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THE NEXT MORNING, ALL OF THE CHILDREN REMAINED ON EDGE...EVEN PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL COULD NOT ENTICE THEM WITH UNFAMILIAR SPELLS. The woman sternly stood before her class. Rested on the desk in front of each student, was a dissimilar animal.

The authoritarian, the children's worries unbeknownst to her, instructed, "Today, we will be turning animals into water goblets." As an example, she tapped her wand on a cardinal located parallel to her. After just three pats, red feathers transfigured into a beautiful crystal goblet. She nonchalantly turned; as if it was no great deal; and inquired, "Now, who would like to go first? Mr. Weasley?" The boy in question nodded sheepishly, not used to all concentration being put on him. With a cracked wand; he lightly hit his rat, Scabbers, who then turned into a goblet accessorized with a tail. Gemini snorted in delight, she unquestionably despised that creature. The girl didn't hold a legitimate excuse as to why, but she made her viewpoint known with the pranks she pulled on it. Grandma Minnie distastefully observed the rat's current form, "You must replace that wand, Mr. Weasley." Ron, with his ears red, looked down at the defective wood.

Hermione, adverting the scrutiny of Ron's embarrassment, cautiously raised her hand. Professor McGonagall, twisting from castigating the freckled boy, settled her eyes on the studious child, "Yes, Miss Granger?" Gemini looked at her friend in curiosity, considering Hermione appeared apprehensive. What was she anxious for? The bushy-haired girl delicately quizzed, "Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?" A hush automatically fell throughout the class; they found themselves in disbelief that she had addressed what was being speculated. Gemini rolled her eyes in retaliation of their reactions; Merlin, it wasn't as if being inquisitive was taboo. Professor Mcgonagall looked to be taken aback; but she really should have expected no less from the girl, and replied, "My subject is Transfiguration, Miss. Granger." She wore a mask that hid her uneasiness in regards to the question, but Gemini; having spent a lot of time around Minerva McGonagall, could see right through it. Hermione continued to, carefully, cajole, "Yes, Professor. But, there seems to be very little written about the Chamber of Secrets. For those of us with a personal interest in the subject, that is...disturbing." Gemini regarded Hermione with warm amusement; the girl could be persistent if needed. She specifically knew how to go about obtaining answers in a meticulous approach.

McGonagall considered Hermione's question for a prolonged moment; then guardedly nodded, "Very well. You all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by four exceptional witches and wizards of that age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Three of the founders co-existed quite harmoniously; one, however, did not." The pupil's hung on to every word that she said; these people were belatedly receiving the explanation they desperately longed for.

"Any guesses as to who?," Gemini snorted out; as she eyed the snakes venomously. Professor McGonagall chose to disregard her jab; and continued on, "Salazar Slytherin wished to be...more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. Hs believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, purebloods. Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. According to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle; known as the Chamber of Secrets. Shortly before departing, he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the Chamber of Secrets and unleash the horror within; and by so doing, purge the school of all those who...in Slytherin's view...were unworthy to study magic." An alarmed Hermione interpreted, "Muggle-borns." Professor Mcgonagall, gravely, confirmed her statement, "Yes. Naturally, the school has been searched numerous times for such a chamber. It has never been found."

Gemini, her interest peaked, queried, "Grandma Minnie, what exactly does legend tell us...lies within the Chamber?" She had to prepare herself in case of an altercation; there was no way she would allow whatever to "purge" Hogwarts of Hermione Granger. Professor McGonagall explained, "The Chamber is said to be home to something which the heir of Slytherin alone can control. It is said to be home...to a monster." Excellent, Lupin-Black could certainly handle that. At least, she hoped she would be able to. Meanwhile, during the confession, Ron and Harry's eyes bore into Draco Malfoy. He checked off all of McGonagall's boxes, and he had calmly sat there; smiling to himself during that dreadful conversation.

