A REAL Day With A Genius

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~With Finley; Friday~

After some time alone, Io finally got over her breakup with Evil and now we can have a day to ourselves. I still felt terrible about her breakup, so I bought flowers as a way of cheering her up if Io's still upset.

I walked up to her door and knocked. She answered and was delighted at the flowers I got her.

Io: Finley! How sweet! Thank you!

She gave me a hug as I gave it back to her.

Me: I wanted to know how are you feeling since the breakup.

Io: Oh, I moved on now. Evil will always be a part of me, but, now I've moved on.

Me: That's good. You wanna have some lunch? My treat?

Io: Fin, you don't need to.

Finley: I don't need to, but I want to. Come on. Let's go.

Io: I'll come. Let's go!

She put the flowers down in her kitchen and Io strapped into her seatbelt, and we drove away.

I took Io to a bar where a lot of people hung out and my word, she was shocked at how packed it was. Since her breakup, I wanted to be a gentleman by having her choose whatever she wants to eat and drink. I didn't want to drink too much because I want to drive her home after spending time together.

Me: You know what you want to eat, Io?

Io: Your face.

I giggled and smiled at her.

Me: That's a good joke. Seriously. What are you gonna eat?

Io: Maybe some grilled wings with fries and a cocktail.

Me: Maybe I'll do the same, but with onion rings and a light beer.

The waiter came and took our orders. It was great to see that Io was in a good mood, despite suffering a breakup last week.

Me: How are you this lighthearted all of a sudden?

Io: Because, Fin, I want you.

What did she say?

Me: What?

Io: I said I want you. You're adorable.

I blushed at that comment. It was a little weird to say that from The Genius of The Sky, but it felt right?

Io: Finley, can I say something to you?

Me: You can.

Io: When you came to NXT, I actually started having feelings for you. I know it's a bit early, but I just wanted to put it out there and get it out of the way. I hope you understand me, Fin.

I... I didn't know what to say. I have a bit of feelings for her, but I don't know when I should say them.

Me: Io.

I held her hand to let her know about what I think, and she blushed red.

Me: I do have feelings, but I just don't know if I can express them.

Io: Let me help you.

She then pulled me in for a kiss.

I don't know what to feel: love or embarrassment. But I melted into it and there goes my way of staying single.


Great Kazoo, shut up!

GK: Take it from me! You couldn't last a single day without thinking of her!


In my mind, I grabbed his neck and started choking him until he passed out. On the outside, I was loving the touch of her lips. When we released, we needed some air.

Io: That was, good.

Me: You thinks so?

Io: Yeah. So, Finley Flanigan, will you be my boyfriend?

I think this lass is out of her fucking mind. I mean, she just went through a breakup and now Io wants to get with me? I don't see why not, only if she doesn't want to. I'm not forcing her if she doesn't want to.

Me: Yes. In return, will you be my girlfriend?

~With Io~

He said it! He actually said it!

Me: Hai!

I smashed my lips on to his and I loved his touch. I wrapped my tongue around his and he did as well.

Me: That was fantastic!

Finley: How about we eat first, and then, we go back to your place for the second round?

Me: Sounds good to me.

We ate as well and we had a great time. And I can't really wait for round 2.

When he paid our meal, Fin drove us to my house and we started making out in the bedroom.

Then, he took his clothes off and started nibbling on my neck. I moaned in extreme pleasure. I loved it, every bit of it as I kissed his lips while wrapping his tongue around mine.

I ripped off my clothes too as we start to make our love official.

~45 Minutes Later~

We were lying on my bed and breathing so hard, I haven't had this best sec in a long time

Me: Wow. That was amazing. You're amazing, Fin.

Finley: Yes, I try to be in everything I do.

I giggled at that compliment. It was near afternoon and I decided to rent movie with me and him.

I want to take a selfie with him, but we're naked and we should be clothed when we do that.

~With Finley~

God. She knows her stuff. And that tongue she has is really sexy. I love her.

Me: Io. I love you.

She looked surprised at what I said. I meant it. She kissed me again and we we made out for 10 long minutes before pulling away to breathe.

Io: Now that we've expressed our love, want to make it public?

Me: I don't think so for the time being. Don't you think it would be a big "fuck you" to your ex-fiancé?

Io: You have a point there, but I want to. I want you.

She kissed my cheek and cuddled with me.

After a bit, we got back into our clothes and we sat on the couch watching a movie. It was Japanese horror film and she looked pretty cute when she was scared.

After the movie it was time for me to go. As I was walking out, Io grabbed my arm and pulled me into another passionate kiss. I loved it a lot.

Io: See you later, my Bad Rabbit.

Me: Goodbye, my lass.

She blushed as I went in my car and drove away, waving and smiling.

Is Io good at what she does or what?

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now