The Bad Rabbit

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~With Finley~

Since Johnny's wife Candice LeRae has been injured by Teh Bàlor Club, I was thinking of a vignette that would be like a "Godfather" kind of vignette. JG liked the idea, same with Hunter to fuel our rivalry with Bàlor Club. We found an office that looked like in The Godfather, and Io replaced the cat while Kevin was in a chair offscreen.

The camera was recording and JG was in a suit with a straight face.

KG: I believe in The Killjoy Gang. TKG has made my fortune and I taught my wife to honor The Killjoy Gang's way. She was talking to a friend, not British. I didn't protest. Candice tried to reason with Finn that the attack on me was totally justified. They tried to make her drink scotch, but she resisted. She kept herself clean. So they beat her, like a dog. Her neck was in a neck brace, her nose was broken, and Candice couldn't cry because of the pain. But, I cried. Why did I cry? Because, Candice was the light of my life. A great competitor. And now she'll never be able to wrestle again.

Johnny was fake crying and I didn't think his acting was brilliant. I signaled Kevin to put a shot of Captain Morgan in front of him and Johnny drank it.

JG: I, went to Hunter, like a good NXT Superstar. And in the NXT Courtroom, he gave Finn Bàlor and his goons a two week suspension and he suspended the suspension. Suspended the suspension. They went free that very time! I was looked at like an idiot! I then told Candice, while she was asleep, "For justice, we most go to Finley Flanigan."

I looked at him while the camera slowly zoomed out like in The Godfather movie and I said my line. I got Marlon Brando-esque and said this:

Me: Why'd you go to Hunter? Why didn't you come to me first?

JG: What do you want me from me? Please do what I beg you to do.

Me: Johnny Wrestling.

I signaled him to come whisper in my ear what he wanted me to say.

JG(whispering): I want them beaten.

He went back to his seat, but he was standing up.

Me: That I cannot do.

Io was seen on my lap, wrapping her arms around me and flirting with me.

JG: I will do anything you ask.

Me: This is the first time you came to me for counsel and for help. And when you came here to pay us to do beatings, for money. But I don't know when was the last time you bought us a cup of coffee. I even gave you the blessing to join The Killjoy Gang because you needed a change.

JG: I didn't want to get into trouble.

Me: I understand. You come to Orlando in the United States of Dickheads to be signed to NXT and you're on your way to stardom. But let's be frank here, Johnny. You never wanted my friendship. You don't offer to be my friend. You didn't even think to call me "Bad Rabbit." Instead, you come into my house two days before Io and I's to be married and you ask me to physically beat Bàlor Club, for money.

JG: I'm asking you for justice.

I'm shaking my head.

Me: That's not justice, your wife is still breathing.

JG: Make them suffer then, like she suffered. How much should I pay you?

I grabbed Io off of my lap and had her sit in my chair as I looked out my window.

Me: Johnny Wrestling. Johnny Wrestling. What did I do to have you treat me so disrespectfully? Since we're at war with Bàlor Club and you want us to beat him for you, then you'll be marked as their enemies, and they'll become my enemies. And then, they will fear you.

JG: Be my friend?

I acted to make it look like I'm dismissing his request until he said...

JG: "Bad Rabbit"?

He then took my hand and kneeled down in tears.

Me: Good.

I helped him up, put my arm around him and walked him to the door.

Me: Someday, while that day will never come, I will ask you to do a favor for me, but until that day, take this gift of justice two days before Io and I's wedding day.

JG: Thank you, Bad Rabbit.

Me: You're welcome Gargano.

He walked out as Kevin walked up to me as I scratched my head to give the job to Ridge and Danny.

Me: Uh, give this to, uh, Daniel and Ridge. I will join them to beat down Bàlor Club. Know this, Kevin, we're not violent people, but if we have to resort to violence, then so be it.

The cameras were off and we were laughing so hard that we were about to have a heart attack!

Io: This is probably the best vignette ever done, Finley! You're a genius!

Me: I don't consider myself one, but I'll take it!

She kissed me again as the Killjoy Gang is about to set off a feud that could be Rivalry of The Year!

I'm gonna make Finn Bàlor an offer he can't refuse...


Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now