The Deathmatch To End All Deathmatches Part 2

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~With Jimmy~

I thought I heard a scream a long ways away as I was beating up AJ. I looked over to see Rhea destroy something with a sledgehammer! Finley was so fucking pissed that I had to turn my attention from AJ to him.

As I ran, I saw Danny put Luke through one of the plywood boards with barbed wire and thumbtacks on it as Karl was given a staple to his head. Bloody brilliant!

I attacked Finn with my staple gun by stapling his forehead and his ball sack. Finley and Io were in tears. I took a closer look and I saw it was their ENGAGEMENT RING! Rhea you bitch!

I saw Rhea looking to get up and I had to take my chance. I pulled out a light tube, went into the ring, held it over my head, and it shattered on Rhea's back!

Ref: You can't hit women!

Me: It's a Deathmatch ain't it? There's no rules! We can do whatever the fuck we want, you cunt!

I pushed him down and the referee knew that he had to let everything go and let there be no rules.

I helped up Io as she helped up Finley.

They were still upset about the ring being destroyed, but they had to keep fighting.

~With Finley~

After Rhea destroyed the ring, that fired us up more. Io went back to fighting Rhea as I continued on Finn. I was slamming his head to the post and I knew what Io and I could do!

Me: Io! Grab Rhea and get over here! We getting the tables!

Io knew exactly what I meant. She threw Rhea out of the ring next to me, I pulled two tables out, set them up, and I still had the lighter with me.

I found some lighter fluid and I knew what we could do to these pricks. I sprayed the fluid onto the tables until there was no more in the bottle. I took out the lighter and set the tables on fire. I signaled Io to powerbomb Rhea through the table, but everything went wrong.

I was able to put Finn through the burning table, but Io, she was going to, until Rhea countered with a Riptide through the burning table! Io was out, Rhea went for the cover and I stopped the count at the last millisecond!

I tended to Io as she was coughing from the smoke coming from the broken table.

Me: You alright, love?

Io: I'm fine, kick her ass.

And I did. I threw her to Finn, almost making her perform a spear onto Finn. I went after Finn again, but with a chair. He got up and I threw it at his face, and now he's busted open, just the way I like it!

I covered him, but he kicked out at 2.

I saw that the paper I used for the paper cut between his fingers was not destroyed, so I grabbed it again, went over to cut him between his fingers, but he low blowed me, resulting me to go down on my knees. Finn then grabbed the paper, but it between my fingers, and sliced it through!

It was so painful that I won't be able to use my hands for a bit! I decided to grab him the best I could, and throw him back into the ring, where I unveiled my plywood board of barbed wire, thumbtacks, even some RAZORBLADES.

As I put it into the ring, two people attacked me, and it wasn't Danny and Ridge, it was GALLOWS AND ANDERSON! They threw me into the ring and the entire Bàlor Club was beating me. I tried to call Jimmy, Danny, Ridge, and Io to stop them, but they were held back by Rhea and AJ.

It was over. We couldn't fight anymore. Finn was going to do a 1916 DDT onto me, but something unbelievable happened.

I heard a honk coming from behind us, and I heard a familiar voice yell out.

?????: You want to hurt my friends? How about I hurt you!

To be continued...

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now