The Talk

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~With Finley~

Now that we landed, I wanted to get the talk over with. Io came with me to the Performance Center to talk with Hunter about what happened over in Japan and why he was pissed.

He was over there checking out the NXT prospects that are training and he saw me. He seemed to be in a good mood, despite the non-WWE match in Japan.

Hunter: How was it in Japan, guys?

Me: It was amazing, but before we go on, I'll take full responsibility for the match in Japan at Stardom.

Hunter: You will?

Me: Yes sir.

Hunter: Well, there's something more than that. Can you come into the office? There's someone you need to meet.

He brought us to his office and who I thought was going to be Vinny Mac, but it was actually one of the founders of World Wonder Ring Stardom, Fuka Kakimoto. She seemed very nice as Io was surprised to see her here.

Fixer: My name is Fuka Kakimoto. Finley Flanigan? Io Shirai?

Me: Yes ma'am.

She shook my hand before hugging Io. We sat down and got to business.

Fuka: (Speaking Japanese)

Fixer: With your match in Japan while being a superstar in NXT, I have to say, it was really cool to see.

Me: Arigato.

Fuka: (Speaking Japanese)

Fixer: I've contacted with Triple H right after your match and we want to make a deal with you.

Me: A deal?

The fixer translated as I was a bit surprised to know that Miss Kakimoto wants to make a deal with NXT. COULD THIS BE THE BIRTH OF NXT JAPAN?!!

Fixer: Even though with competition surrounding wrestling in the Japanese audience, we want to have you, Io, become our ambassador for NXT Japan.

Io was shocked at what Fuka said. I looked at her to decline and recommend Kaori for the role.

~With Io~

The ambassador role for NXT Japan?! I can't!

Io: (I can't take the offer, Fuka. I'm engaged to Finley and I can't leave while I'm NXT Women's Champion and Fin and I are planning our wedding.)

Fuka: (I understand. You want to put your fiancé first and stay in America to continue a storyline. Do you know anyone who deserves to be ambassador?)

Io: (I do.)

Fuka: (Who is it?)

Io: (Kaori Hosako. My best friend. She's been treated unfairly on Raw and Smackdown, why not give her this position?)

Fuka: (You know, that's actually a good idea, but we have to know if she will be able to do it.)

We have to FaceTime her to see if she wants to be the ambassador for NXT Japan that will blow up at any moment, but we have to know that she's probably resting since she's pregnant so we had to give her some time.

Fuka: (I appreciate you two coming to talk and I hope we come with a deal in the future.)

Me: (Same here.)

We all shook hands and we left to rest after being on the plane for 17 hours.

~The Next Day~

We receivers a call from Johnny to meet us at the hospital. When we heard him talk, it sounded like he at the brink of tears!

When we got to the hospital, Johnny, Danny, Kevin, and Ride were all there to support him.

Me: Johnny!

He saw us and he ran hugged both of us in tears! Something wasn't right.

Finley: What's wrong, Johnny?

JG: It's Candice. The Bàlor Club has put her in a coma!

Me: What?!

Finley: No!

JG: I called you all here because I needed support. You guys are probably all I have right now!

~With Finley~

Candice is hurt by Finn and the Good Brothers?! How could they! I want to hurt them for that, but I have an idea not announce her injuries and how she'll be out of action for some time.

Me: Hey, Johnny.

He looked at me with confusion while I have a smile on my face.

Me: Why not do a vignette, but we announce Candice's injuries, Godfather style?

JG: You mean do a parody of the opening scene of The Godfather?!

Me: Yes, but you don't have to act as anyone else. Act as yourself, and that'll show not only emotion, but making you turn into a babyface again.

JG: I want to stay as a heel, but if I have to turn face, I will. When do we get started?

They all looked at me and I had to make a decision.

Me: Tomorrow. Io and I have to plan our wedding and we will do the vignette for tomorrow. Right now, you just spend time here with Candice and take as long as you want. You need anything I want you to call Io or myself. Understand?

JG: I do.

Me: Good. I'll send some flowers later on today to show my support.

JG: Thank-you.

He hugged Io and I again as we went back home.

Bàlor Club, you hitting on women? Fuggetaboutit.

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz