The Deathmatch To End All Deathmatches Part 3

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~With Finley~

It was over. We couldn't fight anymore. Finn was going to do a 1916 DDT onto me, but something unbelievable happened.

I heard a honk coming from behind us, and I heard a familiar voice yell out.

?????: You want to hurt my friends? How about I hurt you!

The figure came out to fight them and who was it? It was none other than the person I trusted in the beginning, Kevin fucking Owens!

He was going all out on Finn, Luke, Karl, and AJ and since Kevin was a teddy bear and wouldn't hurt women, Io hurt Rhea for him. She took a staple gun and stapled Rhea's crotch area, then her belly button, and her head! That's brutal!

Kevin, I couldn't believe he was kicking all the arse! How was he cleared to fight?! He shouldn't be doing this! Orton ended his career!

He performed a stunner on Finn, Luke, and Karl. He even performed his signature Pop-Up Powerbomb onto Finn!

Me: What the shit! I thought you weren't cleared!

Kevin: I've been cleared by doctors and I was allowed to compete in the ring again!

That made me happy to know that the man that I trusted in the beginning was fully medically cleared to compete. He helped me up and we went absolutely berserk on Finn, who caused all of this.

Kevin put a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire through the middle and top rope. He signaled to me to throw Finn into the chair and I did, causing Finn to scream in pain as KO performed a cannonball onto him as I did too.

~With Io~

Seeing Kevin and Finley fight together again was magical as I continued my attack on Rhea. I decided to try putting Rhea through a burning table again, but this time, off of Jimmy's balcony to the grass. I took a table, the lighter Finley used, and I threw them and Rhea into a golf cart.

I drove to the balcony and set up the table. I then poured the lighter fluid on the table as Rhea was coming to. I then lit the table on fire as she was on top of the balcony, wanting me to bring the fight to her.

I was surprised to see Rhea standing after going through so much punishment, and she looked pretty badass with blood pouring from her head.

I ran up and we were brawling it out, I threw a plastic chair into her face as the flaming table down below was about to be put out, she was on the edge of the balcony, still dazed, but balancing herself.

I walked up to her and she looked at me, almost like she was about to cry, not from the pain, from what she's done to me.

Rhea: Io, I'm sorry.

What she said shocked me. Is she really apologizing after everything she's done to torture me and joining Bàlor Club?! Is she out of her fucking mind?!

Rhea: I'm sorry for beating you two times for the title. I'm sorry for putting you through hell. And I'm sorry for destroying your engagement ring. This was all Finn's doing. He ordered me to, I had no choice! You have to believe me! I swear!

She looked pretty sorry for doing all of that, but I know she was stalling so I used some of my acting techniques to say that I forgive her when I really don't.

I walked up to her, eyes to her eyes, and hugged her.

Me: I know you're sorry. And I forgive you.

I was being sarcastic about what I was saying, but I want it to sound like I was convincing her of forgiveness.

Me: And Rhea?

Rhea: Yeah?

I was about tell her that the ring she destroyed was pure fake and the real ring is in the car we drove up in when we were on the way here.

Me: That ring was a fake, just like your boobs.

I pushed her off the 8 foot balcony and was put through the flaming table. Rhea was screaming in agony that was so loud that even Finley, Kevin, Ridge, Jimmy, and Danny could hear her!


I ran down the steps, signaling the ref to come down as my fiancé and the boys ran over. I secretly checked on Rhea before covering her and she was still breathing.

I covered her and the referee counted one, two.....


~With Finley~

Oh my God. Io has won the Deathmatch for us! I was crowned the NXT Champion, Jimmy was crowned North American Champion, Io was crowned NXT Women's Champion, and Ridge and Danny? They won the NXT Tag Team Titles.

We celebrated our victory by getting checked out from our wounds at a nearby hospital as the Bàlor Club was licking their wounds.

We were not needing stitches since the cuts weren't too terrible and it turns out there were minor burns on our backs and we needed every single thumbtack out of our bodies.

Me: Io, my love, you won us that match. I love you so much.

Io: I love you too, Finley. I hope when we get out of here we can a "celebration"?

Me: I think I know what you mean.

We kissed so passionately that everyone awww'd at us.

Me: The ring! Rhea destroyed your engagement ring. Oh God.

But I couldn't believe what she was holding in her hand. She was holding the REAL ring!

Me: Is that? Can it be?!

Io: It is.

Me: Then, if that's the real one, then was that-

Io: It was a fake.

Me: Huh?

Io: A fake engagement ring. I wore it to make it sound like it was a real one, but it wasn't.

Me: You genius!

I kissed her head and side hugged her until we were discharged.

When we got home, it was all good. We took it easy since we have minor burns and some cuts from the Deathmatch.

We started making out in the bedroom before she revealed her body to me.

As you can probably guess, I fucked her goddamn brains out......for 12 seconds.

Io: Did you come?

Me: Yeah, did you?

Io: No.

Me: Then I think I got enough left in the tank to have you come. Let me try to get hard again.

Once my friend was hard enough after a few seconds, I went back to fucking her. It was the best sex I've had after a grueling match and easily the best matches I've ever been in my entire career.

Io was moaning non-stop and I loved it so much that I even when she came I kept going until I came again inside her.

We were exhausted and still sweating, but what do we care?

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now