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~With Finley~

I told Johnny to meet me at my house as I wanted to see him about what just happened. I called Hunter about my decision about getting married to Io in London. He was alright with it as Johnny arrived at the house.

JG: Why the fuck would you make me meet you here?!

Me: Because I want you to! And I wanna talk to you about this shit that's been hitting the fan!

JG: Ever since you had me join this group, you've been nothing but shit to me!

Me: Really?! How have I been shit to you?! I wanted you to join just so you can no longer be betrayed by people!

JG: People shmeople! It's all what this world is about! People with greed and they don't want anything else but what's best for themselves and you're one of them! You're full of shit!

Me: I'm not one of them! Io's gone for Takeover: London and all I have to deal with is you of all fucking people! You know what? Candice going in the hospital was probably a good thing because maybe that'll open your eyes to show you how much of a jerkoff you really are right now!

JG: Listen you English fucking cocksucker you! I've done what I could to be a great part of your group, and you mention my wife being in a coma?! You have no idea how much anger I have towards Finn and now you!

Me: Anger towards me?! Focus your fucking anger on Fergal instead of me! Here's something that you probably don't know, I got relinquished of my NXT Championship because of what you pulled last night! I'm no longer the champion because of your stupid actions! I gave you another chance to be friends but at this point, I can't trust you!

JG: Fine! Because right now, I don't fucking care about who wins your title because I'm going after whoever wins your fucking title!

I folded my arms in annoyance and I had to say this.

Me: Johnny, you better listen to what I say, because this is coming from the heart. Jonathan Gargano, you're not the heart of NXT, you're not the soul of NXT, you're not even a winner or a loser. You're just a short, selfish, arrogant donkey!

JG: You calling me a donkey? I'll shove that word down your throat!

He swung but I had to take him down with with a tackle through the glass coffee table to prevent him from attacking me. I didn't want to call the cops because this was between me and him and wanna knock some sense into him!

He got up and wanted to fight, but I threw him out of my house before he could try to hurt me. He was out of it after a while, so I brought him into my house, cleaned up his wounds, laid him on my couch, and left to buy a new coffee table, but this time a wooden one.

Before leaving, I cleaned up the broken glass and rug and double checked before ordering a new coffee table.

~Two Hours Later~

The coffee table was brought in and set up in the middle of the living room. Johnny was coming to and I was having a glass of whiskey on the rocks, and he was looking at me with a look of death.

JG: What happened to me?

Me: I put you through my other coffee table and that seemed to stop you from attacking me again. I have to kick you out of TKG, Johnny lad. You were blinded by rage that I had no choice. I'm sorry, lad. You're out.

He was about to cry so I made him a glass as well.

JG: I'm sorry I costed you your match in London.

Me: I forgive you, but I still can't have you in my group. We can still be friends, but you can't join.

JG: I understand. Can I come over here and watch Takeover: London with you? We can do a guy's night, have some pizza or something?

Me: We can do that. I also wanna apologize for mentioning Candice. I just wanted you to know what you were becoming.

JG: Well, that fires me up and you were right.

Me: Yeah. I suggest that you go home and I'll see you Saturday.

JG: Sounds good.

We bro hugged and he left the house. I wanted Johnny to go to London and confront Finn, but there was a certain former rival that I want to confront Finn instead.

I dialed his number and, surprisingly, he picked up.

?????: Hello?

Me: Bro, it's Finley. I want you to do me a favor.

I told him the situation and I wanted him to confront Finn after his Main Event match at Takeover.

?????: No problem, mate. After that, you owe me a favor.

Me: I do. Create some havoc while you're there.

?????: Oh I will, mate. I will.

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant