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Name: Finley Flanigan

Ring name: Same

Age: 30

Height: 6'1

Weight: 225 lbs

Home: London, England

Residence: Orlando, Florida

Signatures: Luck Bomb (Pop up Powerbomb), Feel the Joy (Hurricarana) and Only the Joyful (Falcon Arrow)

Finishers: Luck Runs Out (Feast Your Eyes; Dijakovic's finisher), Joy Kill (Tombstone Piledriver) and Total Humiliation (Rings of Saturn)

Signature catchphrase: I NEVER LOSE!



Love interest: Io Shirai

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Love interest: Io Shirai

Progress world championship- 3 times
Progress tag team championships- 2 times (with Marty Scurl)
Rivalry of the year- with Marty Scurl (Progress)
ROH world championship- 2 times
ROH tag team championship- 4 times (with Kevin Owens)


Finley was born in a wealthy family thanks to his grandparents' riches, his mother wanted him to become a pharmacist, while his father wanted him to be what he always wanted.

Finley always wanted to become a professional wrestler but his mother despised that idea and thought of it as immoral and insane, while his father was fond of it.

While young in school, he had no friends and no one wanted to call him for birthdays, New Years and 1st of Mays. The reason why is that he's always arrogant and always a narcascist which made him a shy person and refused to be with anyone.

When he got older he went to train as a professional wrestler by Kevin Owens, the only person he could trust in his entire life. He wrestled all around the European scene. His most notable wrestling statuses were in Progress and ROH.

Now he decided to follow Kevin Owens' steps and followed him to WWE and signed with them and was put on the NXT brand where he will cause some havoc there, but there's one person that caught his eye, Io Shirai. What will she think about him?

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