Draped In Gold Part 2

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~With Io; Wednesday~

Since I captured the NXT Women's Championship from Rhea, I felt there was a target on my back, thanks to Finley, but I don't care. This is for The Killjoy Gang and we are on a mission to drape ourselves in NXT Championship gold.

The match that went first was Finley and Ridge taking on Imperium for the NXT Tag Team Titles. They challenged Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel to a match which the champs accepted, and tonight, we're going to have them win.

~Imperum v Finley Flanigan and Ridge Holland~

As they come out to do their signature entrance, we came out and mocked them to try and get them inside their heads. It worked as they started a brawl on the inside and the outside as the match started.

~End of Match; finish~

As Imperium we're going to finish my boyfriend, I distracted Fabian with a flirt, showing my legs with a seductive smile and hair wave. That distracted them long enough to have Finley perform the Luck Runs Out finisher and pin him Marcel for the win.

We celebrated and went up the ramp to be ambushed by Gallows, Anderson, and Bàlor. I fell to the ground as I was almost seeing my bf get hurt by Bàlor, but JOHNNY GARGANO of all people came in with a steel chair, attacking Finn and his group as Candice came to check on me.

Candice: Can you stand, Io?

Me: I can get up, no thanks to you.

Candice: We want time apologize for being total jerks. Io, trust me. We want to right our wrongs.

Somehow, I got the feeling that she was telling the truth. I grabbed her hand, got helped up and she hugged me with a tear in her eye. And I look back, Johnny was doing the same thing. I had to return the hug back because I didn't know what to do.

We went through the back, and Johnny was smiling at me and hugged me as well.

Johnny: Io, Finley, do you forgive us?

I was looking at Finley as he was looking at me.

Finley: We forgive you guys. So, how would it be to join us in the future?

They were ecstatic about that, but I wasn't.

Johnny: We'll have to think about that Fin. Since Takeover: WarGames, we've been feeling so bad for putting you through that pain. Can you at least give Candice and I another chance?

It was hard to take in, but I was surprised at what Finley said.

Finley: I'm giving you another chance, but if it happens again, we're done for real. Got it?

Johnny: I promise, you won't regret it.

He shook his hand and bro hugged Finley as Candice hugged me again. I gave a hug to Johnny as Finley gave a hug to Candice. It was awesome to know that we have our friends back and they were going to be by our side when we need them.

~With Finley; Next Wednesday: NXT Championship~

Finn Bàlor is not going to retain the title because of Io outside the ring with me and I told the lads to stay in the back because I wanted Io to help me win the title.

As I tried to take down Bàlor, Gallows tried to distract me, but Io hit him in the balls and sent him to the floor in pain. Karl wanted to confront her for doing that to Luke, but she had another thing in mind.

Karl: Who do you think you are, you stupid Japanese bitch!

Io: (speaking angrily in Japanese)

Io slapped Karl in the face and what he did pissed me the fuck off. Karl shoved her to the ground and that made me go mad as she was in tears! I grabbed a chair at ringside and attacked him with it. I didn't care if I get counted out or disqualified because Io mattered to me the most.

I slammed his back with it over and over again until it dented and Io tried to stop me and make me go back into the ring to break the 10 count, but I didn't care. The 10 count finished and the match was thrown out. I may have wasted my opportunity to become double champion, but my love is first before me, so I had to sacrifice the match for her!

Regal: That's it! If you can't handle distractions from people, then we must do this in a fair way: A STEEL CAGE MATCH! And the NXT Title will be on the line!

That made me happy as Io hugged me to the brink of tears for the shove that Anderson had given her. I hugged her back to calm her down as we went to the back to see Johnny confronting Karl.


Karl: What?

JG: Why would you put your hands on a girl! You can't do that!

Karl: How about Io put her hands on me? YEAH! THAT'S RIGHT! I SAID IT!

Regal: That's enough! You two like to fight, eh? How about you two go one on one next week!

That made him happy as Johnny went up to Io to see if she's doing okay.

JG: You okay, Io?

Io: I'm fine, thanks for asking.

JG: I don't know what made Karl shove you down, but I promise, I'll finish him.

Me: Good. Thank you mate. I got Finn Bàlor next week as well, but inside a steel cage for the title. I'm gonna be bringing in all the baseball bats, chairs, kendo sticks and a table for him.

Io: Finley?

Me: Yes, love?

She looked nervous but said this with fire in her eyes.

Io: Use those fucking thumbtacks. I'm giving you permission to use them one more time, but you better not land on them.

Me: I hope not.

We kissed as Johnny hugged Io and I as we went home.

And boy, is that match next week going to be painful!

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now