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"MAKE HASTE, CUB," REMUS LUPIN CALLED, "I DISCLOSED TO ARTHUR AND MOLLY THAT WE'D ARRIVE TO THE LEAKY CAULDRON AT NOON." Her Father's declaration reached her ear, but Gemini continued to stare at her reflection in the dirtied looking glass.

Gemini Lily Lupin-Black was an alluring young girl; alongside every person who realized this, she knew it herself. Increasing in age, the female became accustomed to the stares of admiration or jealousy. Whether it be how her curls gleamed from being taken care of so well, her sharp mercury eyes that offered no mercy, the display of nonchalant willpower combined with clever humor, or her considering nature...the girl's aura drew everyone in at some point. A handful of people had even questioned her to be a Veela, a magical female being that appeared to shine moon-bright with beauty. Though, their claims were really never legitimate...she simply shined from unapologetically existing as her true self. Despite her features sharpening over the summer, the lioness anticipated no one sparing a glance over her supernal physiognomy. No, her beauty wouldn't be able to cloud the harsh truth of her lineage. It was guaranteed people would look at her now and only see Sirius Black.

Though she'd never been able to accept the fact, it was known that the wizarding community viewed Gemini to execute a majority of thing's in a way her Mother would. Her breathtaking charm, recalcitrant attitude, and just how she carried herself - Yes, she could easily be compared to that of a younger Sirius. Yet; she held so many of Remus Lupin's qualities, at times drowned out, that the public should find vital to perceive. The Lupin genetics proved strong; subtracting the eyes and height, the young witch came into view as the female version of her Father. The paint-stained fists that brought her ringlets together, the novels that weighed down her luggage, the Hogwarts report that displayed her lowest average to be an A - all of it screamed Remus Lupin if one were to look. It were these traits that the girl desperately clung to; soliciting that she was much more than what was assumed. That she wasn't the twin of him.

Opening room amongst her troubled cogitations; Gemini glared at her image, and asserted, "Your name doesn't define you, he doesn't define you, and no one labels you. You're Gemini fucking Lupin-Black!" Her rallying cry was meant for battle; the battle of finally venturing out to face society during all of this, to present herself in front of her friends. It was unexpressed, but the female was terrified her comrades would no longer wish to be tied to her. She knew her best friends wouldn't care about her Mother, the surname that partially burdened her existence, and they wouldn't assume she held any connections to his sudden escape - yet, a voice in the back of her head taunted hopeful inference. They should care; for, this wasn't just a petty stamp on her was a relation that brought her into the world. A severe, likewise horrid, connection that would follow her to the end. Through her, linkages to Sirius' name may be capable of making itself between them all. She didn't desire that fate for her closest friends.

"GEMINI LUPIN-BLACK," Remus yelled once more; startling the girl into separation from an internal strife. "Shit," she muttered. Gemini dashed about her slovenly bedroom; throwing possessions into her trunk that she had planned to pack under the wire. "I'M COMING, DAD!," she cinched whilst messily shoving combat boots onto extremities. Sanguinely she hadn't omitted anything of importance; if not, her Dad could just owl it to Hogwarts.

Remus held back, readily, in the family room; Floo Powder already in hand. He had been prepared for nearly half an hour - Yet; Gemini, due to her dilatory, had induced them to be behind schedule. Though, the miffed clench of his jaw mitigated once he caught sight of his hesitant daughter. It was understood how difficile this year would be, and he didn't wish to be an extension of hardship. So; wishing to ease her discomfort, the man bantered, "I don't see why you wasted time in adjusting your outfit, Gem. Honestly, it still appears to be quite rumpled." The diversion succeeded; for, an impertinent grin plastered itself onto her face. Gemini happily alleged, "There's an art to imperfect beauty, Dad." His amber eyes gazed over his daughter's form; her frame was decorated in a flowered midi, an outdated band t-shirt, and untied top boots. Though; a respectable outfit, it seemed as if she'd messed the clothing about to strike one as if they had been slept in. With a roll of his eyes; Remus passed some comminute into her outstretched hand, "You're perfectly stunning, Cub. Are you ready to go?" Unenthusiastically, the girl accepted the talc. "I suppose," she answered, refusing to meet his eyes.

