Evil Ways

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~With Finley~

A couple days after my informal introduction to Io's ex, we have to come up with a name for our team. Our gear arrived and we can't wait to compete for Stardom. Not only is this Io's first time in Stardom in 3 years, it's my first time competing in Japan, so I gotta make a first impression if I plan on competing here in the future.

When we woke up for today's match, Kaori and her husband were cooking breakfast for us. When we went into the living room, I was feeling a little nervous about our mixed tag match with Io's ex and Bea. My fixer spent the night with us as I walked into the living room.

Kaori: (Speaking Japanese)

Fixer: Are you okay, Finley?

Me: A bit nervous about tonight.

Fixer: (A bit nervous about tonight.)

Kaori seemed bad for me until Io woke up and dressed.

Kaori: (Speaking Japanese)

Fixer: I know how hard it is to know that Evil was trying to ruin our emotional announcement, but don't worry, Finley. My husband and I will be at ringside for your match.

Me: I appreciate it. Arigato.

Fixer: (I appreciate it. Thank you.)

She served Io and I our breakfast and when I took a bite, it was so delicious.

Me: My God, this is so amazing!

Fixer: (My God, this is so amazing!)

Kaori: Arigato Finley-san.

~With Io~

Kaori is just adorable to talk to and I can't believe my fiancé and my best friend are getting along really well!

Me: (So, Kaori, what do you want to do as a group before our match?)

Kaori: (I'm hoping to actually write a book about my career in wrestling from start to my pregnancy announcement two nights ago. But today, I want be with my best friend and my new best friend!)

My heart is warmed up by that and we did go out when we were done eating breakfast. We took Finley to the Tokyo arcade and helped him understand our culture. In one part of the city, we took him to a restaurant where it closely resembled an American Diner from the 1950's!

We ate there for lunch as we had a show in Yokohama, where we will be facing Evil and Bea against Finley and I. I paid for our meals before we went up there to get ready for the show.

~With Finley; 6:45 PM~

15 minutes until showtime and I learned that we're first on the card as Kaori was sitting in the front row.

Me: What's our team name, Io?

Io: The "It" Duo.

Me: Ooh, I like it.

Io: I knew you would.

She kissed me as we're about to head on out to the ring.

~7:00 PM~

Evil and Priestly we're out first waiting for us as we're about to come out. Our music played and we entered like Miz and Maryse in 2016.

Before we stepped inside, we hugged Kaori as I look to dedicate this match to her since she stepped down and retired because she's having a baby.

The bell rang and I let Io and Priestly go first. They were grappling with each other and Io did a headlock on Bea. That was when they ran the ropes and started going back and forth to the ropes and a shoulder tackle.

Bea was scared of Io and tagged in Evil. Io tagged me in and we got each other's faces. I've never met this douchebag before, I have no idea what to expect, but tonight is for Kaori as Evil and I traded blows until I tried hitting him with a Luck Run's Out, but Evil countered by pushing me to the ropes and trying to perform a powerslam, but I reversed it into the Feel The Joy hurricarana. I tried pinning him, but he kicked out at two.

He then speared me and went for raining punches, but I got out of there and before I could take a breather, Bea threw me into the pole and I fell with my hand holding my head, but I didn't bleed.

Evil was looking at Kaori with a smirk, got out of the ring, and got in her face. What Kaori was about to do, it was about to become a talked about moment for years to come.

She was pissed at Evil for hurting me, and do you know what she did? Kaori Hosako, formerly known as Kairi Hojo in Stardom Wrestling, and Kairi Sane in WWE, gave Evil the middle finger!

I looked at Io who was laughing at the entire thing as I took advantage and hit him from behind and threw him back into the ring. I fist bumped Kaori as I went into the ring and continued the match.

We still traded blows and went for a Luck Bomb, but he connected me with a powerslam, tagged in Bea, who did a mockery out of Kaori by doing her famous InSane Elbow! She covered me and I kicked out at 2.5!

That was close!

Bea was going to end me, but I countered while not hurting her, tagging in my fiancée and she went wild on Evil and Bea! She was raining punches on Bea, gave Evil a punch, knocking him down, and did the Only The Joyful Falcon Arrow, but Bea kicked out at two and three quarters!

She decided to try again but Bea tagged in Evil to do something that would make me go irate! He then had Io on his shoulder, and did a Running Powerslam on her!

Kaori was angry and I was so pissed that I ran in, and beaten Evil to a pulp. I didn't care if I was gonna get disqualified for running in while not being the legal person. He just pissed me off and, I hated to do this, but I gave a Luck Runs Out to Bea, a Luck Bomb to Evil and was going to put him in Total Humiliation, but I had a better idea.

I set Evil up close to the corner, still laying there, unconscious, and I went up to the top rope. I did a pirate salute to Kaori, showing my respect and I looked at her in the crowd, she was nodding that I have the blessing to do her move onto Evil. I connected with her patented InSane Elbow, and covered Evil for the win!

Everyone, including Io were happy that we won, and Kaori came in and hugged both of us. It was a good night and a good match, but we have to return to Orlando.

~With Io; Morning~

Kaori and her husband drove us to the airport and that was when we had to say goodbye. The fixer wasn't interested in translating for Finley after what happened last night in our match, so I had to talk for him.

Kaori: (Io, I'll miss you.)

Me: (I'll miss you too, Kaori. We'll come back. You know how to warm people's hearts, including my fiancé and I.)

We hugged in tears as Finley was talking to Kaori's husband.

Husband: (Speaking Japanese)

Me: He said thank you for your time here in Japan and he hopes to see you again.

Finley: Thank you again, for having Io and I staying at your place. And I hope the baby turns out beautiful.

I translated for Finley, and when I told the husband that, he was touched and hugged Finley.

~With Finley~

After the hug, he said something that Io would be shook up about.

Io: He and Kaori has talked it over and that want us to be the godparents of their child.

I was floored! Kaori and her husband are so nice and humbled, how can I not say "no" to it!

Me: We would be honored to be the godparents.

We hugged again and said our goodbyes as our plane was about to leave.

When we got onto our plane, we know that in a couple days, we have to face the wrath of one man: Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

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