was very grateful. Christopher grabbed a few off my cases and began taking them downstairs. I hugged my mum. I felt tears in my eyes I blinked them away. I pulled away.

'Call me when you arrive in England.' I whispered in her ear.

'Call me when you arrive in Florida.' I could hear the sadness in voice. I pulled away and she had a smile. I grabbed a bag and began to walk out. She cleared her thoat. 'Eden? Dont you want me to give your dad a message?' She asked. I sighed

'Yes ... tell him I hope he chokes on a nut in the pub.' I walked out the flat before she could reply. I knew what she'd do. Roll her eyes, sigh and say my name. I pressed the lift button. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Libby. She had a sad smile on her face.

'That wasn't very nice to say about your father.' She said.

'You don't know him.' I mumbled.

'Austin Forest?' She asked. I raised my eyebrows 'I do know him and I know what you mean.' She gave me a little smile. I could tell I would like Libby. We go to the car. It was a black range rover. The windows were blacked out. I sat in the car in plugged in my ear phones. We had been in the car for about five hours. It was nearly one. I leaned forward near Libby.

'So tell me about your life.' I said turning my music off.

'Okay my name is Libby Bolton, I'm married to Christopher Bolton and I'm a very proud mother.' She smiled.

'How many kids you got and tell me about them.' I was intresed.

'My eldest is Guy. He's twenty-two, He's doing his third year at uni, He's studing medicine. He's hoping to become a physictheropist for sports injuries.

Christian is nineteen, he's a big baseballer. He's doing second gap year. I say gap year, what I mean is he is staying at home for another year. And he might go to collage next year to study law or something. Hopefuly. Not that I want him to leave.

Kade's eighteen. He's captian and star of the football team. He's being scouted for a sports scollar ship. He can be a bit ... dim at times. So please excuse him if he's rude.

Aaron is seventeen. He's lovely. Very friendly and kind. I'm sure you'll get along with him very well. He's amazing at the piano and guitar. So the house can be a little loud at times.

Jesse is the same age as you, sixteen. He's athletic. A swimmer and does a lot of running. I hope you two get along.

Ruben is thriteen. He plays baseball, like Christian. Those two are very close. You'll be able to tell Ruben from the rest of my boys. He's the only dark haired boy. He is sly, so becareful.

Flynn's ten. He is quiet the little charmer. He's so cute.

Bobby and Joey are seven. Bobby likes to read and draw. He's quiet artistic. Joey is into computers and things. And is very antisocial. So don't expect to talk to either of them. They keep themselves to themselves.

And Teddy is five. My little baby.' She smiled. I took in the infomation. How many boys did she have. 'Ten.' She smiled. It was like she read my mind. It was crazy. I would have to live in a house with ten boy. Well, eleven counting Christopher. I sat back in my seat taking it in. Eleven boys in one house.

'There not that bad. I'm so happy to have a girl in the house. Someone I can spoil!' She looked so happy which made me feel happy. 

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