Straight away, her Father crouched down to her elevation. "Gemini," he softly began, "Please, look at me." Slowly, silver dragged to meet his survey. Tenderly; Remus grinned, "There's my moon-eyed girl. Now, I'm going to share with you some advice Grandpa Lyall gifted me. He said that if someone was your true friend, then they wouldn't care what labels you carried about. They would base their opinion on you off of your character, not what was said. You have nothing to worry about, Darling. I believe the friendships you've established to be genuine. If not, then you wouldn't be short of anything important. This is all going to, eventually, work itself out...I promise you." Gemini whispered; in question, "Pinky Promise?" His lengthy digit locked itself with her much smaller one. "Pinky Promise," the Father declared.

With a nod of her head, the girl moved to position herself within the harmless flames. "See you in a bit, Dad," she bid farewell; before authoritatively commanding, "THE LEAKY CAULDRON!"

As soon as Gemini disembarked at her desired location, she was still stood in the fireplace when engulfed in a snug embrace. The girl was on the verge of panicking, but then the scent of the invader wafted about her nostrils - Harry. "Merlin," she guffawed, "Did you miss me, Harry?" The Boy-Who-Lived removed to face her. Emeralds lambent; he responded, "Of course I did! Letters aren't the same thing. Plus...Well, I've been worried about you. With your Mum eluding and whatnot, but now I feel more at ease being able to be on alert in your presence." Gemini's heart melted; why did she ever doubt Harry Potter? "That's kind of you, Love. My Dad will pop by in a bit, though. So, we should move our reunion elsewhere."

"Come along," Harry beamed, "Everyone's here." Fretfulness had adhered itself to a portion of her excitement, but Gemini paid it no mind as Harry towed her to the other-side of the establishment. She heard them before she saw them; Ron's ladylike shrieks rung throughout the pub, "I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy." Out of the corner of her mouth; Gemini breathily questioned, "What is he on about?" Antecedently to his antiphon, Hermione rounded the corner whilst restraining a hissing orange fluff. "He's a cat, Ronald!," she argued, "What do you expect? It's in his nature!" Gemini snorted as the witness of Ron Weasley protectively cradling a rat. Indignant; the ginger berated, "A cat! Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me." The spectators could handle no more as they both burst into a series of laughter, tears stinging the corner of their pupils. "GEMINI," the other two members of the Gryffindor Quarter called out; in unison. Brushing away the drops; she jokingly replied, "Oi! Finally noticed me, have you?"

A brief time period later; Ron Weasley held a clipping from The Daily Prophet within inches of Gemini's face. A headline apprized: "GRAND PRIZE WINNER VISITS EGYPT!" In the accompanying photo, the entire Weasley family stood before the Great Pyramids; waving. Smack in the middle was Ron, Scabbers disgustingly perched on his shoulder. "Woah," the girl muttered; grasping the dog-eared clipping from freckled hands. "I know," Ron boasted, "It was brilliant! It's got loads of old stuff. Mummies, death masks, tombs --." His marvel was interjected by Hermione, "You know, the ancient Egyptians of the Nile River delta worshipped the cat goddess Bast." Ron glared stonily at the bushy-haired female, and turned his attention back to Gemini; Harry having already heard all about this. "I also got a new wand," he informed. Her head lulled in acknowledgement, "That's great, Ronald. Though, I'm still not talking about you." Harry examined her curiously; What was she in wonderment about then?

Just then, a commotion could be heard. The Weasley's - Arthur, Molly, Percy, George, Fred, and Ginny - arrived en masse, laden with purchases from Diagon Alley. "Boys!," Gemini called out. The twins turned towards their unofficial triplet; in harmony they queried, "Yes?" The girl held up the crumbled excerpt, "You mean to tell me; you both Floo'd to my house, nearly every day, from Egypt? You're amazing!" Hastily; Fred grabbed at the news-clipping, "Not flashing this clipping about again...are you, Ron?" The younger ginger, automatically, denied such claims, "I haven't shown anyone!" Joining in on the counter; George snorted, "No, not a soul. Unless you count Tom. The day maid. The night maid. The cook. The bloke that came to fix the toilet. That wizard from Belgium. Harry. Gemini. Let's not forget about...Merlin! Fred's nose looks positively massive in that photograph." Lupin-Black laughed at his examination; correcting, "That's your nose, Georgie." The eldest twin squinted in observation, "Bloody Hell. 'Tis, isn't it? Take after your side of the family, don't I Mum?"

Meanwhile; Harry stewed over the news about the two, specifically George, inviting themselves over to her house unattended. Remus peered, knowingly, over his novel at the boy. - Harry Potter longed to be the one to protect her, to lift her spirits up, and to love her eternally. He'd already accepted that his feelings for her wasn't a fleeting infatuation. Now, he just needed to come up with a strategy as to how he'd branch the friend-zone...without getting killed by her Mum.

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