Evil, Evil Man

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~With Io~

Kaori was tearing up as she was announcing her pregnancy. I couldn't blame her for being so happy, but emotional to say goodbye to this sport.

Kaori: (Well, it's very hard for me to talk like this. When I first started in this ring in my country, in this company, I never thought it would be the sport for me. These trainers treated me with respect and passion for the industry as I was just a rookie. They were so kind as I did my best to not give up and follow my dreams! Professional wrestling is something that I wanted to do after yachting. I worked in WWE for three years until I was gone because I wanted to be with my husband. As I hate to say this, but I have to step down and retire from the ring.)

The entire crowd was shocked and didn't know what to say or think.

Kaori: (I have to step down, because I'm about to announce something that will shock all of you.)

As soon as Kaori was about to announce that she's going to have a baby, a man's music played. I didn't know who it was until my EX-FIANCÉ turned up! Evil is here?! What's he doing here?! Why would he ruin a beautiful moment!

Evil: (So, you were going to announce something, huh? Well me too!)

This douchebag wants to interrupt my best friend who's pregnant? I'm not having it.

Finley: Io, text Hunter what's happening and we need our gear in a couple days.

Me: I will right now.

And I did what he asked of me while he grabbed a microphone from the announce team.

Evil: (Not only is she stepping down from the ring and retiring, she's-)

At the last possible millisecond, Finley interrupted him before Evil spoiled it.

Finley: Hey Evil! Shut the fuck up!

He was surprised to see my fiancé standing up for Kaori as Finley entered the ring.

Finley: You think you can ruin something that could shock the entire system in the wrestling world?

Evil: Who are you?

Finley: Who am I you ask? I'm Finley Flanigan, a very, very Bad Rabbit, and your ex-fiancée's fiancé.

That enraged him as he looked at me with a smirk.

Evil: (So you choose this weirdo over me? I thought we were more, Io? I was your everything!)

Io: (Not anymore, Evil! We were through 7 months ago! The long distance relationship broke us, remember?)

Evil: (Oh, so our relationship across the world couldn't work for you and you had to be with an Englishman who's above average on the microphone and in the ring? How pathetic! You want to know the announcement, everyone? Well guess what she's-)

I killed the audio on the microphone before he could announce it. Kaori deserves more than this. It's just like her run on Smackdown and Raw all over again!

Finley: So you think you can try to ruin her announcement? Evil I suggest you stop acting like a jerkoff and I suggest you allow her to speak on her own terms arsehole!

He gestured Kaori to continue, and let her know that she can say what she wants.

Kaori: (WWE, Stardom Wrestling, everyone watching around the world? My husband and I are expecting!)

That got a ton of cheers and applause from the crowd and I bet the fans at home were excited. I bet Hunter was probably pissed at Finley and I for being on the Stardom Wrestling network, but it was for a friend and we had to do this.

Kaori was in tears as Evil was enraged. He started attacking my fiancé as he looked at me with daggers! I couldn't bear to watch the love of my life get pummeled by my ex-fiancé. I got out and attacked him with a steel chair until Bea Priestly attacked me from behind.

She was helping Evil set up this plan?! It was not until Kairi's husband came down to scare them off with a kendo stick. I didn't think he'd have balls to save us.

~With Finley~

Damn, Kairi's husband is tough! He helped Io and I up as we celebrated Kaori's pregnancy.

Soon after the assault, I received a text from Hunter and it had to do with what just happened.

Hunter: Io told me what was happening. You two won't be fined for appearing on a separate wrestling show without me knowing since this was your wedding present from me. Your gear will be in Tokyo in a couple days. You will be allowed to be in one match only in Stardom, but after that, you're coming back because we're gonna have a talk. Me and you. No one else. Got it?

I knew he was pissed and I didn't blame Hunter.

Me: Yes sir. I'm sorry sir for not letting you know.

Hunter: Don't ever say sorry, Finley, this is a warning to you and Io. Don't make me regret my decision.

Me: I won't sir.

After that intense text exchange, we had to go to sleep. We drove back to Kaori and her husband's house where when we typed in WWE.com, there was a news post about Kaori revealing her pregnancy.

I wasn't surprised because WWE likes to put personal lives into storylines and I absolutely hated that. Ask me if I want that being involved in NXT? I don't. I hope Dementia-man dies soon rather than later.

(A/N: If you're probably wondering about who's Dementia-man, that's the nickname that I came up with for Vincent Kennedy McMahon!)

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin