A New Entrance Song and Weapons

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~With Io~

So far, going into a Deathmatch in New York is really terrifying, but it's to take back our titles and teach Bàlor Club a lesson. This will probably get awarded "Match Of The Year" and "Rivalry of The Year", simply because we're awesome.

We were called to the Performance Center to meet with Scalxrd, a British rapper.

Me: Hello, Scalxrd.

Scalxrd: Miss Io.

He kissed my hand as I had a bit of red on my cheeks.

Scalxrd: Finley, good to see you again.

Finley: Likewise. So you had a new theme song for me, correct?

Scalxrd: Yes sir. Let's bring you to the studio to show you what I came up with.

He brought us to the studio and the first thing we picked up was a very hard beat, more than our current theme song.

Scalxrd: So, what do you think, Finley, Io?

Finley: I gotta say, this definitely fits me more than "Bad Rabbit". It's funny, I do whatever I want in the ring and when it comes to how I fight, the song fits perfectly.

Me: I like it too. Let's use it.

Finley: Let me see if Jimmy Havoc would like it, even though he's more into hard rock music than rap.

Scalxrd: Let's hope he makes this song an exception!

~With Finley~

I texted Jimmy if he was interested in coming by the Performance Center to check out our new song. And since there's a bit of rock in it, he just might make the song an exception.

Jimmy: What's the song here, mates?

Me: It's called "I Can Dx What I Want" and it's by this man, Scalxrd.

Scalxrd: What's up, man?

They did a bro shake as he put on the headphones and when we pushed play, he was headbanging to it!

Jimmy: This song's really cool! Not doubt about it!

Me: So would you listen to it on your phone from time to time? What's your critique about it?

Jimmy: I'm more into hard punk rock, but this song I will definitely make it an exception because it has a hard rock vibe to it while it has rap. It definitely sounds quite nice.

A "quite nice" is rare to hear from Jimmy, and when it comes to weapons in Deathmatches, you definitely need to stay away from them, and he will introduce some weapons to us later on.

After getting the okay from Hunter to use the song and the Deathmatch, Jimmy came up with weapons that would fit our needs.

We went to his new house in Orlando and when we drove up, it was gorgeous.

It was out in the middle of nowhere near society, where Jimmy can do all the scary vignettes he wants

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It was out in the middle of nowhere near society, where Jimmy can do all the scary vignettes he wants.

Jimmy: How you like the place?

Me: Really quiet Jimmy.

Io: Beautiful here.

Jimmy: Thank you. Thanks to some of the money I retained from AEW and signing with NXT, I used that money to buy this piece of land.

Me: Wow. So you said you have some weapons for the Deathmatch in New York, yes?

Jimmy: Yes. Let me bring you to them.

He brought us to a workshop that was so creepy, Io looked a bit scared about walking up to it, which was cute, really.

Jimmy: Don't worry, lass. It's perfectly safe here.

We walked in and showed us the weapons by the following(cue the parade music):

• Steel chairs
• Tables
• Staple guns
• Barbed wire baseball bats
• Barbed wire steel chairs
• Thumbtacks glued to baseball bats
• Thumbtacks glued to steel chairs
• Thin light tubes
• Thumbtacks glued to steel chairs while wrapped in barbed wire
• Thumbtacks glued to baseball bats while wrapped in barbed wire
• Kendo sticks wrapped in barbed wire
• Barbed wire glued to tables
• Cinderblocks
• Thumbtacks (separate)
• Tables with thumbtacks and barbed wire glued together

How did he get the money to demonize these weapons? I refuse to guess.

Seeing all of these weapons terrified my fiancée and she was worried about myself and her.

Jimmy: What do you think?

Me: I see us winning this fucking Deathmatch. How about we tell Hunter about this and we film this match here, so we can use all the toys we have at our disposal, and we can go wherever we want?

Jimmy: Sounds like a plan! You two go ahead and look around while I give Kevin and the lads a call.

Me: Alright, lad.

We walked around to see the view of Jimmy's land and house. It was peaceful and quiet until Io spoke up.

Io: Finley?

Me: Yes?

Io: I'm worried.

Me: Worried about what?

Io: About your being. I don't want you getting hurt.

Io was about to be in tears and I had to hug her and kiss her head.

Me: I know you'll be worried about us. I appreciate it. Hey. Look at me.

She looked at me as I continued.

Me: Do we have to resort to this? Yes, but don't forget, we're not only fighting to regain our Championships, we're fighting for each other.

Io then kissed me and we went in a full make out session by the pond until Jimmy interrupted us.

Jimmy: Hey! What's going on! You want a threesome or are you going to come up to get some lunch?

Me: God, Jimmy you motherfucker!

Io was disgusted, but she laughed.

Me: Let's go eat. Come on.

After we left Jimmy's to get something to eat, we had to call Kevin, Ridge, and Danny to be at Jimmy's in a week from Friday. That's when we start our vignette and our Deathmatch with Bàlor Club.

My God, will they be astonished by the weapons Jimmy has constructed!

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now