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~With Finley~

Johnny just blew our chance to defend our NXT Titles in London, MY BIRTHPLACE! I was so pissed and upset that I went to my locker room and started packing my stuff.

Io: Finley, stop.

Me: Did you see what just happened out there, Io? Johnny fucking Gargano took away my chance to have my parents see their son compete for the first time!

Io was tearing up and was angry at Johnny. She then went out of the room to find him.

~With Io~

I was looking for Gargano. He costed my man's chance to perform in his own hometown of London, and I want to beat his ass.

?????: I don't know what it is you're trying to do, but you just costed Finley's match in London!

I walked into Kevin's locker room to find Johnny.

Me: Where is he?

I looked at the other side and there he was, Johnny "Jerkoff" Gargano.

JG: Look, I wasn't trying to injure Finn.

Me: Bullshit. You costed a match that was personal to Finley. You don't think to apologize?!!

JG: It's not my fault Finn Bàlor's a piece of shit.

I punched Johnny in the nose, and threw him out of the door. And I kept punching him as he crawled away. I put up a chair and swung it into his face before he landed on his back. I landed on top of him and I hit him two times before being caught a third time by my fiancé from behind.

Finley: Io, stop it right now!

I looked at him before he looked at me.

Finley: He's already suspended!

I got up and glared at Finley.

Me: Suspension's not enough for this asshole.

I walked away and packed my things before heading to the car.

Finley: IO SHIRAI!

I looked back to see my man glaring at me.


I couldn't go to the car so I had to go to him.

Finley: Why would you beat up Johnny when he just got me and him suspended?

Me: He costed you your match in London! His rage is taking over his mind.

Finley: I can agree with you on one thing, Finn got what he deserved, but Johnny didn't have to go too far.

Me: So, what are we gonna do now?

Finley: We can get married during this suspension.

Me: How will we?

Finley: I'm gonna talk to Hunter to see if he'll allow us to get married in England. We'll go with NXT to promote the brand, but we won't compete. Just you and me, my parents, and nobody else, not one Johnny Gargano and The Killjoy Gang. Kevin can come too, but we have to be careful for what we're doing.

Me: What about Johnny?

Finley: He'll stay here in Orlando while we get married in England. You go on ahead to the car, I'll let Hunter know about the plan.

Me: Okay.

Before I walked to the car, Fin stopped me.

Finley: One more thing, next time something happens to me, I don't want you getting involved, especially if it's a suspension. Capeesh?

Me: Capeesh.

Finley: I'll be right back.

He kissed my cheek and went to find Hunter.

~With Finley~

After calming Io down, I had to find Hunter about Io and I having our wedding in London while Takeover was going on.

Me: Hunter?

Hunter: What Finley? Aren't you suspended?

Me: I am but hear me out.

Hunter: I have a meeting in a couple minutes. Make it quick.

Me: Io and I want to get married in London while Takeover is still on. Can we do that?

He seemed frustrated about this, but I can tell he was going to give me direct "no".

Hunter: A day before Takeover. Since your suspension is starting now, I'll let the the wedding get out of the way for you. You and Io can come with us to promote Takeover, but you can't compete since you're suspended.

Me: I understand Hunter. Thank-you.

Hunter: Listen, I know it wasn't your fault for having Johnny try to end Finn's career, but you know I had to suspend you two because one, you allowed it, and two, he doesn't know how to control his anger. Candice is in the hospital because of Bàlor Club. I will admit, that's not good, but it shouldn't go to this extreme. I'll let you know when the suspension is over, but right now, I need you to hand over your NXT Title.

He had to make me give up the NXT Championship?! Are you fucking serious?!

Hunter: You don't wanna get fired now, do you?

I had no choice. I had to give up my title to prove that my suspension was for real. I was in tears about to cry.

Hunter: Now I gotta turn my back on you for now.

I walked away to the car in tears. Fantastic, not only did Johnny cost me my match in London, but I had to relinquish my Championship because I'm suspended! I have to kick him out of The Killjoy Gang once I'm cleared from suspension!

We drove all the way home and I was not wanting to go to London to get married with Io. I wanted to stay in Orlando and just stay in my bed.

~With Io~

He now doesn't want to go to London to get married?! Johnny doesn't deserve to be in TKG anymore! This is all Johnny's fault! He caused all of this!

I don't blame Finley for not wanting to go to London to get married, but we have to at some point. We can't stay engaged forever!

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें