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"WHAT THE FUCK, POM-POM! WOULD YOU KINDLY LET US PASS?," GEMINI QUESTIONED IN AGITATION. The day after their, yet another, near death experience; the standing members of The Gryffindor Quartet wished to visit its other comrade. To bring a sense of normalcy to the trio, if anything. Though, this pursuit would prove arduous if the nurse refused to move from her spot in the entryway.

Frowning at the group; Madam Pomfrey avowed, "Miss. Lupin-Black, your frustration is accredited but crude language remains unnecessary. In regards to Miss. Granger...there's no point in talking to a petrified person. She won't hear a word you're saying." Having enough of the pathetic excuses; Gemini retorted, "Woman. I nearly died last night, and I would like to see my best-friend. I bloody well know that the sound of my voice is not going to unfreeze her!" At the outburst, an authoritative gaze pierced into the stymied pre-teen. Before Pomfrey had the chance to interrogate about potential necrosis; Ron interrupted, "We know all of that, Madam Pomfrey. It's just...well, you see...we thought, maybe, we could...be with her for a bit. She's our friend, you see, and...even if she can't hear us...It can't hurt, can it?" Leave it to the ginger, who shifted about uncomfortably, to pull at the elder woman's heartstrings. An obvious glint of sympathy shone in her eyes as she conceded, "Very well, then. Be quick about it. And Miss. Lupin-Black, do not think i've forgotten what you've said." Providing the young female with a stern glare, the MedWitch exited to the walls of her office.

"Good slip up, Gem. What are you going to do now?," Ron queried; daunted that their illicit acts would become publicly known. "Don't get your knickers in a twist," she started out; arriving at Hermione's bedside, "I'll just lie and say a prank went south. Merlin, it's so outlandish seeing her like this. I just want knowledge in regards to what is happening; what caused them to bivouac in this state." Absently, Ron picked up the circular mirror that laid on Hermione's nightstand. Eyeing Lockhart's 'Get Well' card that rested in that vicinity; he alluded, "We all wish we knew what was going on, Gem. Perhaps possessing a bit of insight would make us feel less on edge. Say, you don't think Lockhart could be the Heir of Slytherin. Do you?" Harry and Gemini provided him with a disbelieving look; the jealous boy's presumptions not even hitting the nail on the head. Viewing their expressions; Ron urged, "Right. Forget I said that." Harry, choosing to save his friend from the embarrassment, focused his attention on the calcified female. Studying Hermione's face; Harry professed, "Wish you were here, Hermione. We need you; now more than ever."

Just then; the mirror in Ron's hand caught the rays of the late afternoon sunlight, and it cast a jagged flame across Hermione's hand. The raven-haired boy surveillanced the light dance over pale knuckles...then looking closer; sees a paper crinkled in a tight hold. "Guy's, she's holding on to something," Harry informed; obtaining the parchment into his possession.

"Come on," Gemini started, "Let's go look at it somewhere else. Bye Hermione." The trio dashed out of the compared graveyard and ducked into a near alcove; not wishing to be caught. Harry took the rumpled paper out of his pocket, all observing it to be torn from a library book, and recited, " 'Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the Basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meet this giant serpent's eye. Spiders flee before it and only the crowing of the rooster can kill it.' " After hearing those words; Gemini excitedly announced, "Ron! Harry! This is it! The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk. Also, this proves Harry is not losing his mind! That's why he can hear voices we can't; it's a snake. Thank Merlin! I really thought I was going to have to drag you to a therapist after this, Harry." Ignoring the sarcastic quip; Ron focused on the first half of her statement, and challenged, "But it kills by looking people in the eye. Why is it no one's dead?" The girl frowned, contemplating his question, then caught the boys' reflection in the window opposite. Revelation struck; tripping over all of the evidence, she muttered in a rush, "Because no one did look it in the eye, Guys!Not directly at least. Colin saw it through his camera. Justin...Justin must've seen the Basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick! Nick got the full blast of it, but he's a ghost...he couldn't die again. And Hermione; she had that mirror! I bet you anything she was using it to look around corners, in case it came along."

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