All for One [45]

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|Civil War Arc|

"Shigaraki knew too! Your mom isn't who you think she is, she's setting you up."

I jolted awake, eyes slowly coming to a focus on the bright lights above. I tried moving my limbs but my body was held upright, rigid and straight, no movement possible. Tilting my head down, I saw my upper body in a straight jacket with extra straps over my upper body and legs.

Sector 1...

This is...

"I see you've woken?" A voice greeted causing my heart to nearly stop in recognition. That voice...I've heard its before...during Bakugou's rescue...

"We haven't had the chance to officially meet before. I'm All for One, the former leader of the League of Villains and you must be Izanami Shi or Ronin as the authorities are calling you now days."

I stayed silent not answering the man.

"Ahh, is that anyway to greet your God father."

I stiffened in my bindings, snapping my head to the wall where the tiny opening that led to the next cell was placed. "G-godfather?!" I stammered incredulously.

All for One chuckled in response, "What, your mother didn't tell you?"

"Asuna doesn't tell me many things." I replied sharply, animosity beginning to ooze from my being as I remembered Dabi's words before my black out...Thats it...I need answers now. And what better person to get them from, then the one behind it all...

"Hmm that's unfortunate, well then as your godfather it is only fair to tell you the truth. It's not like we don't have all the time in the world in here." He replied with a mocking tone.

Does he know we're in here to break him out...Asuna did say that All for One was the only one who could break us out...

"What are her..."

"Hmm well, I'm a very close ally of sorts, some might speculate too close. I guess that's why she asked me to be your Godfather in the case that something happened to her." He mused causing my features to scrunch up into one of disgust, realizing what he was insinuating.

"You and Asuna..." I whispered.

"Well after losing you and her lover on the same day, I'd say her 9 year search for you brought us rather closer. She was the one who found Shigaraki after all and raised him as her own least until she had to go back to the Yakuza to fulfill her duties as the princess." He explained.

I couldn't help the rage growing in the pit of my stomach, "Wasn't my father your right hand man."

"He was, until he betrayed me and your mother and took off with you. Though I have to say, I'm not surprised by your outcome thus far, I honestly didn't think she would manage to pull it off."

"Pull what off?" I replied sharply.

"Getting you into the league."

It took a few moments for my brain to register his words... what...

"Well you were originally meant to serve Tomura as your father had done for me all these years. However, after your father took you and put all those traitorous lies in your head, I knew you'd become a threat to Tomura in the future. Because of my love for your mother, I gave her an ultimatum. She was to find, convert you to our side and attain your allegiance to the league."


"And if I didn't..."

"She had orders to kill you."

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