A bit later, the Gryffindor Quartet threaded their way through the teeming corridor. Up ahead of them, Malfoy confidently walked alongside Crabbe and Goyle. "Do you think it's true?," Ron started out, "Do you think there really is a chamber of secrets?" As he questioned; his eye's never once left Draco. Hermione hastily nodded, "Yes. Couldn't you tell that McGonagall's worried. All the teachers are, really." Harry viewed Hermione in worry no, "But...if there really is a Chamber of Secrets, and it's really been opened, that means....oh no." Gemini; who pulled herself onto Boy Wonder's back; replied, "Oh no, indeed. Apparently, the Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts. The question is, who is it? So I can end their existence." Her friends cautiously looked at her; not knowing if she was joking or not. Ron; deciding not to dwell on it; mockingly puzzled, "Let's think. Who do we know who thinks Muggle-borns are scum." Hermione eyed the platonic blonde in front of them, "If you're talking about him--." The red head vigorously cut her off, "Of course I am! You heard him: 'You'll be next, Mudbloods.' That speaks for itself!" Hermione, frowning from hearing that slur, responded, "I heard him. But, Malfoy? Heir of Slytherin?"

Gemini laughed at Hermione's disbelieving tone, "'Mione has a point. My cousin can be classified under a mass of disturbing things, but the Heir of Slytherin? Don't let the git fool you...he is no leader." For the first time, Harry disagreed with Gemini Lupin-Black. "Maybe Ron's right, guys. I mean, look at his family. No offense, Gemini. The whole lot of them, excluding three, have been in Slytherin for centuries." She knew that he made a valid argument, but it felt weird to her; knowing he wasn't on the same page. Why did it bother her so much? It wasn't even something extreme. She shook it off as Ron continued to suggest, "Crabbe and Goyle must know. We could trick them into, somehow, telling us." Hermione awarded him with a disapproving look, "No. Even they aren't that thick. But...there might be another way. Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention we'd be breaking about fifty school rules. It would be dangerous; very dangerous."

Situated on Harry Potter's back; Gemini, excitedly, thrusted her hand into the air, "Awesome, I'm in! When do we start?"

"Hermione. I had agreed to take part in something riveting; this, however, is quite the opposite," Gemini whined. The four of them had relocated to the library, and were huddled around a book entitled "Moste Pontente Potions." Though; Gemini found the disturbing illustrations that littered the pages to be...intriguing, her high expectations altered her acceptance on the matter. In retaliation, Hermione rolled her eyes, "Oh, hush. Here it is: 'The Polyjuice Potion. Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another'..." "Or herself," Gemini defiantly added, whomever wrote that was disturbingly sexist. They all proceeded to ignore her dramatics; besides Harry, who nodded along with her proclamation.

"You mean, Harry and I drink some of this stuff and we turn into Crabbe and Goyle?," Ron questioned. The already annoyed girl shot him a look. "Yes, Ronald. That's what Hermione just said," Gemini confirmed. A smile lit up his face, "Wicked! Malfoy will tell us anything!" The scholarly girl informed, "Exactly. But, it's tricky. I've never seen a more complicated potion. Lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, and...of course, we'll need a bit of of whoever we want to change into." After he heard the instructions; Ron's nose scrunched up in disgust, "Hang on now. I'm drinking nothing with Crabbe's toenails in it." Gemini turned on the boy, "Ron. Why does your thought process automatically go there? Were you already fantasizing about Crabbe's toes?"

Harry and Hermione chose to ignore the argument that was bound to break out; Gemini sure knew how to push Ron's buttons. Looking to one another; Harry queried, "How long will it take to make?" Hermione quietly replied, "A month." The Boy-Who-Lived felt the shock settle within him; so much could happen by then! "A month?," he irresolutely started out, "But, if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin...he could attack half of the Muggle-borns residing in this school by then." Hermione grimaced, as if she accepted her possible fate, and replied, "You didn't have to tell me that."

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