New Champions?

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~With Finley; Wednesday~

Since last week with Io being pushed down by Karl, Johnny's dealing with as I challenge for the NXT Championship, but that's not the only title match tonight: Ridge Holland finally has a chance at an NXT Title. He challenged Damian Priest for the NXT North American Title and while my match is the second match, close to the main event.

I got my thumbtacks in a black bag and when we came over to Johnny and Candice, they already knew what was in it.

Candice: Thumbtacks, huh?

Me: Yes ma'am. Since Finn made Karl shove my love here, it would be a perfect opportunity to use these little fuckers on him.

JG: Then I hope you kick his ass.

Me: I plan to and tonight's for Io.

Io was touched by all of that and actually hugged and laid her head on my shoulder with a purr. That was adorable and I kissed her head.

Candice: We'll let you two be alone.

Me: Thanks. And one more thing, if it doesn't bother you?

JG: Sure, what's up?

Me: How would you two like to be mercenaries in The Killjoy Gang?

They were shocked and wanted to say yes, but they held in their answer.

JG: As much as we appreciate you asking, we'll have to think about that. We have our own storyline going, but we will think it through and give you our answer later on.

Me: I appreciate your honesty. Now let's go, we have a couple matches tonight so let's kick all the arses.

We laughed and got ready for matches. I got my Jack The Ripper inspired gear back as Io did the eye makeup for me. Later on, Kevin, Ridge, and Danny walked in to see me in my outfit.

Kevin: I love it: Jack The Ripper with a baseball bat.

Me: You probably already know what I used this for.

Kevin: Championship or ppv matches.

Me: That's correct.

Io: The makeup's done, Finley.

Me: Thank you, Io.

I kissed her special lips and went in the mirror to see that the makeup is brilliant.

Me: Io, you always outdo yourself, figuratively and literally.

She hugged me as she put my top hat on as I put my coat on.

Io: I want you not getting hurt with those thumbtacks. You understand me, Fin?

Me: I understand, lass.

We kiss one more time as she was about to put in a sexy black dress for my match. I had Kevin and the lads walk out as she changed.

Since we live together and we see each other naked, it hasn't been a problem for me, but my word, this dress is so hot that I actually felt my friend below stick up.

Since we live together and we see each other naked, it hasn't been a problem for me, but my word, this dress is so hot that I actually felt my friend below stick up

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