Worlds Collide

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~With Io~

Being a new member of The Killjoy Gang is amazing. And Finley, he's really good as a leader and a boyfriend. He's taking advantage of keeping me happy and doing whatever he can to keep me that way.

When Ridge and Danny arrived, they were happy to see Fin and I.

Danny: How's it going lass?

We hugged and they went inside.

Fin: Hello, Ridge, Danny!

They hugged as well as we were about to talk about the street fight and the entrance he wants to do.

Danny: Now that the Street Fight is set at WarGames, you want to make it sound really good, but very brutal.

Me: Are you sure with going in a Street Fight?

Fin: I'm sure, love. I'm sure.

I kissed her cheek to reassure her about my decision for the match.

Ridge: Do you want us to interfere in any way?

~With Finley~

It would be a good idea for Danny and Ridge to distract JG, but this would be my own fight. They can if they want, but they have to make sure they stay very careful about it.

Me: Yes, you can, but make sure you rarely do it. And if Cameron or Timothy try to interfere, kick their arses.

Io: What about Candice?

Me: Beat her down and use whatever tool is out there. If you wanna use my baseball bat, you can.

Io: Oh, I will.

She kissed me this time on the cheek as well and that got Ridge and Danny awwing at us.

Ridge: You two are just cute together.

Me: You have to go there!

Io: Ridge!

We were laughing and joking around, but we had to get serious about the Street Fight at WarGames.

Danny: And so, you want us to be in your corner in case his wankers come down to cost you the win?

Me: Yes. That son of a bitch won't know what to do.

Ridge: We wave our plan for the match, but what's the plan for in case we're not up and we can't distract Gargano?

Me: That's when Kevin Owens comes in. For some time, he's been asking to return to NXT, so this would be a perfect opportunity for him to do so. Also, keep in mind, he can't take anymore bumps because of his neck injury recently.

Ridge: Oh, what happened?

Me: Kevin tried doing a Senton Bomb, but Orton made him land on his head, and getting punted a couple times.

They were shocked at the injury that Kevin suffered.

Ridge: How is Kevin going to distract Gargano?

Me: It's easy as herbal tea on a Friday afternoon with a slice of cake: he comes out in a suit like ours and he gets on the apron, arguing with the ref. I low blow Johnny and give him the Luck Runs Out for the one, the two, and the three. That's our finish.

Danny: I like it.

Ridge: All for it.

Io: Good idea.

Me: Not to mention he's another member, but as a bodyguard. Since he can't take anymore bumps, he has to be as a bodyguard.

Danny: Like the idea.

Ridge: Let's do it.

Io: We got our new member!

We celebrated as I cooked for all of us while Io was talking to me in the kitchen.

Me: Why won't you be with them?

Io: You're my man. Am I not allowed?

Me: I suppose you're right.

She smiled the most beautiful smile I've seen in a long time.

Io: I want to ask you something.

Me: Ask away.

Io: Why are you so keen on being more social?

It hit me. I wasn't aware of myself being more social by the month and time. Yes, I'm usually very shy, but with Io, I feel more comfortable around people. I feel like she gets me.

Me: Would it trouble you if we talk about it after dinner?

Io: No. Sure. We can talk about it when they leave.

Me: Okay. I just don't feel comfortable saying it out loud.

Io then put her hand on my cheek with a smile of assurance that what I say, she was okay with.

Io: It's okay. It's alright. I'll let you talk to me after they leave. You continue cooking while I find a movie to watch.

Me: Go ahead.

We kissed as she went in the living room to find Ridge and Danny watching football. The UK version, not the United States version.

I was making sausage rolls. They're a common British Snack, but they're cooked for dinner for one night only.

Me: Order up!

Io grabbed the sausage rolls, put them on a plate, and served them with light beer for Danny and Ridge.

Ridge: I cannot explain how long it's been for me to have this!

Danny: Tastes like home!

Io took a bite of one and she was loving it!

Io: This is delicious, Finley!

Me: What about my face, love?

Io: You're delicious too!

Io kissed my lips again as I laughed with everyone.

~7:12 PM~

Danny and Ridge left as it was just me and Io in the living room, watching another episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Her laughter throughout the entire episode is so cute that I actually sneaked a video of her laughing with the caption:


"She has to be adorable every single time. @ShiraiIo"

There were a ton of "awwws" on the post and a ton of retweets from the fans, but Io wanted me to talk to her about my past and why I'm becoming more social when I'm around her, but I'll tell her when the time is right.

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now