Let The Bodies Hit The Floor

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~With Finley; Wednesday~

Tonight will be a bloody chaotic mess as The Killjoy Gang's myself, Danny Burch, and Ridge Holland go against Johnny Gargano, Timothy Thatcher, and Cameron Grimes in a no DQ six man tornado tag team match.

I learned it was the main event so it was awesome to hear. And I brought in a little baggy of something that will help us win this match, but there's a chance it might turn against us: thumbtacks.

I suffered a ton of these little bastards in Ring of Honor with Kevin and in PROGRESS Wrestling and they hurt like hell. When Io and I arrived, we went to catering to show Danny and Ridge what we brought to the fight, but we had to hide it from Moe, Larry, and Curly (Johnny, Cameron, and Timothy).

Danny: What'd you got in there?

Me: A little secret weapon that I call thumbtacks.

Ridge: THUMBTACKS?! Are you mad?!

Me: Shh. Don't tell Johnny boy because this is a little present for his back, but they might turn on us, so don't be surprised if we get a taste of our own medicine.

Ridge: Alright, lad. We'll trust you.

Danny: I will too.

Me: Good, Io, I want you to come with me to the ring in case Candice tries to stop me from revealing the thumbtacks. Got it?

Io: Oh I will. Candice won't know what hit them.

We kiss and we stayed in catering until it was time for our match.

~9:33 PM~

We walked out with the baseball bats I bought the day before and I brought the bag of thumbtacks with me. We did our signature hand twist as Io was holding my hand as gave her a peck on her lips as we walked down all smiles.

Then, Johnny, Cameron, and Tim came out with steel chairs and we took the fight to them as Io stood back. I landed the bat on JG's ribs and then his back as I laughed my ass off while taking my coat off.

At one point, we were in control until JG started fighting back. I used my advantage to use my baseball bat by swinging onto his back over and over again until it broke. I was out of weapon, but I still had a table to set up with his name on it.

Danny and Ridge were going for a double powerbomb until I stepped in and helped them lift Thatcher off the apron, and onto the concrete floor.

As I went back to JG, he started fighting back again and he was going for a flying forearm, but I swatted it like a fly and gave him a Snap German Suplex onto a chair on the floor.

I wanted to save the thumbtacks until JG was in the ring with me. So I threw him back into the ring and asked Io to grab the bag with thumbtacks. She grabbed it and gave it to me before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I opened the bag and they went falling in a pile, shocking everyone at Full Sail, knowing that this was not what they were expecting. I then went for JG by kicking him in the gut and looked for a Luck Bomb, but he countered with a Hurricarana on me. He covered me, but I kicked out at 2.99999.

He brought me up and was going for a DDT, but I stopped him, carried him up, and threw him where the thumbtacks were, but I somehow missed. I was so furious, that I had Danny and Ridge help me by lifting JG up and ready to slam onto the tacks, but he countered by doing a superkick party to Danny, Ridge, even me.

At one point I was gonna try again to give him a Luck Bomb, but he took a chair and threw it at my face, and was going to do a traditional powerbomb on me. At least I thought I was going to land somewhere not near the thumbtacks, but I was wrong, I landed my BACK on them instead!

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