All Out War

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~With Finley~

Since our we did the "Godfather" type vignette, it was probably great to do something different and funny like that. We showed Hunter the vignette and he was laughing throughout the whole thing. He loved every bit of it.

At the Performance Center, I asked the editing team to dk a "Godfather" type of introduction since it was a parody of the opening in that movie and we wanted to do something brilliant with it. They did as the team did the movie's theme song, then, they put in "The Killjoy Gang presents" and at the high pitch of the song, it put, "The Bad Rabbit" as the title.

I was laughing so hard with my mates as they were too. Io was laughing the most after the vignette ended. It was what we wanted and we had to show it at NXT.

And the fact about putting the "two days before we got married" part? We moved it to TWO MONTHS instead to troll the fans into coming.

After the video played, we were out in the ring and I wanted Finn and his boyfriends to come out and face Johnny, Danny, and Ridge. They did after a minute.

Finn: Mate. Calm down. We didn't hurt Candice too bad. We just gave her a little punch in the face that's all.

That pissed JG off as he spoke into it.

JG: Don't even think about mentioning her again! If you even try again, don't worry, Finn, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just gonna bash your brains in!

That got a huge pop from the crowd. I was not expecting to see this side of Johnny Wrestling!

Finn: Really? You wanna bash my brains in? Well that's not happening! Karl, what do you gotta say to Io?

Karl was about to say something that was so racist that I might go back to England again to clear my head.

(A/N: This is even worse than Raj putting his head in the freezer!)

Karl: I want to apologize to you Finley for nothing! It felt good putting my hands on your fiancée! And you want me to congratulate you on your engagement? Well that's not happening, because I don't greatly admire Japanese women like your fiancée, Fin. They have no figures to talk about, and they look as if a wasp stung them in the eye!

Io was so pissed off at Karl for saying that as I was too. She walked up to him with an angry face and slapped him so hard that it had a red implant on Anderson's face! He deserved every bit of that slap as I'm about to say something that owned the entire Bàlor Club.

Me: Mates, the only best time you ever light up the room is when you leave! And you better start right now!

Finn was nodding with a smile.

Finn: Alright. You want us to leave? Okay, Finley, Io. May your sex life be as good as your credit!

He laughed and Io and I lost it! We were beating their asses as Johnny joined in and took them down with us! Io gave her signature Moonsault as I gave Finn the Joy Kill piledriver, and Gargano did his own version of the Snap DDT through the ropes!

That was brilliant as we stood tall.

In the back, we packed up and went home. Before we did, I personally asked Finn and Johnny to come over tomorrow, and my word, will Johnny ever surprise the hell out of me with his aggression.


Io cooked lunch as Johnny and I waited for Finn. He arrived as Finn walked over to the couch as I put some lunch on my plate.

JG: So, Finn. How's it going man?

Finn: It's all good, lad.

JG: Yeah, well, here's the thing. I think you owe me an apology.

Finn was smiling in denial.

Finn: What? What is this crap?

JG: Here's what I mean, I think you don't understand what it is that I do. Maybe I'll get up nice and early tomorrow morning, get a coffee at Starbucks, head over to your house and, if you don't give me an apology for putting Candice in a coma, I'm gonna split your fucking head wide open.

What the actual fuck? Did he just say what I think he said? Finn was scared at what Johnny just said.

JG: Yeah, that's what's going to happen if you don't give me my apology. And when you're in the hospital and you wake up, I'm gonna be right there waiting for you. Why? 'Cause I don't have a brain. I don't give a shit about suspension. Let's be clear here. I know what your game is: you screw people over and get away with it.

Finn: I don't need this.

Finn was about to get up, but Johnny sat him back down ima violent way.

JG: Hey! You Irish prick! You put my fucking wife in a coma? How about you come up with an apology before I put your fucking brain in a coma!

I was shocked at this side of Gargano. I didn't think he'd have huge balls of steel to do something like this!

JG: You're out of here for now, and you better use your time wisely to give me a reason to make me not kill you, but come up with a way to apologize for hurting my wife and her potentially be dead!

Finn left the house as I can guarantee you, by the look of Johnny and his actions, they're not forced or any way you see it. That was raw emotion and why can't we do that in modern day WWE? I've been that way as a kid and on toughness on a scale of 1 to 5 I rate it a 5. Extremely tough, the only thing missing is that Johnny should've at least slapped Finn around, at least hit him once or twice like I could've done as a kid.

He was about to leave as well and he wanted to eat. He ate, but he took the lunch to go and left. I couldn't blame him for leaving that upset.

Io: You want me to bring him back, Finley?

Me: No, leave him alone. Johnny's upset, let him be. I'll give him some time to have him vent and let it all out.

And I did. Turns out, not after an hour after the confrontation, Finn apologized for putting Candice in hospital and now we still have to deal with him when it comes to my NXT Championship.

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now